Everything posted by LegoFranks
New Church/Cinema
Hmmm, I recall there was one in Edinburgh when last i was there for Hogmanay! M.
New Cars for 10200 Custom Garage
I'd love to see if you could make a Mini! "Yer only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!" M.
New Church/Cinema
Well, my Grandmother challenged me to make one as she thought that was missing from Shelf City and I should give Lego People the choice! :o/ Ah well, thanks kindly for all your comments! Look out for the beachside cafe and the Victorian Terrace! (Once I've got some more lime green bricks from BL that is...) M.
New Church/Cinema
Just built a new church from the pieces of the City Hall in the Town Plan Set. And also done up the cinema (not quite finished yet though. What do you reckon? I have a problem with the religion of the church though as I'm an atheist. M.
Darth Maul And Millenium Falcon Mods
Not seen this at all - link would be nice. M.
We want the amazing 4999 Vestas Wind Power Plant!
Count me in. Although I'd power it with solar panels in keeping with the "green" theme, rather than batteries... M.
10152 Maersk Sealand Container Ship 2004 Edition
There's a few on ebay for a reasonable price. M.
Star Wars sets anyone?
"We aim to deliver this item on or before 26th Feb 2009"!? Methinks there's an administrative error there somewhere! On another note, my local department store in Canterbury, Fenwicks, has around 10-15 Wookiee Attacks (Set 7258) in there, just appeared last week. I suspect they'd had them stockpiled under a pile of other, newer stuff! :oO M.
Batbrick's Jungle Display!
Love it! But I have one criticism: Maybe smooth out the edges between the land and the water? A few rocks, random plates, plants, just to soften the transition from land to water... But great work nonetheless! M.
REVIEW: 10200 Custom Car Garage - Parts 1-5
I don't think it's a SUV, more of a a station wagon... M.
REVIEW: 10200 Custom Car Garage - Parts 1-5
The yellow hot-rod has given me some ideas for a Ghostbusters car... Hmmm! Cool! M.
LDD 4wd car & old truck
Loving the 4WD! Will you be making this available for the public to build too? M.
Looks cool so far! You're lucky to have such floorspace! I have to keep mine on a shelf (Hence the name Shelf City... to keep it out of reach of my 20 month old daughter who's fascinated by Lego! M.
10200 Customs Garage Now Available
£69 quid!? For having the same, if not less, number of pieces as the Space Factory sets? Hm, well, TLC dropped the ball with the Space sets, let's hope they realise same with this one. I was ready to buy it for £49.99... M.
10200 Customs Garage Now Available
Want this. Not available here yet. M.
Trying to design windows...
It's the whole window array, yes... And JopieK, as my signature states, I have no Lego from my childhood. Everything I have is post-1997! If you could give me a link to where I might find said windows on Bricklink, I might see if my purse strings go that far! M.
Trying to design windows...
Probably because it was a real life pic of the thing I'm trying to MOC... :o| I'll have to open a Flickr account or summat! EDIT: Well, here goes nothing! M.
Trying to design windows...
Hi everyone, I love MOCing, but am not very good at the SNOT windows you see on some of the best builds. I'm trying to MOC one of my local pubs in Whitstable and am having huge difficulty doing the windows. Needs to fit 10 studs along, with no real height restrictions. Link of said pub attached... Any help would be of HUGE assistance to me, so that I can learn! Cheers, M.
AT-TE Comparison - 4482 vs. 7675.
While the new AT-TE is far better than the old, I must say there's not a lot of difference between the new and old RGS. In fact, I'd go as far to say I prefer the older one... M.
7666 Hoth Base GONE!
Saw plenty in my local TRU yesterday... Maybe I shoulda picked a few up! M.
Cafe Corner 10184 Cinema Upgrade WiP
Yes, it's a shame PaB at Bluewater is utter tosh... No medium blue, no lime green and certainly no grey tiles of any sort! :o| M.
ARTICLE: Dino Attack, The Forgotten City Theme
There are two 7298 Dino Air Tracker sets in Fenwicks, Canterbury, and they've been there since I moved here 3 years ago! And they've been the same price all that time too... Do you think it's worthwhile me asking if I might take them off their hands for half price? M.
Cafe Corner 10184 Cinema Upgrade WiP
Cool, I did the same thing with my town plan cinema, only mine has a PSP as its screen! Also the screen is at the back of the cinema... Might try and upload some pictures later. I must say though, getting those light blue bricks is an absolute pain! Not as bad as the lime green I needed for part of my Victorian Terrace though! :oS M.
First pic of Taj Mahal!
Yes, but the Millennium Falcon UCS has that pig on its back called STAR WARS... Which always marks up those sets by at least 20% it seems... M.
4999 Vestas Promo - Wind Power Plant
I can only hope that will be able to acquire the instructions and then we can all buy the parts from bricklink shops and build the thing by ourselves... M.
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