Hello, Gutentag, Bonjour or in my language G'day!
My name is Wolvarie and I have been an AFOL for 15years. I have lurked on most brick sites and have really been back building again for the last 5 years.
Very inspired by the sort of work that builders post here and as I work in education I try to inspire (and convert) the students I work with to the joys of the mighty brick. That does involve taking a fair bit of my own stash to work with me, but the kids get such a buzz out of seeing new items and looking at what you can do with Lego.
Live in OZ so feel a bit removed from all the great oportunities for collecting pieces and cheaper sets that EU and US have at their disposal.
Really enjoying the medieval village that Derfel is posting at the moment, my kids are blown away by the detail and "how much does he have?? I wish I had that much
Anyhow looking forward to continuing to read Eurobricks and add some comments when able.
Sorry mods not sure how the site works (noob:)) tried to get this into Hello but...anyway help!