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Everything posted by Doddsino

  1. Deep Freeze Defender....now and forever.
  2. Doddsino replied to Klaus-Dieter's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    I was never a fan of Blacktron 1, but that's a pretty cool looking set. I actually think it does a better job of maintaining the color scheme better than the originals.
  3. I was mostly being sarcastic, but if I started seeing those old sets pop up in stores, I'd probably be needlessly emptying out savings account.
  4. Doddsino replied to Hive's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    If I had to rank them from worst to best; 20. 10232: Palace Cinema - ugly...just plain ugly. I buy and build the modulars to fit with the other modulars and this sticks out like a sore thumb. I would have preferred a traditional multiplex that might require the set to be larger and more expensive, but I digress. Not only does it look gaudy on the outside, but inside the "theater" is a joke. I guess they only do private screenings to couples. I bought this set when it first came out and I never even opened it. 19. 10297: Boutique Hotel - has the same problem as the Palace Cinema...it looks like a set piece for Casablanca, not something you would normally see in a regular town. While I do think the set looks just fine, it wasn't something that I felt fit with my other sets, so I never bought it 18. 10224: Town Hall - Despite this being lowly ranked, I do think this is a perfect set for what it represents. It's a set that I'm happy I bought and it fits nicely within the little town that it represents. However, it doesn't have anything going for it that makes me want to rank it any higher. 17. 10326: Natural History Museum - This falls under the same category as the Town Hall, however I have yet to actually buy this set, so I can't really be justified to rank it any higher or lower, other than what I base off pictures. 16. 10312: Jazz Club - this looks great for what it is, but again I haven't had a chance to purchase it yet, so I can't rank it any higher. 15. 10211: Grand Emporium - this set would have been more suited had it not been a department store, but maybe just focus on being a clothing store. I don't live and die by the interiors, but this was immensely disappointing. I mean, did we really need a chandelier?They could have done a better job by allocating a better changing room instead of a hodge podge of three levels. It's not a bad set, but it left a lot to be desired. Instead of getting a cool clothing, or a cool toy store or a cool kitchenware store...we got 3 mini mediocre ones. 14. 10278: Police Station - this is yet another set that I own that I haven't put together yet! I need to clear some time! Anyways, this is something I'll bring up later, but I really really like the little hole in the wall businesses that Lego includes in these set. The doughnut shop is absolutely adorable, and I'm a fan of condensing size for most of these when space isn't vital. I don't know why, but I like the town to feel cramped, as it feels more lived in that way 13. 10260: Downtown Diner - again I'll stress this by saying it is a great looking set. But it just doesn't fit in with everything else. Maybe if this was it's own thing and not part of the main modular line, I'd be more okay with it, but as it's built, it stands by itself. That said, I love the colors, I love the interiors. 12. 10264: Corner Garage - this is definitely middle of the road for me. It's hard to say that it's a bad looking set, and I do like the multiple interior set ups, but this is a scenario where I would have preferred the garage to not be sandwiched with other locations on top of it. Maybe allocate the right side to the garage and have the businesses on the left side. I know that would be hard to adjust for with a corner location, but I think it would have been better this way, maybe even have a garage waiting room with large windows, which is how I typically see them. As is, it's still fine set. 11. 10190: Market Street - hard to judge this as it was done very early on with very few specialized pieces. Any time I build this, I have to customize it so that the window won't be blocked. The lack of interiors is again something I can't fault it for, but for what it is, it looks very nice as an addition to the first 2 modulars. 10. 10251: Brick Bank - I would have ranked this far lower had it not been for one thing....the little laundromat. I love it! While the bank itself is fine, I find it too spacious and elaborate. Banks should be cramped with those little maze things that annoy you because the person standing behind you is coughing up a lung. I also never cared for the color selection for the building, something about the gray, white and green doesn't look right to me. 9. 10350 Tudor Corner - this looks pretty good so far. Maybe I'm being too ambitious with ranking it this high based off of what we have seen, but I'm very optimistic. 8. 10255: Assembly Square - the thing I like about this set is the focus on the overall layout of the set versus what the set actually is. Seriously, I doubt that many people were asking for a floral shop, but I appreciate using a set like this to add that in there, along with the others. Again, I think the layout is what I enjoy about this set above everything else. It's easy to really look at every set as a building, but this set allows for the breakup of countless buildings on top of one another, if you were to snap all the modulars together. Along with Market Street, it's one of the two sets that allows for you to "travel through". 7. 10243: Parisian Restaurant - this rides the line with being a little too unique for what I like in the modulars, but I think it's not uncommon to see at least one fancy restaurant in most places. While I do like the exterior a lot, this set has some of the best interior layouts of the entire series. The courtyard is a nice touch to make sure the seating doesn't seem mundane. 6. 10218: Pet Shop - less is more with me. I don't like frills, I like my town to feel normal and lived in. I think the pet shop is a perfect example of that. It's got a very basic design, but I think it still creates an inviting atmosphere. I don't know if this set sold poorly, because I used to see this set more than all the others whenever I would visit a Lego store. One minor gripe I have, and this goes back to what I said before about being "normal and lived in"...is that I consider my little town to have that routine feel to it...the kind you'd see in a montage of the opening of a movie; the paperboy is always delivering the paper, the store owner is flipping the "Closed" to "Opening" sign, etc. So why do you have a guy who is painting a wall? Is his job to paint the wall every day? The wall will never be painted! Seriously, if I wanted to add these little eccentricities to my town, I'll do so...I'd prefer if Lego themselves wouldn't. 5. 10197: Fire Brigade - early on, this was a contender for my favorite modular. While I still like it, I think there's some minor tweaks I would change, but overall it still is a nice looking building. That said, I never understood why they had you build the ladder when one already existed, and looked better than the rickety one you have to build. Side note, the little cat in this set disappeared and I couldn't find it. Several years later, I visited my sister halfway across the country and noticed my niece had it in her things. She didn't own anything Lego and had stolen it when she was visiting. I promptly stole it back. 4. 10270: Bookshop - much like the Pet Shop, this feels just so cozy. I love the color scheme, I love the interiors and while I would have preferred a library, a book store still works. Simple, yet effective. The one thing that annoys me is the birch tree. I actually love the tree, but why in the world would you do it so the leaves were changing? That sets it off the rest of the foliage in the town, which makes it look like there's something wrong with the tree. 3. 10185: Green Grocer - another set that I considered my favorite for a while. For such an early set, it's actually amazing at how well it still holds up. I mentioned this with Market Street, but Lego did a great job of putting out those early sets that compliment one another, and this one stood as the one that connected the other two early modulars together, especially with such a beautiful color scheme. The addition of the interiors helped as well, mostly in the storefront, but that little extra attention to detail is what I knew would ensure the modulars would continue to happen. 2. 10246: Detective's Office - it's interesting what happens when you add those textured bricks to the mix, it just creates such a wonderful little set, one that if I never got into modulars, I probably would have still bought. This set does ride the line of being somewhat of a gimmick the same was Palace Cinema and the Downtown Diner are...but overall it just looks like an old "run down" building you'd see in the city. This set has a unique blend to the build with the offset middle and the alleyway. As it's own, it feels like a little piece of 40's noir, but added to the other modulars, it stands a test to the seedy underbelly of the little town you have going on. 1. 10182: Cafe Corner - seriously I had to put this at number one. It is *the* set that broke a decade long absence from Lego. I did hesitate on buying it when it came out, but I eventually caved and I am happy I did. When I was a kid, Town was by far my least favorite theme...all the buildings were one dimensional, it looks like I was putting on a stage play. I wanted a fully 3 dimensional world, and that was something I was able to do better with Space, Pirates and Castle. I remember seeing the 3739 Blacksmith set that folded open and wished that was something they did with Town buildings. And while that never was a thing, I think the modulars are a better representation of that. Sure Cafe Corner doesn't have any interiors, but it didn't bother me that they were missing. It's a beautiful set as, and the crown jewel to the little town it encompasses. It's simple, yet eloquent. It represents everything that I knew Lego was capable of, back when I was a child.
  5. Not only should they bring back the dragon, but they should rerelease every single Lego set from 1987 to 1998. Then I'll stop complaining!
  6. On further reflection, maybe I was a little too soon to judge. I think it does have enough to set it apart from previous sets. I guess I got caught up on the word "Inn" too much. This may be the best set since the Book Shop.
  7. I like the idea of the little treasure chest, but something seems off about it. Perhaps some texture on the outside or even print would make it look a little better.
  8. It's a cute set and all, and there's really nothing wrong with it, I actually always enjoy when Lego makes their modulars more dense and crowded, since it feels "more lived in". However, this to me is more of the same. I really wish they would really do something ballsy and completely fresh. I know I'll never get my parking garage, but at least give us a post office.
  9. Doddsino replied to KotZ's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    That's absolutely awesome! He needs Vivien Leigh frozen next to him. You also need Jim Henson tied up in the basement. Kudos to anyone who understands the reference.
  10. That DS build is okay, but the minifigs are nothing special. They're rather ugly, actually.
  11. Very cool! Super envious.
  12. Doddsino replied to SBCMayor's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    Kind of ironic since none of the the sets from 1997 were innovative whatsoever. Two of them looked like reject sets from the year prior. And this might sound strange, but a lack of a small set always hurts a series since as a kid I would usually "get into" a new line through the purchase of a small set that I would eventually try to accumulate more sets to accommodate it. It's the reason why as a kid Castle was usually bought the least since it typically had less small sets than the other themes.
  13. Several reasons; 1. Unlike Star Wars, it doesn't have as much of an imaginative or unique places and vehicles, in fact most of them were the sets we already got. 2. Religious relics such as the Holy Grail are very likely not going to be made. And they already censored the Nazis. 3. Other locations/sets won't be represented such as the child slaves and human sacrifice in Pankot Palace, despite how cool that might be as a playset. I doubt they're going to make Marion's bar either. 4. You're pretty much limited to Indy as your focus, whereas Star Wars could cutaway from Luke to Han to Leia to Vader to the droids...and that's only the original trilogy. If anything, I'd almost prefer if they were imaginative with the Indiana Jones license and created new sets based off their own ideas for adventures. That's probably the only way we're going to see a real return.
  14. I'd rank them as this; Black Knights > Royal Knights > Fright Knights > Dark Forest > Black Falcons > Dragon Masters > Wolfpack > Crusaders > Forestmen I only collected up to 1997, so everything after that didn't fit.
  15. Doddsino replied to SBCMayor's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    I have no idea what they were going for in 1997, it felt like they were creatively worn out. I almost would have preferred if they held off on the Armada sets for 1997 if they didn't have anything in the pipeline. It's not that the 1997 sets are bad, they're just a pretty big step down. The Clipper was okay, but considering we got two superior ships the year before, it was a pretty large pass for me. The large base was super weak with the two dimensional boulder...like what was the decision there? The very same year they had another set (6748) that came with a boulder, so what's the deal? The ambush set is just *there*. It doesn't have anything that makes it stand out. Honestly, it's a scenario where they could have done several things; 1. Hold off on the 1996 Armada sets and release them in 1997. 2. Take a year break to focus on better ideas. 3. Come up with yet another "faction" to compete with the Pirates. Maybe some Portuguese or Dutch sailors..maybe some colonists? Or a rival Pirates band? As it stands, 1997 basically killed off the Pirates theme. Now I have no idea if that was the reasoning, but I do remember seeing these sets in stores discounted heavily along with a lot of the 1996 sets, so maybe it wasn't a financially profitable line any more, but I know I wasn't interested in any of these, especially after 5 excellent years in a row with far better sets.
  16. I'm actually surprised that the Barracuda is winning. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice set, but it's a little too primitive in it's appearance. The yellow foscle(?) is off-putting to me. It looks way better on the Caribbean Clipper. Maybe green would look better, but I never cared for the yellow. Everything else is just a *slight* notch better on the Schooner. Yeah, you can argue that it doesn't innovate as much, but it just looks better to me. Both are excellent ships. I even like the Red Beard Runner to an extent.
  17. Ice Planet 2002 - I love every set in this series, sans the Blizzard Baron. The Deep Freeze Defender is in my top 3 favorite sets ever. Runners Up; 1. Exploriens - I love the main ship, it's completely unlike anything that came before it, along with a solid bunch of other sets. 2. M-Tron - I like this series a lot, although I prefer the ground vehicles and wish the whole series was specifically ground vehicles. 3. Blacktron II - this might contain my favorite base set, at least one that doesn't have a monorail. This is the opposite of M-Tron where I don't like the ground vehicles at all. 4. Space Police II - this also has a great large ship, despite it's basic design, I love it. 5. Futuron - so many unique sets big and small...it was a little before my time but overall a great series with very few misses. The Strategic Pursuer is just a neat little set in and of itself. 6. I don't really *count* these as the same thing, but the Insectoids were awesome, but they don't fit in with anything else. The only ugly off-putting set was the Celestial Stinger. Outside of that, I've hardly bought any other sets. The original Space sets were just sort of there, long before my time..so they never attracted me to them. The first Blacktron was kind of weak due to the color schemes, I didn't really like the first Space Police either. Spyrius was cool, but too gimmicky to fit in with the other series, and I also really find that base to be cheap and ugly to look at. Unitron was an absolute joke other than the monorail. UFO may have been cool if it didn't have ugly color schemes, but like the Insectoids, they just don't fit in. And the Dino Raiders had one good set and a bunch of fluff.
  18. Man, you learn about new stuff all the time on here.
  19. Glad you went for more of the Night Lord's Castle instead of the Witch's Magic Manor.
  20. I guess I'll be getting that set with the red panda for my girlfriend...she's obsessed with those things.
  21. It's a good set, one of the better bases but I always wanted more to the base than what we got. You could have easily removed the vehicles and put more emphasis on having a fully intact building rather than just little bits and whatnot. The 16x32 baseplate is practically not used at all. Again, I like this set but a lot of the base sets have very similar styles and no real interior, which is why the ships almost always are superior, and in this case...the Deep Freeze Defender is by far one of, if not the best spaceship Lego ever produced.
  22. Admittedly, I agree that the 90's were the best, but I definitely prefer the second gen of both Blacktron and Space Police, mostly due to their color schemes. What I liked most about a lot of those series was that they seemed to each have a specific role. The M-Tron were extractors, Ice Planet built rockets, Space Police were...police, and Blacktron were the criminals. Futuron made the most sense as your general space society. I always felt that Spyrius felt out of place, although I really liked their sets...I just never felt they were the true successors to Blacktron. Unitron, (which I always considered the spiritual successor to Futuron) on the other hand had potential, but their sets were mostly bad. 1995 just felt like a rushed year for Space since it seemed like Aquazone got the cool futuristic sets instead. Unitron has always been my least favorite series, but would be my go to when it came to bringing back a series, mostly BECAUSE of the fact it was underdeveloped, it has the most potential to broaden out the ideas. Exploriens were super cool too, but felt too far removed by this point when it came to association with the Classic Space considering the previous 2 years. They were kind of in their own realm, but it worked. Then unfortunately 1997 and 1998 just completely made radical changes, and while there were some cool sets, they just felt like their own thing, no cohesion with the general previous themes. It would have been nice to see who the UFO sets were invading, or why there were astronauts riding on robot dinosaurs, but it just was what it was. I did like the Insectoids though. If I were to bring back the classic Lego themes, these would be the rules to follow; 1. Each theme has a specific purpose, whether it's a space quarry, a space research station, a space transit, or a space law enforcement. 2. Color schemes, each theme would look different, the same way you couldn't confuse a construction worker wearing orange with a police officer wearing blue. 3. Each set fits into the theme it's intended for. Meaning if it is a space police officer, they don't have a space bulldozer. And a space miner isn't going to have a space jail. 4. Sets don't need to use the classic smileys, but no heads that have screaming or shocked faces. When we were kids, we could use our imagination that the character we were playing with was either screaming or shocked or whatever. We don't need a physical representation of it. 5. Any space buildings or stations have 4 walls and a roof. This drove me crazy as a kid since most of the time the ships and vehicles were a thousand times cooler than any set that had a baseplate. The Spyrius Lunar Launch Site as an example despite being an ugly set, what purpose did the transparent canopy have? To block space radiation? None of them ever looked fully complete.
  23. Doddsino replied to Klaus-Dieter's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    It really does seem like they included an orange figure simply to get collectors to buy the set. You're spot on with you mentioning it looks like a cheap Creator set They're eating and drinking THROUGH THEIR HELMETS? And I would hope that in the space future, these intergalactic greasy spoons at least have the common courtesy of having the modern equivalent of a coat rack to hang your oxygen tank on. I'd hate to take my chances holding my breath on my way back to my ship after downing a Cassiopeia burger with quasar fries.
  24. Doddsino replied to soccerkid6's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    It looks nice, but I think with a lot of the classic Space sets, they very carefully made sure that the color schemes were consistent. I don't know...it feels like I'm seeing too much blue and white, maybe a little more black, and especially some more transparent orange, especially in the front. Maybe add some larger flood front lighting for night drilling? Otherwise I love the idea and execution.
  25. The trader's house is my favorite of the three. Very nice work.
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