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Everything posted by jmagaletta

  1. I like the look of it and the SNOT. But you are missing the R4 head
  2. Watched TCW this morning, wasn't anything in the episode that jumped out at me that could be the Mando Speeder. Also i think the spiked helmet mando is actually Maul.
  3. It does not have to marketed that way. Also they could do the flip side, Obi-Wan/Yoda clearing the temple of Clones. Look at Anakin's Jedi Interceptor. They don't make Anakin look evil at all. But honestly i was just pointing out there are plenty of set opportunities from Episode III
  4. One possibility for an army is to buy both the battle pack and planet set. Then sell the clone sergeant with the planet set and keep the regular clone. Bound to make some money back this way.
  5. There are plenty of oppurtunities in ROTS. All the different battle scenes during Order 66? Plenty of chances to get no CW Jedi and Clones of all different legions/battalions. Especially this http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Unstable_Terrain_Artillery_Transport And a jedi temple for the attack on the temple by Darth Vader and the 501st
  6. 75001 is a great army builder actually. The republic Troopers are identical with their helmets, besides weapons. The sith troopers are so similar that you could have an army of the two shades in equal representation and it would look great ^Beat me by a few minutes.
  7. I am confused. It says on the fbtb.net recap that thet sets are episode ii and iii centric. I fail to see where episode iii is the theme of a set? they all seem to be episode ii
  8. I like the white vader. Only if the torso was detailed it could be the Star Wars Infinities Redeemed Anakin. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Star_Wars_Infinities:_Return_of_the_Jedi pictured lower on the page.
  9. Honestly it is just a plate then two 2x6 bricks side by side. Then 2x6 bricks stacked. Nothing special. The other stand is the same concept. Just a wider base for more stability. I just threw them together quickly.
  10. I didn't get either of these sets, but this mod makes me want to.
  11. Why not? He was part of one of the best Arc's in TCW in my opinion.
  12. I don't think LOTR UCS sets will take the spot of USC sets for Star Wars. If anything introducing UCS to another Licensed Line will bring in even more profits. That being said, has ther been any speculation about the SW UCS set besides the X-Wing talk, which I hope is false Edit: Nevermind, I misread what your comment was in reference to.
  13. Can anyone tell me who does custom star wars minifigs for sale besides Minifigmaker and Clone Army Customs?
  14. They just retired the Shuttle and that came out 2010. You have some time.
  15. The current system set is pretty much minifig scale.
  16. I think it turned out to just be a rumor.
  17. Never got an A-Wing. Pretty excited about this set.
  18. There definitely is but I do not think that will be it. I think it will be an as of yet unseen speeder that will be in the Death Watch Arc on TCW this season. Or a speeder similar to the ones used in the episode "A Friend in Need" Either way I don't think Maul will have special legs. If you look in the trailer for season 5. He does not have the same legs as the one from Mother Talzin that was injured by Hondo. No one knows. This time last year the Winter Wave wasn't even released in the US yet. And there have been prelim of the Barge and RGS, but are stamped "Confidential"
  19. I find this doubtful as they used 6211 in the trailer for the Yoda Chronicles. Which isnt much to go by, I know, but that did give us peeks at upcomming figs/ships.
  20. It could be a good EP II set. Shmi, two tuskan raiders, Anakin, and moisture vaporator/swoop bike/tuskan hut. The best figures that I would love are Echo and Fives. In a citadel themed set.
  21. Going solely on sets available at the lego s@H website. And a range of 30$-60$. These are the five sets i would choose from in order of how i would get them. 9493 X-Wing 9494 Anakin Interceptor 9492 Tie Fighter 75004 Z-95 Headhunter 75005 Rancor Pit If you want, just go to the lego S@H site and change the price range and it will give you all the sets available.
  22. Well the original toys of the Tie Fighters do have the Blue color and a lot of images, such as the main Tie picture on wwookiepedia can be argued that it is blue rather than grey. http://starwars.wiki.../LN_starfighter Also despite the scale of the AT-RT, it is pretty much a dead on representation of it.
  23. Really? a set in advance of the airing of the tv show arc. Has that happened before?
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