Everything posted by jmagaletta
Back wall for Orthanc
This is fantastic. I wish you had a LDD to share as I believe everyone who is getting Orthanc would want this.
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
[MOC] Clone Trooper AA Gun
I like it, it is like CW meets WWII.
Color Change on a Republic Gunship?
I am thinking of doing something similar to the Jek-14's Fighter to make an Alliance E-Wing. I would suggest, as I did the aforementioned Eta-2 conversions, using LDD. You can usually find LDD files for official sets on Eurobricks. Use the color change tool and then print the parts page, this way you still make use of the inner parts that you don't see from your current RGS and only have to get the new outer parts.
Venator Class Republic Attack Cruiser
Anio, I was not aware the bricklink xml was available. Can I please request it?
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
"Best" Darth Vader minifig
I like the idea of this, or they could go the iron man route.
- Star Wars sets anyone?
"Best" Darth Vader minifig
All the Vader's can be seen on this website as for the one I like 2008/2010 one better torso design
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Those look like foreign boxes to me. Did you buy from overseas as your info says USA?
Venator Class Republic Attack Cruiser
if you don't mind me asking, why were a few parts removed? Stability? Clearance?
MOC: LOTR The hunt for Gollum
What a great fan made movie. I like the vignette, it looks great
Venator Class Republic Attack Cruiser
Seller ended the item. Guess he was reported enough/spammed
About clone wars 2003
I think I remember Windu or Yoda using the force to throw some droidekas on Courascant. They were definately on the invisable hand.
Venator Class Republic Attack Cruiser
Reported also. What an a** any one of the people who bought the instructions, inuding me, could resale them. But it is a matter of respect and decency. Disgusting.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Some of TCW jedi faces are not bad real represantations of the real faces. Especially the molded head Jedi. Plo Koon, Nadar, Etc.
Star Wars Rebels
But Galen Marek was never really a true sith. He was always Vaders/Palpatines pawn.
Venator Class Republic Attack Cruiser
I decided to buy the instuctions and start this project. I give myself 4-5 months to finish, will probably spend $100-$150 a month on pieces until I have them all. My reasoning in pulling the trigger. I don't think this will get an official UCS from TLG in the near futre, if at all. If they do one it will most likely not look as good as this one and not as detailed. No need to wait years on something that "might happen" when I can start now. The bricklinking will be a nightmare for me, I feel I just need to put a good amount of preparation into the planning and it should be ok. I have already made a spreadsheet in Excel to help me with this and inventoried the parts I already have. I would like to keep my orders to the minimum amounts of stores. I will most likely start with the high quantity items and work down to the lower quantity. Any advice from someone who has done this will be greatly appreciated.
Best non UCS AT-ST produced by LEGO?
8039 is too studdy IMO. Edit 8038
Star Wars Rebels
I think you are missing the point I was saying. I think there is a place for Galen in this series. That does not mean he will have the crazy steroid like force powers. You have to remember the game was intented to entertain first, who doesn't like playing as a character who can do crazy force abilities, hence the name "Force Unleashed" The same can be said of TCW, this is aimed at a younger target audience and children/kids will be more enthrawled with the higher force abilities then they would be at the little force usage in the OT and to a point the PT. Do I think the can pull off a character of Galen Marek int Star Wars Rebels, yes, do i think he would be able to do the stuff in the game, no. Also you have to remeber Galen is based on the likeness of Sam Witwer, who is also the voice of Darth Maul in TCW so he does have an in with Dave FIloni most likely.
Best non UCS AT-ST produced by LEGO?
I personally prefer 7657. The angles are a bit off but I like the look of it better.
Star Wars Rebels
Regardless of the overuse of the force powers, which I agree was over the top. I still think the story of Galen Marek was good and introduced the origins of the Rebel Alliance in a good way, with the use of Rahm Kota and having a surviving Jedi help kickstart a group of rebels. Again this is my opinion and I know many don't agree. I just think it would be nice to tie some things together and really make it one continuity. The one problem I do see with the show is that the Rebel Alliance was not really winning many battles during this period or am I mistaken? How can they have a show where the "good guys" are not really fighting a winning battle?
Press Release 10237 - Tower of Orthanc
Do you have a picture?
Star Wars Rebels
What are the chances of seeing Starkiller/Galen Marek? After all his family crest is the symbol of the alliance. I hope he is included.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I just bought the instructions for the UCS Venator seen here http://www.eurobrick...ic=37663&st=150 I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or knowledge on how I can print this in a style similar to the large instructions TLG makes for the UCS sets, eg. http://1.bp.blogspot...29 %28WM%29.jpg Could fedex kinkos do something like this? Has anyone tried something like this before?
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