Everything posted by jmagaletta
Storage and Sorting LEGO
Hello, I live in an apartment and my collection has gotten to the point where I need to put some sets away or my girlfriend will do it for me..... How do people recommend doing that. For instance I can handle my smaller sets. But what about for sets like the Super Star Destroyer or the Tower of Orthanc? Sets in the range of 1,250 pieces plus. I want to optimize it so when i go to put them back on display it is as easy and not time cosuming as possible. Thanks for everyones help.
- LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
[SoNE Free build] TX-130 T Dead ahead!
The Tank looks great. Better than tlg version
- LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
Future Star Wars Minifigs
I would be happy with the EP III sets so long as we get as many phase 2 clones and variations as possible. This picture comes to mind.
Back wall for Orthanc
Yes but you have to wait for someone to do it. There is a thread with ldd files for official sets. Or a quick google search can usually help you out.
Back wall for Orthanc
Agree fully with this, looks fantastic, you took an existing great set and made it even better. Hope you put together a LDD for the rest of us who do not have the skills to figure this out.
- LOTR Black Gate MOC
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
Double Feature Review Part I: 75024 HH-87 Starhooper
Just pop an Obi Wan head on one of the new mandalorions and boom you got one.
Star Wars Rebels
I don't believe Leia is taking about Padme, I am pretty sure she is talking about Bail's wife.
General Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Questions
There hasn't really been any details on the movie yet so I think TLG will wait for a trailer or something. Which I heard to be rumored to be in the coming weeks.
The Black Gate of Mordor (expanded set)
Looks great. I have been waiting for a picture of this. Great job and definitely solidified my choice to get two.
[MOC] Hostile Takeover
If that is the case go with this part in black, first thing I did when I got my pre viszla.
- [MOC] Minifig-scale B-Wing (with instructions and LDD)
[MOC] Hostile Takeover
I like it, only gripe on my part is Pre Viszla only had one darksaber.
Star Wars Rebels
Do not get me wrong I am not an Ashoka fan. But I still would like to know what happened to her during Order 66, would she have been hunted or ignored?
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Technically speaking the title of "Two Towers" has been debated a lot. With a letter from Tolkien saying it is Orthanc and Minas Morgul. But I can definitely see TLG doing Barad Dur over Minas Morgul.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I agree that they are amazing games, but sorry to say if you want anything from those games that's not already in the OT you will have to make it yourself. Those games are just too old to be of any concern to TLG. Try a google search for anything Jedi Knight game related in lego. might find something with an LDD file.
What're your favorite and least favorite Star Wars sets?
Can you really blame TLG for this? The source material is just awful already.
Star Wars Rebels
I found this article. I agree with most of the list besides 10 and 11.
Venator Class Republic Attack Cruiser
I am very interested in your list of parts that can be color swapped?
Color Change on a Republic Gunship?
Those aren't ETAs, those are Delta 7/7Bs. These are ETA-2's
Double Feature Review Part II: 75025 Jedi Defender-class Cruiser
No Flick Fires!!! I am amazed. Great review, one of the few sets I will be getting this wave.
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