Everything posted by CelesAurivern
New features to the MRCA
I'm not entirely sure what this means. "We will have a new ship list with the new MRCA, which method of conversion do you prefer?" Means all ships will be reclassified? With the exception of the free ship, your other ships licences will be refunded and then you may repurchase under the new classification?
- The Empire of Corrington: Sign-up and Discussion
- The Empire of Corrington: Sign-up and Discussion
Announcement: Rule Revamp
Lol! Best joke ever if one can walk away with a small bonus for "falling for it" But do we get to round up the decimal point though? :p
Announcement: Rule Revamp
I almost thought that was 15 DBs per fig! Fortunately I have a collected a list of all the builds so far, listing all the number of non-recycled figs. Story Links Scene 1 - 3 Scene 1b - 0 Scene 2 - 2 Scene 3 - 1 Scene 4 - 0 Scene 5 - 3 Scene 6 - 7 Scene 7 - 7 Scene 8 - 0 Scene 9 - 0 Scene 10 - 6 Scene 11 - 2 Scene 12 - 6 Side Story Links Miranda's Emporium of Many Wares - 0 Fort Redoubtable - 16 Merryweather Lumberjacks - 3 The Valkyrie of Corrington - 3 I have no voice, and I must scream - 12 The Flask and Flagon - 0 The Velvet Room - 0 Mr. Townsend's Scribing Service - 2 Total 73 x .15 = 10.95
- Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Introduction and Starting Thread
[COR] The Curious Chronicle of Lenny Whitegate (and other short storie
Scene 12 *Back on the mainland, Sheikh Khalid arrives in Bellson for his monthly business transactions. Sandeep takes the opportunity to meet with the Sheikh. Saddam: Master, the representative is here. Sheikh: Let him in. Sandeep: Welcome to Bellson, your exalted excellency. We are very honoured by your visit. *bobs head* Sheikh: *waves dismissively* Let's get down to business. You say you have an offer for me? Sandeep: Yes, your excellency. Good one that involving rubies. *bobs head* Sheikh: *Squints* Rubies, you say? Sandeep: Your excellency, token of goodwill from Emporium. *places a large, clear ruby on the table* *The Sheikh picks it up and holds it up against the light, judging its clarity, then mumbles something in a foreign tongue to his captain* Sheikh: And how many of these fine rubies do you have to offer? Sandeep: Five standard chests full, which we trading for very fair price of five hundred doubloons and consideration of a partnership. *bobs head* Sheikh: Five hundred... And what is this partnership you speak of? Sandeep: Yes, your excellency. We wishing you be helping us to trade metals and minerals from new colonies. Starting an office in Arlinsport. *bobs head* Sheikh: Hmmm, in Arlinsport, eh? Very well, let me consider it. Arrange for the goods to be loaded onto my vessel and I shall send payment. Sandeep: Thanking you kindly, you excellency. Sandeep shall see to it at once. *bobs head* *Sandeep then leaves the room* Sheikh: Five hundred! For five chests of gems of this quality! They must easily be worth a raw two thousand on the market. Saddam: Perhaps, Master, the origins are dubious? I have heard rumours that this 'Emporium' is a shady operation. Sheikh: I am certain they are, but it matters not. We will be recutting them for jewellery, then no one will be the wiser. And we also have a chance to obtain a new source of metals from the new world. I will become even richer still! Saddam: As you say, Master.
Settlement: Port Raleigh, Annetta, Corrington
Mr. Townsend's Scribing Service has been added to Port Raleigh [Licence Status: YES] [Type: Artisan, Small] [settlement Value: 1] [Trade Value 5]
Monthly Free Build Registration Thread (Period Ends April 1st)
Mr Townsend's Scribing Service | CelesAurivern | Corrington
[COR-CH2B] The Battle of Golden Bay - A military history lesson
A fresh and interesting way of telling the story. I like it!
[COR-FB4]Mr. Townsend's Scribing Service (Port Raleigh)
What do you do when you are illiterate but still need to write home to your wife and kids half a world away? You go to Mr. Townsend, of course! Simply visit during operating hours and dictate your contents. It shall be written word for word, verbatim. The best part is it's free for all Corrington servicemen and sailors, and that includes includes postage back home! Proudly sponsored by the Emporium. *For all other customers, the standard rate is 1/16 db per single page letter. Parchment and postage included in the fee. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hoots, mon! I cannae read an I cannae write, but thanks tae Mr. Townsend, I can send a letter to me wife baek home. At the end of the day, Mr. Townsend folds up his table and closes the shop.
- Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Introduction and Starting Thread
- (COR - Ch2B) Dastardly attack on Port Raleigh!
- [COR-Ch2A] North Head Battery
[ESL - FB1 - Class 5+] Margot, the first class 5+ ship of BOBS
Spectacular! Let the arms race begin!
Sea Rats: Sign-up and Discussion
Does that mean I can turn my character into an immortal vampire?
- Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Introduction and Starting Thread
- Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Introduction and Starting Thread
Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Introduction and Starting Thread
Question regarding personal fleet limits and costs. Say I already have 3 ships. 1. I capture a new ship (say base value 100). If I add it into my fleet as the 4th ship, do I need to pay anything? If yes, how much? 2. If I don't add it to my fleet as the 4th ship, can I hold it in reserve indefinitely? 3. If I unlicence my 3rd ship (say base value 50), and I want to relicence it again at another time, how much do I need to pay?
Sea Rats: Sign-up and Discussion
Wait, lycanthropy?!
- HMS Enterprize (1774)
My first pirate ship
For a price Careful, cos once you start, there's no turning back.
- WWE Ultimate Warrior Tribute
- The Empire of Corrington: Sign-up and Discussion
- The Empire of Corrington: Sign-up and Discussion
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