MOC: Creatures of the Underworld
My newest creature, The Vizier.
MOC: Creatures of the Underworld
MOC: Creatures of the Underworld
Thanks so much guys, glad you like it.
MOC: Creatures of the Underworld
Thank you, L@go.
MOC: Creatures of the Underworld
Thanks guys.
MOC: Creatures of the Underworld
MOC: Creatures of the Underworld
- Scale 1:1 Facehugger
- ALIEN Assimilators: Alien Atmosphere Processor
Thanks, glad you all like it.- ALIEN Assimilators: Alien Atmosphere Processor
Thanks everyone!- ALIEN Assimilators: Alien Atmosphere Processor
Thank you!- ALIEN Assimilators: Alien Atmosphere Processor
Thanks so much. Glad you like it.- ALIEN Assimilators: Alien Atmosphere Processor
Hi everyone, hope you enjoy my newest MOC from the Alien Assimilators, a sci-fi series I'm currently working on. The Atmosphere Processors are used by the aliens for terraform. The aliens can't breath earth's air so they uses this advanced structures to create their own environment. It releases in air spores that affects plants, animals and humans and mutates them into an advanced bio-matter (the white accents). Then the aliens are harvesting it and incorporating it into their technology. Infected resistance soldier Alien Assault Tank Destroyed Truck Exposed plants to the alien spores. Exposed human to the alien spores, transforms him into a mindless dangerous mutant.- ALIEN Assimilators
Thanks everyone!- ALIEN Assimilators
Thank you, Im glad you like it.
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