Everything posted by Wolvarie
Wild Things & A New Medieval Building guide
All I can say is YAAAAAAAAAY!
Future Castle Sets?
Absolutely. There is a Castle market square on Ideas that has reached 10,000 votes. Here's hoping.
Future Castle Sets?
Insert burning effigy of Nexo Knights being known as a castle theme.... Urgh the wait continues...come back Kingdoms I miss thee and your Market Square, your joust, your farm with windmill for grinding grain, your green dragons...crownies, lions, black falcons, dwarves, goblins, skeletons. Be bold LEGO, you can afford to keep the AFOL's happy. Would be interesting to know how much of a % of buying power the AFOL community now has.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Sigh, no new LOTR sets...Castle replaced by the monstrosity that is Nexo Knights...Guess I can blow all of my saved 2016 castle money on Star Wars instead...was really hoping for a new Kingdom's line...pander to my wants LG!!!
- The Wall: Rome's Northern Frontier
- Nexo Knights 2016
Nexo Knights 2016
What I would love to see is modular castle builds. Break the obilitory castle down into different parts such as walls, towers, keep, gatehouse etc, would think LEGO would sell them by the truckload. Add in various minifigs and other elements and you would have something that would allow kids to build that really cool castle over time and AFOL's to just go nuts. Could do the same thing with various medieval buildings in a town setting, a similar type thing as the City creator sets, but for Castle. There is so much scope to do more than the poor effort they spun out a few years ago.
- Nexo Knights 2016
- Nexo Knights 2016
- Nexo Knights 2016
Nexo Knights 2016
If this is true, then I have to up the LEGO savings budget... Some things I hope to see in Castle Fantasy II..if it happens. Bring back the battle packs! Black the knight in the last Castle Joust set. Forestmen...updated clothing and weaponry. More peasants and common the Mill and Barn set. Some mounted the Huns, Celts etc. Non human factions... Trolls/orcs/goblins Elves Dwarves Some other lawful dragons other than the green Maybe some Chima styled beast faction like Wolfen or Bearmen or Cats etc Crownies or Lions in the red and the blue styles as well as the Green Dragonmen. Bandits...Wolfpack mkII Another addition to the village market set. Houses, buildings other than smithies... Modular castle sets. Walls, gates and towers that could be added to a bigger castle set or be used to build up to one over time. Hot damn if this is true.
LEGO Castle 2013
I really liked the way the Kingdom's line was going with more realistic features and builds such as the Market Place and the Joust. The dragons and other race themes such as the dwarves, skeletons and orcs were something different. They have all these molds from the LOTR and Hobbit lines that could be used to launch a new better castle line, that was modular and allowed for lower price points to then build into a larger castle or town. Would like to see castle as an older demographic, let the kids play with Chima and Ninjago and allow castle to be more realistic in buildings and fantasy based with minifigs. The fact there is no Castle line for 2015 and no word on if or when it is returning makes me think LEGO has dropped the ball and can't see the real love of the Castle line within the TFOL and the AFOL groups. Bit of a smack in the face to all LEGO castle lovers everywhere.
- LEGO Castle 2013
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Got to get the other LOTR sets on ideas up to 10K as well. The Osgiliath set, the Lothlorien set and the Edoras set are all excellent ideas and worthy of being made into sets. If TLG sees that fans still want LOTR and Hobbit sets they would be stupid not to. BTW I have followed all of these sets on Ideas. As it stands Osgiliath 1147 supporters (311 days left), Lothlorien 5495 (181) and Edoras 3571 (116). Get on these sets, tell your friends and LOTR loving LEGO builders everywhere. The Edoras one is the one needing the most help, need some sites like thebrickblogger and the brothers brick to highlight them. I want it to continue as the present Castle line makes me want to barf.
Winners MEC Contest
Nice work all! Get on ideas and support the Osgiliath set.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Of all the sets I would like to see "made" by the incredibly creative Lego ideas uploaders is Nazgul and its prey. Eowyn, Merry, the mortally wounded Theoden and the Witch King on his winged steed. Using the brown dragon from Harry Potter and a few modifications it could be done. 4 figs, white horse and a fell beast bit of ground and some rocks. $35-45 done. Balrog would slay Treebeard in seconds. Flame v wood is no contest.
MEC Category A: Battle of Osgiliath
2nd this! Need to let LEGO know that the fans still want LOTR sets.
MEC Category A: Battle of Osgiliath
Wow that is one piece of excellent work! Awesome and depressing all at once. Just a quality build and one that I think a lot of people would have bought if LEGO had just decided to do more Gondorian sets. I am so disappointed that they haven't seeing the quality of the sets figure wise has been so good. This would have been a great seller as it has the two factions, boats, some very cool figs and some great pieces and details. Just in awe....would have bought multiples...many multiples. Not too late to send to LEGO???
- Post Your Castle Army Here!
LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
My only regret is that at least one elf could have been in armour and a helm similar to that in the trailer. Of the sets I am only looking at the elf army multiple times a couple Beorn and maybe Lake town. Will look to get the minifigs of Radagast and Azog separately as the sets don't do much for me. Saving my money for a hopeful large scale Smaug set and of course the battle of the five armies. I really hope Lego go to town on this one. Give us some army building sets with minimal scenery with a cheaper price point.
Book II - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Book II - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Noob question again in terms of "steed" Horse or green dragon permissible?
Book II - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Is it too late to join? Need to get my act together as I am a noob when it comes to this. Let me know either way and I will get together a sigfig with a suitable backstory and a small kingdom. Wolvarie
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
Results from the quarterly survey time April 2013
Sorry guys the US subsidize remark was out of line. And I hate to keep harping on price, I know there are factors such as roughly 15 times more people in the US than AU and I don't blame them for buying Lego as much as you can...I know I would be. You guys in the US have what I call a LEGO dream, all the sets, cheap prices, big discounts, competitors fighting to sell stock in a depressed economy, Lego themed stores, pick a brick, the list goes on and while I am jealous its what it is, but that shouldn't stop others around the world wanting some of the same action. Lego on average is 20 to 50% dearer and on the bigger sets it can stretch to $80 to over $100 difference in price here locally. A lot of Lego lovers and shoppers in general downunder have with the high Aussie dollar against the US dollar had a real eye opener to just how much we get gouged on any goods brought into the country...Treasure Island global companies call Australia. That is changing as many like myself have taken our business online and bought directly from the US. This doesn't help our local businesses either and many are hard up against it. A simplistic view to back up my arguement is to go onto the LEGO shop at home site and switch between countries to see the price differences. Just did a quick price match with 10240 Red 5 X-wing...199.99 USD 169.99 BPS (UK) 199.99 EU and 279.99 AUD. Interestingly when you convert between the currencies the UK pound, Euro and the AUD come out evenly. When you do the same with the US the price of Red 5 should be $265.78. I know you can say tax has to be added, but $66 dollars more? Now I've done this with many sets over the years and the results are pretty consistent. On bigger sets the US will get at least a $50 better price per set than most regions of the world. Reason why the US buys more...its cheaper. I would buy more big sets if they were $50 cheaper. I would buy more multiples of smaller sets if they were cheaper as well. I would love to support my local stores as my kids will probably be looking for a part time job in them in the coming years, but as a lover of Lego I would like to buy as much as I can for my hard earned LEGO hobby dollars I save each month and that means buying overseas. People complain about the price because they would love to buy as much LEGO as their budget allows and following the AFOL movement online it gets pretty damn frustrating seeing the deals on offer. I have a network of parents I know buy LEGO for their kids and are always amazed and a bit sick in the guts when I show them sites such as Bricklink and see how much they are being ripped off locally. The LEGO group is putting out awesome sets all the time and kids see that and want them...parents love their kids and buy the sets at much higher prices. I show them how to get it cheaper and they stop buying locally. Its a global community now with the net and consumers aren't going to stand for multinational companies charging wildly different prices in Western economies, they will go and buy it where they can keep more of their hard earned for themselves. Feel free to swing away and poke holes in my claims and you can say that shipping costs all the way across the world adds to the price, but not 20-50% more. Lego say they might do something about this topic, but I and many others around the world don't hold much hope of it changing anytime soon. I hereby swear I will say no more on price on these forums or on any other forum and will grind my teeth silently, behind my smile and continue to buy online.
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