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Everything posted by jmagaletta

  1. The original isd could be a good standin for a victory class star destroyer.
  2. Do you have this source? I would like to see it.
  3. I really wonder why TLG would discontinue the accesory holes in the helmets? To me it does not make any sense. The only logical thing i could think is to save on piece/plastic used which could add up over the many multitudes of sets that come with the antennas and visors. Anyway it really takes away from Rex not having his signature range finder. Also gives me less hope for a proper phase II Cody.
  4. Let me start out by making my intentions clear. 1 I wanted to make a mini imperial style Venator in good scale to the Super Star Destroyer. 2 Make the mini ISD with the model look better and more to scale. After crunching some numbers, the ISD should be 13.5 studs long/4.25 inches, the Venator should be 10.32 studs/3.25 inches. I found it really hard to stick to ten/eleven studs for the Venator. I was able to do a nice ISD at 13 studs but could not use it because of the size of the mini venator. The final models come out to be about 15/16 studs for the ISD and 13/14 studs for the Venator. Here are some pictures from LDD. Before I go ahead and make this i thought i would get some feedback/suggestions. I included in the pictures the original mini ISD model from the set.
  5. Do you have a link to this thread?
  6. I am looking for a mini venator that will be in scale with the UCS Super Star Destroyer. It would have to be 7-8 studs long. Has anyone seen a custom like this or have any suggestions?
  7. Anyone notice in the promo pic for the revenge of the sith book it has the sith fury interceptors?
  8. Welcome back to Lego. Always seems to bring you back at some point. I like to look at www.fbtb.net for sales as they always list the random amazon.com sales for the sets including star wars and lotr.
  9. Considering the beauty of the Stormtrooper helmet, this is a disgrace. I really hope this is just misprinting or preliminary. The mold looks ok, the printing is terrible.
  10. The flick fires on the a-wing make it look terrible
  11. Still I think of all the Prequel ships that were introduced, a Venator would grab the most sales, the only other ship I could see selling well as a UCS would be the Jedi Interceptor, but knowing TLG it would probably be produced in the Anakin Yellow. Regardless, as an AFOL and SW fan I think I speak for the majority in that EP III was the "best" of the prequels and if a prequel UCS set was going to be produced it should be from that one. Just a side note that I didn't know. "Venator" is latin for "Hunter"
  12. If it isn't in the color you like, you could always get the pieces in the color you want and mod it?
  13. I would agree, save for the Republic Dropship??. That was never discounted. Also I think a Venator would sell a lot better then the JSF and a brick built Grevious.
  14. What are the chances we get a UCS Venator in the near future? It is such an iconic ship from Episode III and TCW. Also they could include parts to make and imperial one like at the end of Episode III
  15. I am not sure why, but i find myself wanting almost all of the sets, as long as some suspicions are true: TOR Battle pack - Will get as long as republic troopers have new helmet design, not like the striker fighter. Also can't get enough sith troopers. CW Battle pack - Will get as long as clones are phase II AT-RT - Same as above A-Wing - Never had one so hopefully this one is done well Z-95 - Like the ship in cw also hoping for a new pilots helmet. BARC Speeder - skeptical, but will get if it has a phase II rex. Umbaran Tank - hopeing for it to be massive and excited about the idea of umbaran minifigs. Does anyone else agree?
  16. Just picked up 9497 Republic Striker, 8089 Hoth Wampa Cave, 8092 Luke's Landspeeder. Also earlier in August Picked up 9496 Desert Skiff and 9489 Endor Battle Pack
  17. Around what time last year did we get the leaks of the Winter 2012 sets? If I remeber correctly this was pretty late, Novemberish?
  18. Amazon has 14% off.
  19. "Good god, Sidious vs Maul and Savage, please add Dooku, Grievous, and Ventress in there ." I called this months ago.
  20. I think questions like this are unnesesary, any pictures he has seen will all be preliminary and most of the time have stand ins for the figures of the set. for example
  21. http://www.theforce.net/latestnews/story/CVI_The_Clone_Wars_Season_5_Panel_147706.asp DId anyone see this article. It looks like eventually we might see some Republic Commando minifigs. Also their appears to be a new ship, a hybrid style delta 7b/eta 2 starfighter. TLG is usually behind a few years when it comes to TCW but it does give hope for the future. Personally I do not like the new jedi starfighter, wish they would just move to the eta-2 in the show. http://www.theforce.net/image_popup/image_popup_global.asp?image=http://www.theforce.net/2012/cvi/tcws5panel08.jpg http://www.theforce.net/image_popup/image_popup_global.asp?image=http://www.theforce.net/2012/cvi/tcws5panel12.jpg
  22. Still one of my favorite sets. Hell it promted me to make my own in yellow, red, and black.
  23. Hello, just need some opinions. I am going to my local lego store today. Looking to get one set, my dilemma, i want 3. the choices are 8092 land speeder, 9497 republic striker, 9525 pre vizsla fighter. Which should i got for?
  24. So we are definitely getting pictures of some of the 2013 sets today? Or is it just speculation?
  25. Just tried to click the links again. Looks like they were removed.
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