Everything posted by LegoFranks
What did you buy today?
Picked up a Guarded Inn (6067), Indiana Jones and the Lost Tomb, Racers ZX Turbo (8150, just for the glow/dark lightsaber blades!) and Anakin's Starfighter... Expensive day! :o) M.
eBay madness
Well, seeing as I've been watching this set since the beginning of December, I would think the price is way too high if he isn't selling it? No? I'd pay a max of 250 quid for that set. Not a grand! Especially seeing as I would want to build it! M.
eBay madness Does this guy seriously think he's going to get that amount of money for a Lego set? Is this the highest price anyone has ever seen? M.
Is that mini-fig scale!? M.
What is the difference between British and English etc?
Hmmm, as an Englishman, I support Scotland's notions of independence... At least that way the Scottish wouldn't get any English taxpayer's money in order to finance their free prescriptions and every other thing they need help for! And we wouldn't have such a dour old f@rt for a PM either... M.
Want to build a church out of a Hogwarts' Castle
Like that small church. Am planning to make the new Town Plan sets more modular to fit in with Shelf City, and that would be a good template for the church I am going to build out of the town hall part! M.
2008 Racers
Loving the trans-blue curved windows on the gas station in pic two... Will come in useful for the cafe I'm designing in my modular Shelf City... M.
Why do you come to EB?
Nice, friendly site, which I joined after a few months of lurking! It's all the prelim pics that drew me in! *wub* M.
Looking for Western sets.
Try ebay? M.
2008 Picture thread
*Dies!* Awesome! I can finally own a Gunship without kow-towing to the gods of Ebay! *wub* M.
2008 Picture thread
As can I! Mind you, the cockpit design looks far cooler than the original day-glo yellow on the original version! Wahey! Show me the new Republic Gunship! One that I don't have to spend over a hundred quid on ebay for! :o) M.
Some LEGO furniture at 10% of the normal price!
All sold out! *swears profusedly...* Excuse my language... M.
Holiday Train
Hi, where can I find the instructions for converting the Holiday Train (10173) to 9v? Cheers, Mark
New Mars Mission set found at TRU
Anyone know if they're making more Aqua Raiders stuff next year? As for this, it's horrible with a capital H. So ugly! M.
Cafe Corner MOCs and extensions
Wahey, my daughter finally gave me enough time to register at Brick Shelf and upload a couple of BIG pics! Any comments on the build would be much appreciated! M.
mars mission aliens
Don't you mean their *ONLY* redeeming quality... Pile of rubbish if you ask me. The sets aren't that much cop either. M.
Cafe Corner MOCs and extensions
Right, unfortunately I do not have a Brickshelf gallery at present (I may do so in the future, but it all depends on time and my 10 month old daughter!)... Here's a slightly larger picture one hopes. Really though, there's not that many features on it at present. Hm. Seems I only have 12.17kb global space. :'-( This is probably best thing to do? :-$ M.
Cafe Corner MOCs and extensions
I'll try my best... M.
Cafe Corner MOCs and extensions
Hi Guys, Making my first foray into MOC building! And it's a fire station that will fit in with Cafe Corner and Market Street. Obviously I have a long way to go, but would appreciate any feedback and ideas! Cheers, M.
New Set Town Plan
That's a caravan being towed by a Land Rover! M.
New Set Town Plan
By the way, liking this fire station A LOT! *y* Where can I find more pictures, as I'm thinking of designing one myself along similar lines? Having said that, might make it more like the Ghostbusters HQ! M.
New Set Town Plan
I am liking this set a lot! It can be easily adjusted to fit in with Cafe Corner, Market Street and the future Green Grocer release, and I'll probably expand the cinema backwards to incorporate a larger screen! So cool... LegoFranks
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