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Eurobricks Vassals
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About AkumaMax

  • Birthday 08/05/1984

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    Schiller Park, IL
  • Interests
    Legos(duh), Video Games, Cars, Music


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  1. I can see your Dilemma. I now have an 8month old son and just recently got back into Legos. I'm looking to possibly purchase every Lego Sail ship out there. However I will be keeping them from my child until he grows older. This way he will be able to respect what they are and what value they hold. I still have plenty of other Legos that he can play with when the time comes. as of right now for his first Christmas I will be getting him some Very Large Duplo blocks to help tied him over till he can move onto the next stage. Will my son become a LEGO MANIAC like I once was. I hope someday.
  2. Yes I did unlock it. The only problem I have is that I am trying to build a ship that has all parts that can be bought from lego. I just hate that you can't purchase a boats hull from lego I hate that message telling me well if you add this you can not find out how much the ship will cost!
  3. Update: 11-11-11 Current list 4195 - Queen Ann's Revenge 4184 - Black Pearl 10210 - Imperial Flagship 6243 - Brickbeard's Bounty 6268 - Renegade Runner (Pieces coming soon to complete) I will say that so far the Brickbeard is the ship I dislike the most. More or less the mast and sail designs than anything.
  4. Sorry for the Vague title. I have been playing around in LDD for a little bit and have managed to come up with a very very large hull for a ship that I would like to create. I just find it very hard to find pieces for my ship that I would be able to purchase. What I am trying to do is make everything on my ship be able to get purchased(already at $86 for the hull base) Anyway. I was just wondering if anyone else has tried to do this with the same premise and if so did you succeed? I am working on a non purchaseable ship as well but think it would be more cool to build something brick for brick. It's just very frustrating that LDD is so limited!
  5. That is a nice fleet you got there.
  6. You know I see everyone having the flags the other way. But if you think about it if you are sailing the flags would be going the way I put them.
  7. Stock Vs. Stock I would say the only match for the Imperial Flagship would be the Black Seas Barracuda. It's built with maneuverability in mind as well as a close enough fire power.
  8. Well here you go. Sorry it is not better quality. My Nikon is at work. So my Dell Streak 5 Photo will have to do. Like stated before the Renegade runner will not by complete until mid November.
  9. UPDATE: Black Pearl - 4184 Queen Ann's Revenge - 4195 Imperial Flagship - 10210 Renegade Runner - 6286(Bought parts just waiting to get them will have completed by mid November) Next is the Vintage Imperial Flagship.
  10. Just Picked up the 10210 Imperial Flagship to add to my slowly growing Fleet.
  11. Boo! I can't watch it in the U.S. some stupid Copyright thing. Got any other way or watching it?
  12. Looks awesome. I don't care what it looks like or size but if Lego releases it that would be the cooliest thing ever!
  13. Nice I was thinking of doing something like this myself. For the complete set is going to $300+ in most cases. I have pieces of my old Renegade Runner that I am slowly piecing together with parts from bricklink.
  14. Slowly building up my Fleet. Black Pearl - 4184 Queen Ann's Revenge - 4195 Renegade Runner - 6286(Getting pieces to rebuild)
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