1.) Have you played in a Mafia game before? If not, do you get how it works? Played Mafia a long time back. Am terrible at it.
2.) Will you be pretty free to play for however long this plays out (excluding the week of the 22nd, of course)? Should be free bar any serious accidents or events/
3.) Rate, from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest, how upset will you be with me if I don't get these pictures and days out on a totally prompt schedule (these pictures take a long time to edit)? Anywhere between 1-5 depending on the moment.
4.) If, in case you get angry, take it out on Danny, yea? It'll depend on how I feel on the moment.
5.) If you were in a plane crash, what magical destination (like in Lost) would you prefer it crash on? Some steampunk version of Victorian London.
6.) Is Scotland, or is it not, the most peaceful and beautiful place in the entire world? Peaceful ? Maybe. Beautiful ? Definitely Not.