Everything posted by Archer
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
As we’ve been getting a lot more variety of capes/ printing to represent what used to always use that one cape piece for decades, I realize how warped my vision is on what some of these characters costumes should look like. The big cape is good for Vader or Lando, but as you say Palpy and many others actually don’t need that flared out look.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
They 100% designed this as one set and then saw a place they could make some extra cheddar. To me the level of detail on the Sarlaac is the give away. Lego has decades of history of making complimentary sets either to be sold side by side or to follow up a popular set, many of these are nice ways to break up the price and seem justified. What I can't justify is a "UCS" of a scene where half the main characters are subjugated to a side set. I see this as them trying to sell the "complete" set for nearly $600, when I would only accept both sets as one set around $500 (still a high price but I'd find it acceptable). I will also maintain that what they've done with Bib and Boba is, cheap, sloppy and simply unacceptable for the money they are asking for.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Ok: Pros -Well Built -Looks like a fair amount of interior detail -some of the figs, all guards are great (they were my #1 desire out of this set as i own all the 2012-2013 Jabba sets) one even has a new mold i think, Max is the exact same? (Thats good) R2 has updated drinks though the tray is as rough as ever. Cons - PRICE!!!! if this is indeed $500 there is no way this is worth the same as Avengers Tower or Rivendell or Barad Dur. -other figs, Leia and Crumb I think are worse. Fortuna is the worst offender though. very glad I have the old one. -I have the 2013 one and while this is certainly bigger and better, but it isn't that much bigger and better (except that this one won't disintegrate if I look at it funny) In summary I will probably be paying a lot for those 3 guards, maybe for fortuna to get the torso and legs to swap out but this set is an easy pass in years where lego is over saturating its offerings with huge nerd-bait sets.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
So every six months or so I rearrange how my SW minifig display. To give you an idea of my display it’s every single unique depiction of a character, unit , droid etc then it’s the best version of that unique. So my display is not every lego version of “Farmboy Luke” but it does have five versions of “Farmboy Luke” The base one, poncho, training helmet, storm trooper belt, and blue milk. Displaying figs with that sort of criteria puts me between 800- 900 figs. this is not a brag. All this is to say when you arrange the figs by faction and consider the big six, CIS is without question the least represented. Less than 40 in total, actual number depends on how far we stretch the idea of a unique fig. 9 are some sort of B1 Battle Droid, 5 in my display are grievous with differing numbers of limbs or capes. 20 years and we only have 4 of the CIS leadership. I would settle for three in particular, Nute from the film where he mattered, San Hill, and Wat Tambor. The lego of today would probably never have given us the Neimoidian Warrior, it not a fig I see mentioned much, but the printing on that torso is beautiful.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Just finished building the Onyx Cinder. I know the show is still a mystery and the figs aren't exactly exciting, but build-wise it is very solid and unique. if you have been collecting lego star wars for a decade or two like i have than all the sets (save C-3PO) that just came out are pretty similar to their old counterparts. The ISD is the best version of an ISD but it did not reinvent the way those are built, Falcon is a falcon, etc. The cinder is quite impressive with how well all the paneling comes together, and as i suspected its looks a lot better with all the hatches closed up and in flight mode. It also makes very good use of it's interior space. Just thought I'd put that out therre since I've seen a fair amount of negative thoughts toward the set, and I for one like when lego does something new instead of yet another rehash.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I think They chose the absolute worst angle to show the ship from in the above photo to be fair. It definitely looks better from above and in flight mode. As far as the in universe design this ship is very big so its design is more of a flying base, a utilitarian freighter, than a sleek starship.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Have you looked at the history of lego Star Wars printing words on things? Misspellings and Misnomers are kind of their jam. Regarding Boba and Sarlaac Pit. I think the very fact that the Sarlaac is a pit makes it a loosing battle to make it any better than the smaller side builds we've had before. They attempted here to make it more "pitty" and it just looks like it has a wall around it. Using the wrong Boba would be 50% less egregious if he at least had his cape. Is he rumored to be in the Sail Barge? I'm sure he'd still be ep IV Boba but maybe they gave him the cape for the UCS set only.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I like the figs that aren't Boba Fett in the Skiff, but that mound of sand trying to bulk up the set to a targeted price point is Bananas!! I'll give them that there are a nice amount of figs with leg printing, but the actual Sarlaac build is pretty unchanged from the last one theres just more desert around it. Perdia is fine I'd spend that much money amassing those figs anyway so I'll buy it. I love many of the figs this year but really the only sets where the builds scratch my lego itch are the starship collection, C3-PO, and the rebuild the galaxy sets (cuz they fun). This year doesn't have a Ghost or Scythe for me where I'm looking forward to the actual ship i get to build. Dark Falcon is the closest, but only the interior will be anything innovative as i own the last 4 playscale falcons. Anyone who has built a Speed Champions set knows what fascinating builds are possible with less than 300 pieces, and I know lego would charge more than 25$ for the Star Wars equivalent (basically what the Starship collection is), but why are all sets under 60$ basically glorified battle packs this year. Here's hoping for Jedi Bob's fighter.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Outside of sets made off of new content it’s rare we get such a big set with 100% unique figs not to mention these will probably remain unique. I have been really pairing down how many sets I buy in favor of just buying the figs. This is the first set since the ahsohka stuff that I now I need to buy the set no internal debate.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
It would be a dream come true if the Death Star set could have the three featured officers from that seen, but I’d at least hope we can get one of them.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Not to get wishlist-y but if they do another round of anniversary figs I’d prefer something like the Harry Potter Golden figs. Darth and Lando 20th look like I just have some old figs in my display.
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
I’m sure this subject has come up through the years, but how would the community at large feel if lego rereleased or updated the earliest Modulars? Let’s pretend that they wouldn’t take the slot of our annual new building. I’ve been collecting since fire brigade but the cafe and grocer are just ludicrously expensive on the after market. Not to mention that some sets that I own are scary to assemble due to brittle parts.
- Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Actually there’s a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it detail where the whole franchise is actually taking place a long time ago.
Minifigures Series 25 - The Guessing Game
1. Doctor - Super stereotypical, stethoscope 2. Teacher - apple and graded Test / homework 3. School Child - I'd love chalk / eraser 4. Ronin Samurai - Sword 5. Philosopher - Basically Socrates but not named, Hemlock Branch? I'm not really sure on accesories 6. Apothocary - Hood, potions, foliage, or mushroom 7.Basketball Player - Basketball 8. Lobster Costume - No accessory, claw hands 9. Rainbow Costume - incorporate holding clouds at each end of a rainbow headpiece? 10. Paraglider - brick built paraglider, eagle 11. Black and White Movie Star - Gray scale, looks like Chaplin, comes with a rake 12. Wind up Cymbal Monkey - cymbals, or just existing dish pieces. Last two are just things I think could be interesting.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
So at this point I wish Carson Teva had been included in the Ghost set instead of Lt. Beyta, (or in addition too). Hawkins, I would keep as he at least has some lines and a unique uniform. Teva definitely deserves a figure at this point and they had to have known he would show up in this series when making the set. I'd argue he's a great candidate for a promo set or polybag but they rarely do that anymore.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Agreed look at how many great gigs we may never have gotten were it not for them being promos. I can get a patch or keychain anywhere.
General LEGO Star Wars Discussion and Questions
Was the shirtless Darth Maul from the polybag actually in reference to any specific appearance of him or just a fun thing lego did? I like to sort my figs and he's one of the few figs that I actually don't now a source on. Like even 442nd, Ten Nunb, and White Boba are based on concept art. I know maul was shirtless in TCW and Rebels at points but the fig isn't from either of those. Maybe based on Son of Dathomir?
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Thanks for the link. It looks alright but as the regular non bright green version is at least 8 bucks I'll probably wait and see if lego gives us something down the road that will work. Dark green is clearly the color we want. They are doing a lot more colorful hair these days. My wishful thinking would be for them to just create an accurate fig for next year's advent calendar, but I can't think of any time Lego has done that. before.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
My personal stance is that things like X-Wing Luke, Arm Printed Mando, or leg printed C-3PO are fine ways to do exclusive figs, but Kuill , Yularen and at the moment Rex ( I think he’ll show up else where) are really significant annoyances to minifig collectors. Kuill is 50-60 bucks while the razor rest is available. He will be ridiculously expensive a few years from now. separate thought. I think I may by the green version of Anikans hair (Joker) for Jacen as it’s probably the closest thing available ATM. I think she hulk and beast boy are some of the only cases of hair in the right color but clearly those aren’t options. Has anyone tried the green anikan hair?
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
So I built all three Ahsoka sets on the same day and I felt like the building instructions had waaay more steps than necessary. It just seems like each step just adds one single piece any more. It’s weird to flip the page to see you’ll only be adding four 1x2 tiles in the next two steps. I get when the four plus instructions are like this but I really felt it building the ghost.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
I mentioned a month back or so that the Hoopty from Lego Marvel is actually a good example of how many curves and such Lego can do these days, it kind of gave me Mon Cala vibes. Separate question. Taking Kylo Ren's Shuttle 1.0 vs 2.0 as an example, What ship do you most want Lego to do a second attempt at? I'm thinking less about sets that were fine at the time but need an update and more sets that maybe due to movie secrecy Lego just got wrong, ie the wings on Kylos ship. For me I think it may have to be the U-Wing. Lego executed the wing gimmic pretty well, but the ships shaping is not that great.
Updating Your Minifigs
So for Jango and by extension Boba Fett circa OT, do we think the T’Challa hair is best?
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Haha I was thinking the same thing. I may decapitate an Alien Conquest fig to stick a trans green head in there just for the sake of accuracy.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
While i would love orange blades and yellow blades where they should be in these sets I think we all sometimes forget that while much cheaper than a new mold, getting pieces in new (or no longer produced) colors does have a price tag for designers as it will add a "new" piece that has to be inventoried. I'm guessing the printed pieces in the Holiday set maxed out the allowed "new" parts. I have the Sinestro set so I'm lucky to have a yellow blade, but even with the neon green i don't think it's as bad as when they gave Rebel's Ahsoka darker blue lightsabers.
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