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Everything posted by Kliq

  1. Kliq replied to BrickJagger's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    I wish LEGO would follow Playmobil's release model as it pertains to castle. I am loving Playmobil right now. There are currently three different castles being offered, each of different sizes, for three different human factions. There are also expansion packs for the castles so you can make them larger, plus a bunch of accessory and figure packs. Want a 'night watchman' to add a bit of character to the castle? They have one for sale. Oh I DREAM of one day LEGO having a castle line with more than just one castle at a time and a whole line of figure packs, castle extensions, and accessory packs.
  2. I hope this theme does well enough to eventually warrant a set the size and quality of the Temple of Airjitzu.
  3. I love Axl's look, personally, however I HATE the fact that his hands won't rotate!! That just kills it for me. I do play with and pose my minifigures, and it does not feel right when you are sword fighting with minifigs and one of them cannot rotate their hands to angle their weapon!
  4. I wonder who will be the next big villain in the theme after Jestro.
  5. Man, I love the look of this theme. Once I got past it is not a historical theme (which I would prefer) and really thought about the fact that LEGO is going to be going all out on at least a cooler theme (in my eyes) than Chima and Ninjago, I decided I love it.
  6. Weird, the link still works for me. I've opened it through a laptop and now my mobile phone.
  7. I like this theme far more than Chima or Ninjago (that huge new temple set being an exception). I also like this theme more than KKII.
  8. Hey, I loved 2013's castle line. The fact that you could expand the castle with the gatehouses was awesome. It was just the sort of modularity I was hoping would be capitalized on in a new castle line. There's bound to be a new Nexo Knights retailer exclusive set that is pretty big that we haven't even heard of yet, right??
  9. I am actually getting pretty excited for this theme's release. While I'd vastly prefer structures over vehicles and medieval knights to futuristic knights, these figures and their accessories do look pretty good, from what I could see so far.
  10. I really like the minifigures. I am going to get at least one of each of the sets. I'm not sure which sets that I'll get multiples of just yet, if any. That was always the great thing about non-named generic figures in previous castle themes was the fact that they worked so much better as army builders.
  11. I guess maybe because people have seen Ninjago and Chima sets, and despite the 'suggested age' on the box, the set designs themselves are unappealing. Ninjago and Chima are vehicle heavy. The only vehicles in a castle theme should be horses, carts, and the OCCASIONAL siege engine. The relation of this theme to China and Ninjago is the worry that these sets will follow their pattern of vehicle heavy set design.
  12. I just wish THOSE kids would speak up in the focus groups.
  13. Man,how cool does 'Nexo Skeletons' sound?? Maybe not in this initial wave, but perhaps a future wave? :D
  14. Man, too bad the set list and logo couldn't also be someone's fake info.
  15. Oh my gosh, people actually disliked the Tenkai knights?! I thought it was so cool that they morfed from a 2x4 brick into a very articulated figure. I wouldn't want something like that for Nexo Knights, though. And a mobile fortress with static legs with hidden wheels to push the thing along sound like my worst nightmare. I'm still hoping to be pleasantly surprised!! :]
  16. My hopes are now below rock bottom for this theme. That's good, though, because if somehow one of the sets or maybe a cool looking fig manages to pique my interest, well hey, pleasant surprise.
  17. Good point, and thanks for the heads-up. I knew the soldier's fort was modular, but I just went and checked out the pirate's hideout and it is as well. Very promising!!
  18. I have to say, for a castle I vastly prefer 2013's 70404 to 2007's 7094. Just the fact that it was modular gives me excited goosebumps all over. I also prefer 70402 over any of the previous towers/gatehouses that have come out since 2000. Even the beloved 2010 Kingdom's theme had a pretty mediocre showing when it came to the gatehouse and tower sets. The 2007 line was just really refreshing to me after the KK1 and KK2 mess. Those two eras actually made me pine for the Fright Knights and Dark Forest (even though I am one of those who already enjoyed Night Lord's Castle and the Dark Forest Fortress). Whatever comes out in 2016, I hope it takes a modular hint from the 2013 castle line so I can customize the castle.
  19. I'm with 'de Gothia' on this matter. I'd prefer sticking with more true to historical medieval life but with detailed "LotR-Hobbit" style builds. A wizard or witch wouldn't be out of the question, but I'd rather LEGO stick with humans v. humans.
  20. Kliq replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Action and Adventure Themes
    I have to say, the sets sound really fun. I bet the color scheme will be peaceful and beautiful. I'd love to get the sets and just swap out the minidolls. Hopefully the scale won't look too off as I feel it does in some Friends sets.
  21. Kliq replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Action and Adventure Themes
    I honestly wouldn't mind a fantasy theme aimed at girls. What kills it for me are the minidolls. I could have spent a fortune by now on Friends sets if they contained standard minifigures. I understand there are those of you who are 'parts' people, but I am not. I buy LEGO sets, build them, display them, play with them. I did buy almost all of the Disney Princess sets only because it was the closest thing to Castle that was available at the time. I enjoyed putting them together and all of the accessories they came with, but the dolls have no place next to my minifigures. I won't rule out purchasing these sets, because if they look good enough I'll still buy them and populate them with proper minifigures, but even then sometimes the scale still seems 'off' which is why I haven't dived into Friends.
  22. I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Western. The quality of sets was great. Just look at all of the detail in the construction of each of the buildings/fortifcations. Also, the minifigures were awesome. 6765 Gold City Junction is still one of my favorite LEGO sets of all time.
  23. As a self-admitted minifgure parts exchanger (got to get rid of flesh tones!), swapping out all of the jelly bean knights just to make them generic soldiers is too much effort for me. I might as well just keep their heads and put them on entirely new bodies. That said, I did pick up a huge lot of 5999 Jayko when they were on sale from Chowren Toys. It was then that I decided my entire Morcian army would be light blue. The 8781 Castle of Morcia set is by far my least favorite LEGO castle to ever be released, though funny enough it is the first castle that I ever owned and built. I've seen a prototype image of what the designer had in mind originally, and it would have blown what was actually released out of the water. It is a shame they had to go with that. Someone mentioned above that they thought KKII builds surpassed those of KKI. While I love 8877 Vladek's Dark Fortress, I have to say that I prefer 6091/6098 King Leo's Castle (the only large structure released in KKI) to most KKII sets, including 8781 Castle of Morcia, 8780 Citadel of Orlan, and 8823 Mistlands Tower (all of which I own). I have to say though, looking back through those KKII sets, I did enjoy the sense of fantastical adventure they provided.
  24. Oh man, I would go insane for the Europa theme. I, too, have looked longingly at those pictures so many times. The civilian buildings, the noble minifigures, the architecture of the castles...all so great. I'd buy them up like bottled water in the desert.
  25. Yes, I agree. 7946 King's Castle was so attractive. Then, when 7189 Mill Village Raid was released, I was so happy. Best of all, there were no flick-fire missiles in sight (in that set)! Yep, that would be awesome. I would love to see minifigure scale beasts and other dungeon denizens. I wasn't a huge fan of the Fantasy era. The infamous 'floating tower' on 7094 King's Castle Siege sort of highlighted some of my problems with that line. I really didn't like the undead faction mainly because I wasn't a fan of having an army of those skeleton figures with such limited articulation. The trolls/orks were better, but I guess I just liked the more historical castle lines better. That said, I'd still love a fantasy Heroica line.
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