Everything posted by The Batman
Hey guys/girls my name is Conor, and I was just looking for some advice concerning my hobbies. Okay so obviously I am a guy who enjoys his Lego, I also play Video Games quite a bit and I'm also looking to get started Airsoft, maybe some of you know what that is? Anyway my point is, do any of you guys have other hobbies besides Lego and how does that affect your purchasing of Lego? Thanks guys,
If LEGO wasn't draining your wallet....
I would probably spend more time looking into expanding my pc game collection or perhaps start Airsoft maybe ... ?? But with all this Lego, who has time for anything else?!
Realm of the Mad God
Ah thanks for the reply brick, um my Ingame name is "BatKid" and Im playing on EUNORTH2 ! I'm fairly certain that's right ??
Realm of the Mad God
I checked it out last night for the first time, pretty good I have to say, I tried finding the 2 guys to Invite, (cant remember names) .... .. So I just leveled my Character, pretty good ! Can't wait to play with some guys from Eurobricks !
What was the last movie you watched?
I should, lol ! I usually have a habit of watching films in a wierd order !
What are you listening to?
Story of my Life !
What was the last movie you watched?
The last film I watched was Terminator Salvation, great film I have to say even though I have never seen any of the originals ! I have to say Christian Bale was quite the badass in the film ! Later when I was talking to my Mother about she started explaining some of the originals, and it turns out the have quite a decent backstory ! I was Imagining Terminator to be mindless running and gunning !
I must find out how to host a server !
MOC: Re-built BrickMaster Jungle Cruiser for Indy
Wow thats beautiful, I always loved Indy MOCS ! BTW, What Indy Minifig is that is the second picture ?
Texas AFOL
Greetings 'Steely' and welcome to EuroBricks, I hope you enjoy your time here !
Steam Gaming Thread
Hey Guys and Gals, my Steam username is Conorp55312 ! Add me sometime, not many games ! But we can still have a right old chat.
Hello from Canada Eh
Greetings and Welcome to EB, 'Tweeter' ! I hope you have a wonderful time and enjoy everything the site has to offer !
Bookshelf and Table
Great Furniture mephistopheles !! Would work very well with a 'Pirate Themed' MOC, perhaps ?? -P.S, Sorry I have not been more active guys and girls, I was just overwhelmed getting used to College and all the work associated with it, but now that I've got a hang of it I'll definitly be more active now !!
College Exams !
Folks I fell on top of the world right now , I passed my Christmas college exams, I felt that I did really badly and that I failed so I wouldn't be able to progress to second year, but everything worked out great and I passed, I'm just so happy !! P.S. I will be on EB alot more now as I haven't been on much due to college !!
:cry_sad: Ah well, I guess I would take Lego over Minecraft any day !! lol Hopefully the sets are worth it, enjoy it buddy.
Hey guys I would really appriciate it if you could give me rights to build/play on the server !! I've been on EB for a couple of months now and I'm an avid Minecraft player. I go by Conorp55 on Minecraft ! Thank you.
Bit (all over again) by the LEGO bug
Greetings, 'Captain Coconut', I myself have recently gotten hooked on Lego aswell, great feeling that !! There's plenty of forums here to enjoy, (spoilt for choice) he he, so anyway enjoy your time here at EB, and welcome to EB. :laugh:
The Dakar Rally!
Greetings and welcome to EB 'Dakar A'. Sorting can be an absolute pain !!! Please enjoy yourself here on EB !!!
MOC - Town Plan 1950's Fire Engine
Yeah so kinda like the first picture !! 'Lightning' I have this video game, It's called Mafia 2 you might have heard of it 'Lightning' or maybe not !! But Anyway the game is set in the 50's in Amercia and of course the cop car which you play on creating is closly similar to the cop car within the game !! Now there was a feature in the game I believe it was like a car showroom type thing, and what you could do was you could view cars, and you could zoom in, rotate slowly or whatever you wanted to do !! My point is if you looked on Youtube or maybe you have this game, using this Car Showroom feature, I believe would defintly help in creating a close realistic 50's cop car !!! Wow that was the longest post I have posted here on EB !! Phew
MOC - Town Plan 1950's Fire Engine
Are you refering about this type of 50's cop car ?? Or are you refering to the car's with the wider body ??
Jabba's Prize
Fantastic Lighting effect,'ACPin' !! Truly a superb piece of work !! Keep Building
MOC - Town Plan 1950's Fire Engine
Very impressive Fire Truck, love the detailing on the back !!! Great MOC 'lightning' !! Keep Building
MOC: Supercar (7w)
Terrific MOC 'ER0L' !! If only I could create vehicles like that, looks awsome !! The only thing I would like to know is could a roof be placed on the car , whilst still maintaining its low sleek shape and allowing room for the minifigs ??? But great MOC 'ER0L' !! Keep building !!!
Surfing Santa
Great MOC 'lorax' !! The thing I love most about the scene, is the minifig buried neck deep in the sand !! Priceless Great job 'lorax' !!
AFOL article in the Wall Street Journal
Thanks for sharing 'DaddyWhale' !! , great article !!
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