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Eurobricks Vassals
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About nikolyakov

  • Birthday 09/16/1981

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    Technic, trains, creator, model team, classic space
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  1. Thanks. Thanks! Yes, but different from the original one. Left and right pendular boogies. Also openable doors, hood, spare wheel steering as original model.
  2. Hi to all. 5580 is one of my all time favorite sets but i dont have original set. There are some remakes available but none of them doesnt feels right to me so i made my version for just for fun. First i made daycab version because i didnt have the right parts (and colors) then completed on Stud.io for sleeper version (explanation for awkward steering axle in the middle of the cabin) There is a slight illegal technic for steering but i think it is acceptable, no stressing parts etc. (see set 6933 ) Model has the same functions as original set has plus front axle also pendular one. Building insctructions is also available on Rebricable; https://rebrickable.com/users/Nikolyakov/ Thanks for watching.
  3. I just wanna try my hand. You have to rotate next floor 90 degrees for rigidity. You can extend yellow 5L axles with axle joiners between floors.
  4. Congratulations to @steph77 @MajklSpajkland @HorcikDesignsit was fun, also hard to win. So many great designs. Thanks to all contestants, moderarors and voters too!
  5. 6: 10 2: 6 4: 4 17: 3 27: 2 16: 1 Good luck to all! :)
  6. Thanks, I am glad you like it :) Digital file available on Rebrickable
  7. Thanks! I am glad you like it. Kind words from two good builder! Thanks for heads up I will fix itπŸ‘
  8. Moc Name: Hybrid (2WD) - Front suspension - Rear suspension - Fake flat 4 engine - 2 speed gearbox with; low 2wd and fast rear drive mode Discussion topic, Good luck and thanks to all contestants. IMG_20210123_161833 by nikolyakov, on Flickr IMG_20210123_161738 by nikolyakov, on Flickr IMG_20210123_162408 by nikolyakov, on Flickr IMG_20210123_161902 by nikolyakov, on Flickr
  9. I am glad you like it. I just saw your moc! Our aproach to front suspension is very similar. My advantage is using cv joint instead of u-joints for 1 stud more room for gearing. Bigger wheels too. I think I have to read 2. 3. pages of forum for caming more fresh ideas
  10. Hi to all, My last contest on Eurobricks was TC10 pneumatic contest so its been a lot of time! I saw the topic an I think participating is a good idea because I like motorcycle mocs. My main idea was a making a decent looking 2 wheel drive motorcycle moc. It's some sort of scrambler and dirtbike hybrid. Functions are obvious but; - Front suspension - Rear suspension - Flat4 fake engine - 2 speed gearbox with road (fast) and off-road(slow) modes. On road mode rear drive, on off-road mode 2 wheel drive. Gear ratios 1.14/1 and 1.90/1 I hope you like it. There aremany good mocs and it will be hard for me. Really goodbuilders in competition! Good luck to all Hybrid (2WD).io IMG_20210123_161902 by nikolyakov, on Flickr IMG_20210123_161738 by nikolyakov, on Flickr IMG_20210123_161803 by nikolyakov, on Flickr IMG_20210123_161452 by nikolyakov, on Flickr IMG_20210123_162408 by nikolyakov, on Flickr IMG_20210123_161833 by nikolyakov, on Flickr IMG_20210123_162539 by nikolyakov, on Flickr
  11. Hi, I'm not sci-fi guy but I made a moc for our local lug's project. I hope you like it.
  12. Stud.io file available on; https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-57316/Nikolyakov/rat-rod/#details Rat Rod Render by nikolyakov, on Flickr
  13. It's not modeled any real car and I dont even know what is the scale so i think it suits better here. There is not relationship with bootleggers Thanks! Thanks, i am glad you like it. 4L axle is necessary because total axle lenght is 6L. I understand your point. Double bevel gear looks bad without 2x2 round tile. 3L with stop is short and "collar" around stud doesnt allow "flush sit" on gear. I will make instructions, you will see what i mean. Bottle works like an oil stick on cars. If the bottle is empty you have to add oil
  14. Hi to all, I haven't posted anything new here for a while. It was started as a model team style hot-rod but I don't have any crome parts except this 4 wheel so there is! My main goal was make lowest steer-able vehicle. Ground clearence is about 1 plate/half liftarm. So pictures, 02 by nikolyakov, on Flickr 03 by nikolyakov, on Flickr 04 by nikolyakov, on Flickr 05 by nikolyakov, on Flickr 06 by nikolyakov, on Flickr 07 by nikolyakov, on Flickr 10 by nikolyakov, on Flickr 12 by nikolyakov, on Flickr
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