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    Over the Rianbow
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    Lego, Castle, Some more Lego, SUPER SMASH BROTHERS BRAWL!!!!!!!!<br />Super Mario Galxy! Lego (again)The Great Chicken Miasma Acting, Cheesy B-movies, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull all previous Indy movies, The Breakfast Club and Lego Castle. :-D


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  1. Greetings (Happy New Year!) I picked up Attack of the Wargs just in time for Christmas. Everything about the set was fine, except for the White Warg's hinge piece. The piece appears to be much shorter than the Grey Warg's jaw hinge. The Grey Warg's lower jaw extends all the way to the back, and the stud that attaches it is near the middle of the back part of the piece, whereas in the white jaw, the stud is at the very back of the piece, almost hanging off it. Seems to be a pretty clear case of a factory error. I was just wondering if anybody else has encountered this problem? Also, I submitted a request for a missing/broken piece on the Lego website, but this piece (and a couple of others) were had a red 'Add to Cart' button, while every other piece had a green one. I also called up Lego customer service and the person that helped me said that piece was not in stock. Now, I've visited Bricklink, but no one seems to be selling just the jaw hinge piece, everyone is selling complete Wargs. Does anyone know of another place where I might be able to find this piece for sale? Thanks (in advance) for any help that might be provided.
  2. To everyone who is complaining about ROn's non-skater hair in Hagrid's Hut: Remeber that although these sets may be high-def, they aren't necessarily final. Look at the owl in Hagrid's Hut, they have no face/torso print. Look at the owls in the Burrows, they DO have torso prints, so the Burrows picture we have is probably pretty close to being the final product. My only complaint with these sets is voldemort's new face. It just doens't look good enough yet. And also, Lego is getting pretty cheap, Notice that in the burrows picture all the wood tiles have stickers on them when in the past, they have always been printed pieces I really do hope thats just something that they will change for the final set.
  3. I'm glad to see the Police is looking into more serious criminals now, not just thieves, but they are now chasing down intergalactic pimps too Anyway, the Limo set really looks like the best of the bunch, at least to me.
  4. Though all these sets look pretty sweet, I can't help but notice one thing. This wave doesn't seem to follow the harrypotter tradition. It seems Professor Slughorn on't be released, and, even though Snape was the DADA teacher in year six, Slughorn is still one of the only teachers who's minifig is essential and yet, remains missing It is rather dissapointing to see that we won't be getting him.
  5. Atlantis Leviathan: ^-
  6. Has none of you guys heard about the new Lego pricing policy? Past the 100$ mark, they have the eight to charge an extra 10 cents for every piece they choose not to add :-p Unless it's Power Miners, then they have the right to charge you double what the regular price per piece ratio is
  7. Tried to build up this sweet design but I couldn't, the republic emblem won't click onto the 2 side studded bricks. Theres something off about your design.
  8. Meant Shop @ Home US. *hurm* Here's link http://shop.lego.com/Product/?p=7680&s...72-e69a12f76d6c
  9. Twilight is back at its regular 100$ price
  10. Is it just me, or does the ToD indy have one fleshie arm, like he's supposed to ? http://www.millionaireplayboy.com/toyfair_...ge=DSC08956.jpg EDIT: yes, yes he does.
  11. Anyone notice the round flipping piece meant to represent the round wall that fell over, letting indy pass through to the graveyard? Nice looking bike
  12. You mean his work stops amazing you? I think you mean your work ever ceases to amaze me. Nice figs
  13. Nice review Brickster. The newly colored fedora looks great. Glad to see you bought the farm
  14. I have a quick question about the ship included in this set. I'm planning to use it for a display, however, I'm not sure just how big it is. Will the new Power Miners Crystal Sweeper fit in there? How about the Drill digger or jungle cutter. If someone has both, could you post pictures? Thanks in advance *EDIT* Please, could someone respond? I need to get some idea as to what size it is, and, since I have no opportunity to see it up close, well, I'm kindda relying on you guys.
  15. 3 things: 1.Seems the new head is going to happen, since it is present in a few, but not in all the set. 2. Anyone else think Mola Ram looks like the juggernaut? 3. Notice the mini-minifig head in the headset?
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