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Everything posted by Alldarker

  1. PM sent You're absolutely right of course; although especially movie licensed Lego sets often seem very much based on a certain scene in a movie, it would be very contrary to the spirit of Lego to only allow recreation of that one scene with what you get. For example, I know that my 6866 Wolverine minifig WILL in fact be allowed in the 6869 Quinjet, even though he's not featured in the set . That said, Batman will most certainly NOT be allowed (clash of the licenses would probably cause a rift in the space-time continuum).
  2. I saw the Avengers movie yesterday! And it was good! Perhaps not 'Ironman' or 'Thor' good, but certainly better than Ironman 2. Joss Whedon's touches are unmistakeable, which, as a fan of his work, I can appreciate. I'll not spoil anything but as usual, the Lego sets based on the movie are... less than accurate to the movie . Especially the character choice in the sets is sometimes... surprising. Still, on the whole, most of the 4 sets are recognisable in the movie, most of all the Quinjet, which on the whole is surprisingly accurate.
  3. I saw the movie yesterday, and of all the Avengers Lego sets the Lego Quinjet is definitely the best and most accurate movie representation. Very accurate in almost all aspects, but surprisingly inaccurate in one plot-centric aspect... You'll know what I mean, marcosbessa. I'm guessing that as usual (Prince of Persia, Pirates of the Caribbean) Lego only gets a couple of sneak views at movie models and plotpoints to base their models on. Not a problem for simple character and vehicle-based actionfigures and toys, but Lego sets are usually more 'plot-centered'. I'm sure this will probably explain some of the 'inaccuracies' between movie and Lego sets. Great job anyways on that Quinjet design, though, marcosbessa (I'll be honest, I have yet to build mine )!
  4. Funny thing: I saw the Avengers movie yesterday ( ) and afterwards my wife also said the Quinjet reminded her a lot of the Firefly Class ship. Actually, she was joking that it WAS the Serenity. Without spoiling anything: the Lego version of the Quinjet is very good, and only (very) inaccurate in just a couple of 'interesting' aspects (naming one these aspects would in fact BE spoilerish, though).
  5. No problems, and thanks. I know how annoying unconfirmed rumors can be, but Flump6523 on Brickset was a pretty dependable source (and actually, I think the post in which TC-14 was guessed was indeed removed from that topic).
  6. I find your lack of faith disturbing... Need I say more???
  7. Oops, I see I had my wires crossed. I thought we were talking about the May the Fourth promo fig, which will be TC-14. The blog is about another possible in-box surprise bonus figure, which might well be a new chrome C-3PO. In fact, I certainly hope so!
  8. It's not actually going to be a new gold chrome C-3PO... But rather TC-14, the silver chrome female protocol droid from The Phantom Menace.
  9. Perhaps they tried to write it as an archaic version of "George was here", as in this George...
  10. Alldarker replied to mutley777's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    This set seriously doesn't need many extra minifigs to look good. I guess you can't go wrong with a few extra Stormtroopers, but this set includes most, if not all, the main characters I'd associate with the Death Star. I guess more Death Star Troopers lioke the one included in the new TIE Fighter would be nice, but they're not exactly easy to come by cheaply at the moment.
  11. Alldarker replied to illspace's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I've seen previous US store exclusives sold in both Intertoys and Bart Smit here in Holland. When Toys 'R' Us still had stores here, they sometimes had the US TRU exclusives, but nowadays, ToysXL who took over those stores, just plain suck as far as Lego is concerned (and certainly do not have the TRU exclusives). BTW, even S@H exclusives (like the Medieval Market Village) will sometimes find their way into stores like Top1Toys. So I'd say just give it some time. Although personally, I couldn't wait and bought the Y-Wing from S@H...
  12. Alldarker replied to Steiney's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Also interesting to note: the Death Star Trooper actually has a double sided face. On one side he has the face as seen in the photo, on the other side he has a black visor, comparable to the old Scout Trooper visor (but again with a strap). I have to admit, this set does seem overpriced, but in hand, the difference between this TIE-Fighter and the older versions is pretty obvious: this one is quite a bit larger and heavier. Not sure if that + the extra figures make up for all of the price difference...
  13. Hmm... Gotta admit that Chewbacca actually does look quite good / accurate with those long legs. Not at all as silly as I'd expected.
  14. I think this thread has some more insight into this, but generally, I do indeed think MB has probably lost the 'Amazing Spiderman' license. They've lost licences already, such as Cars and PotC, and I think studio's and marketeers are increasingly interested in the higher quality of designs and products and better known brandname of Lego when it comes to toy licensing for movies. I guess they've seen that MB only catered to kids with their licensed sets, while the Lego brand can also attract an older (and richer!) audience to the licensed products, AND that licenced Lego sets can cater to an additional larger audience who are perhaps not fans of the specific movie which is marketed, but who are fans of Lego. It's funny, I remember that about 5 years ago, Lego said they would be moving away from licensed sets... Looks like that decision has been well and truly reversed.
  15. Wasn't the European release date for the DC sets moved back to May 2012? At least, that's what the October 2011 dealer catalogue pictures showed...
  16. Alldarker replied to ACPin's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I too have plenty of unopened SW sets... Mostly due to either having them double (and buying a second one at clearance) or just not having enough space to display them. That also means it's the biggest sets which often stay MISB: currently UCS Millennium Falcon, UCS Death Star II, Dropship / AT-OT, 6211 Star Destroyer, 7675 AT-TE, Battle of Endor to name but a few, although I do have quite a few smaller sets MISB as well. I did recently sell a MISB Sandcrawler I had double... Hardly made a dent as far as extra storage space was concerned, though.
  17. I have both of the ComicCon figures with card, and although I'd definitely like for them to be as exclusive as you think, I'm gonna have to go with Macoco's reasoning that they are nothing but previews, and that they will be released next year in these exact versions. Although on the other hand, I'm not entirely sure about Green Lantern. The Green Lantern movie happened and didn't make much of an impression, so a sequel might not be forthcoming. And I don't think any specific Green Lantern sets have been announced. Lastly, GL is hardly a well known superhero in Europe, unlike Batman and Superman and Wonder Woman (even I initially though they were talking about a Green Hornet movie when it was first announced). So Green Lantern might get left off the roster...
  18. I can only agree with you in saying that this is one of the very best sets ever developed by Lego. It is perfect in design, perfect in play-ability and perfect in parts: there's simply nothing to fault it on. I am slightly ashamed to say that, yes, I am lucky enough to own this set, but no, it has never been built and it still remains MISB . Many times have I held the box in my hand, looking at its promises and marveling at its size and features. But the lack of space in my room and the backlog of other sets I still need to build sort of hinders me in finally cracking open this set and admiring its glory in real life! Funny thing with the Orient Expedition sets is that they seems to have been an extreme inspiration for the creators of the (later) Playstation 3 game 'Uncharted 2: Among Thieves'. The many common ideas in both the Orient Expedition sets and in Uncharted 2 are almost uncanny!
  19. Thanks for the review! I'm extra interested in your review, seeing as I ordered this set this Sunday, and am now waiting for it to arrive. BTW, both the Toys'r'Us price and the S@H price here in the Netherlands (and the rest of Europe?) is currently €99,99 (and not the straight $ to € conversion which you have put in your review). For everyone here in the Netherlands a tip: www.toysrus.nl currently has a 20% reduction(!) for all combined orders worth over €100, which I made good use of for this set.
  20. See the wiki on the term 'canon' right here. In short, the term canon denotes the material accepted as "official" in a fictional universe's fan base.
  21. The SDCC Lego Advent Calendar does indeed have 'fancy packaging' along with a limited edition Greg Hyland drawn print. From what I read on FBTB, both the packaging and the print are numbered from 1 to 1000 (same numbers). Anyhow, all the information can be read here on FBTB.net.
  22. Alldarker replied to madoka's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Well spotted! I too was expecting the Bat Cave to be the flagship set, but your evidence undoubtedly shows that it will be one of the smaller sets in the first wave. What would be a realistic price breakdown for this first DC Wave? Say five sets: perhaps something like $109.99, $69.99, $34.99, $19.99 and $14.99? I'm really hoping an Arkham Asylum will make a comeback, especially if it's the largest of these sets...
  23. Alldarker replied to JimH's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I'm pretty sure the head wasn't pushed on 'properly' by Lego in the first place for some good reasons: probably because it would scrape and damage both the neck AND the head. It would't surprise me if the head won't actually even fit properly on the neck without using brute force™, and finally getting it on would most certainly mean never being able to get it off again (combined with the risk of actually splitting the head). Getting the tolerances right on a cast gold object is probably a lot harder that it is on regular ABS plastic. I'm even guessing that the hollow inside the head might have filled up just slightly with residue molten gold, making it impossible to fit on the neck. I can't imagine Lego had enough budget for these prizes to be able to 'discard' any gold figures due to flaws in the finished product .
  24. Alldarker replied to Adrian86's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    I also finally received the proper gold coins and bars after first having received the old style coins. It did take another parts request, but I specified exactly what I wanted: 4 packets of the coins/bar, along with the item number. And that's exactly what I received, about two weeks after sending my second e-mail to S@H.
  25. Why not read the review of the QAR, and make up your mind based on that? Anyhow, I do own the QAR: it's a very nice display model, but lacks much play value, in my opinion. Angelica is a nice enough minifig, but hardly THE be all and end all reason to buy this set, to be honest.
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