Everything posted by Naith
Kinetic Man (Gambit) and Red Bird (Red Robin) Figs by Phoenix Custom M
I havnt logged on here in along time im usually just a lurker but after seeing the quality of this figures i just had to log on and say how impressed i am! i am definetly going to be making an order very soon, i am so glad to see you ship internationally (i am from the UK) i look forward to seeing more of your minifigs!!
LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
This Latest UCS is impressive, but for the price i am going to have to pass which is a shame . What i am curious about though is, has anyone seen any news lately about the Pre Vizsla fighter? ive yet to see a review of this set but last i heard it was released in June? Alittle confusing .
German Mechanic Head
i bought my wing over a month ago and got the brown moustashe
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Wow for the first time in ALONG time I think I'll acutally get all of those sets they all look great
Lego Final Fantasy
Having grown up with Final Fantasy i am a huge fan and these are great my fave is Yuna great fig's
Future Star Wars Sets
Another set I would love to see is the Emperor's Theta-class T-2c shuttle with or with out the emperor I would love this set.
Space Police 2009!
This is not what i was expecting and i must say i am looking forward to the other sets this one looks very promising
Avatar: LEGO Earthbending!
Very good moc well designed and clever mechanisms,
Future Star Wars Sets
I'd like to see sets similar to the latest castle set (Market Village) but Star Wars cities and streets and buildings of known places from the star wars world.
2008 Picture thread
Wow nice find i acutally really like the look of that new dooku thanks
10193 Medieval Market Village
I have seen the face of God and wow this set is just incredible Im blown away completely wow just wow
2009 minifig wishlist!
The Padme minifig comes in 2 sets: 7171 Mos Espa Podrace and 7131 Anakin's Podracer but from personal experience ive found these sets to be extremely over priced at the moment
Your dream Lego theme
Awww Sandy you stole my idea i had basically the same set up and idea
Evil Wizard Tricks
I saw this on brickshelf yesterday and I was very VERY impressed your portal + demon are just incredible and the detail is just superb great build
LEGO reveals new line - Power Miners
At first glance im not 100% on this new line, but saying that I felt the same when i first saw the agents prelim shots so I will have to wait for a better quality picture to make my decision
Castaway t' Neverland
Wow that is a very impressive build brilliant idea using builders hats and black hands to create crabs and I love the little ship overall excellent build and detail! :)
Castle Minifigure ideas
i voted elves i would love to see legos concept on them after seeing how they did the troll/orcs with the latest castle sets
7675 AT-TE Review
no hotshot they havea blue peg stuck in them with the black rod slotted in to it aswell so the whole thing is pretty solid
7675 AT-TE Review
i also got this set yesterday and i love it but i was missing a few pieces >< wasnt happy lol
2008 Picture thread
i literally live behind a woolworths so i can watch the deliverys come and go i spoke to the store this morning and they told me all of the sets would be released tomorrow but depending on whether they come tonight and be on the selves tomorrow morning or evening they dont know i thought the sets were released today (25th) i was so disappointed to find they werent out yet i cant wait to get my hands on them first thing in the morning ill be the first one through the doors lol
Review of 7676 Republic attack gunship
great review i love this set but when are they released in the UK? i want them!!!
Is your member number a set number?
im alittle basic racer lol
UCS MF Luke with his old hair?
what set is that luke from??
Pics of the Agents Line
excellent find svete i love both of these sets :D
ive never let anyone touch my mocs but ever since i got 2 cats its like im forbidden to use the green bushes from the wild west theme my cats are obsessed with them ill make a moc wake up in the morning and the moc will be fine but the cat has carefully stolen the bushes and ran off with them so i had to give up using them and just gave them to the cats to ease there curiousty lol
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