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  1. StevOOO replied to Rick's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Can someone confirm how much space this set takes to display? Will it fit in a row of base plates or would it have to be two base plates deep?
  2. Overall I think its a good series which kids watching the movie wont care too much for the variety. There are probably no statistics for it but I can imagine that the AFOLs make a small percentage of the overall Lego buying market so Lego would do well to cater for casual Lego fans who probably like police and city theme minifigs. That being said Gail and one of the robots could have been easily substituted to really make this a top theme. I don't mind that some of these may find their ways into other movie themed sets because I hardly ever purchase them.
  3. StevOOO posted a post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Hi guys, this is my first effort at doing a MOC modular for my city. I'm usually a happy kit builder but thought I'd start venturing into the wide world of MOC's after all the inspiration on this forum. I am a keen cyclist and so thought my city could do with a bicycle store. I did the early plans on LDD. I plan to add more "architecture" to the building but I thought it would be easier to at least have most of the structure built before it went for an upgrade. As it is now, its basically a big rectangular building using whatever spare bricks I have in my very limited stock pile. Please excuse the shoddy camera work Frontal view being dominated by the TH. Is the 1x1 sign obvious enough? Angled shot showing the small park in front of the store: Side view showing the Cafe and seating area and view of the bikes on the level above: 2nd level interior shot showing the retail space: Cramped but workable: The maintenance area is lacking tools. There is a bicycle holder on the opposite wall but its too tight to take a photo: First floor retail space: Thanks for viewing :)
  4. StevOOO replied to ZetoVince's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Who would of thought you could make something like that in lego, let alone minifig scale. Kudos to you for putting instructions as well. This is something the community should be doing more often!
  5. StevOOO replied to Captain Green Hair's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Fantastic MOC! I was just looking for a garage moc for inspiration (did a search because i missed it somehow on the front page) for the new series 6 grease mechanic. Im blown away by your moc!
  6. I grabbed this set over the weekend. I got it mainly for the 4WD. The trailer should be carrying a hotrod or something :p
  7. I thought I would start my own thread after being inspired by all the other town MOCs i have seen over the past few months. Only started collecting lego this year and fell in love with modulars. Hopefully this thread documents the growth of my town...Legoton! I started with the Fire Brigade, then got the Emporium soon after. Just came back from Berlin a fews ago with the Pet Shop in tow. Other sets i have that i want to integrate with my town include the Emerald Night, Tower Bridge, and the yellow train station. Still havent gotten around to buying the road plates but plan to do that this weekend. Anyways here are the first set of pictures i have taken. First time using my DSLR for lego photography so need lots of improvement. The main street filled with minifigs: The Pet Shop owner loses one of the monkeys: The struggling artist cant catch a break: The local firemen meet and greet the locals: Keeping the town clean: King Kong vs Godzilla in downtown Legoton: A local rapper tries to whip up a crowd: Teenagers doing what they do best: The annual Ultimate Fighter Roof Challenge 2011 draws in the best fighters in town: The local police department are currently based on top of the Pet Store (and next to the doctors surgery): Its cramped but there is not much crime in Legoton to justify a new building...yet: Its even more cramped in the cell above the station: Its lonely in Legoton PD holding cell: And finally a sneak peek into the new fitout in the Grand Emporium, level 2 Cafe: Thats all for now. I plan to add a few more touches and trying to get Green Grocer soon. Hope you like it so far. Steve
  8. StevOOO replied to bootz's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Nice work boots! I only have the last 3 modulars so my town is small too :p
  9. StevOOO replied to Agatheron's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Have you put a dollar value to all the pieces (or your version)? I am also keen on doing something like this as a side project in between actual lego release modulars.
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