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  1. Hi Dmitry, Didn't want you to think I'd forgotten about this. Truth is that I've had to come back to proficiency with my Arduino stuff and that's been a project by itself. However, some progress has been made, with the ultimate goal of being able to replicate your work. So far, I've cobbled together a little TB6612 driver board with hookups for an external battery and 2 motors. This won't be used with the Mould King servo/L motor, but rather with a little 2-motor Lego hybrid tank that I'm using for testing. Separately, I have an HC06 BLE board and I need to decide if I'm going to bother with that, or just plug an old RC receiver into the Arduino and use that. It's a fun challenge for me, but I'm definitely working slowly through each piece of the puzzle.
  2. Thanks @oracid, that's very helpful. I'll start with an Uno, I think. I also have an old L298N 2-motor H bridge that I was going to try using first, but I did see this Adafruit mosfet motor shield that looks pretty slick. Need to check how much current the Lego motors draw to make sure the shield can handle it, but I suspect it's fine.
  3. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. I'll look into using PU motors, although I know nothing about that system at the moment. I will also have a look at this solution and see if it is a viable option. I have a couple extra Arduino boards laying around and I'm curious to see if I can make some of these PF clone motors work reasonably well.
  4. Hi LabManager, Thanks for the informative post with your research and for putting up a GitHub repo. I am VERY interested in the topic of your initial post, "proportional control of MK servo". Due to a severe character flaw, I happen to have a fair number of those MK 4.0 motors and I'd like to use them. I'm going to dig into your Github docs some more, but I think you've created the solution I'm looking for. Replace the controller brick with something else (Arduino based) that allows the existing MK motors to work better. I have an extra PS4 controller as well, and I love the idea of using it. Would you prefer that I continue this thread, or that I contact you via Github as I explore this option? Thanks again!
  5. Hi All, Getting back into Technic after a 25 year break. Much has changed and many sets have been released since then. I'm wondering if there is a true proportional servo option available now that is "Lego compatible"? I have dabbled in RC and have gear for that, but I'd like something that works with Lego style motors and connection/mounting methods So far, all Lego-style things I've seen are non-proportional servos, or references to old PF gear. My goal is to build a buggy around a power and steering set similar to the MK 4.0 electronics but I know that it is not a true proportional set. I would love to get alternative suggestions. Thanks.
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