2004/2005 Sets and discussion thread
The B-Wing looks great! I can't wait to see pics of the A-Wing, V-Wing and TIE Interceptor. Slave I and the Ultimate Space Battle sets I'm unsure about getting since I already own the Jedi Starfighter & Vulture droid set plus both Boba's original version as well as Jango's. Nice to see R4 has the right coloured dome this time.
2004/2005 Hunting Star Wars Sets and availability
I have been pretty busy lately so I haven't had the time to reply but I'm loving the new Sandcrawler. With the exception of R5-D4 all the figures look great and the Sandcrawler itself looks very detailed with lots of playability. My only concern is how stable the set is. Cyclonis it should be up for Australia on S@H in the next month or so, but since last year Australia has been getting the S@H exclusive sets at retailers such as Cloud City, UCS Snowspeeder and the TIE Fighter Collection and at great prices too (I got the TIE Collection for AU$97 at Toyworld last month, the RRP being $150)
I just saw EpIII SPOILERS may be present
I saw it last night and I loved it! Hayden was much better in this one, Ian and Ewan were brillient like always but I'm still not buying Natalie Portman as Padme. I thought she was good as the Queen in Episode 1, but the rest of the time she just didn't seem to pull of the role as well as she could.
EP3 Trailers & TV spots
"To Protect You" was the only one I didn't like due to the poor dialogue, but it will probally sound a lot better in the movie since the words will probally seem less random.
Poll on TLC & Movie licenses
LOTR for me, though I would love to see Star Wars continue on as well.
2004/2005 Sets and discussion thread
Here's a better pic from Galactic Hunter:
Don't forget the new one looks like a peice of junk just like the real Falcon, while the original looks a lot like a plastic hamburger.
pics of sets
Call me crazy but the shape of the Clone Swamp Speeder reminds me a lot of the AAT.
2005 Wishlist
I'd love to see minifgures of Kit Fitso, Shaak Ti and Ki-Adi-Mundi. I wouldn't mind seeing one of Adi-Gallia/Stas Allie since I've been a fan of them since I first played Jedi Starfighter and Jedi Power Battles on the Playstation.
Official site now up for Lego Star Wars video-game
IGN's review is now up. Here's the link:
2004/2005 Sets and discussion thread
Thanks for the help guys! :)
2004/2005 Sets and discussion thread
Has anyone bought the General Grievous set yet? I'm tosing up whether to buy that or the Clone Scout Walker and was wondering how good the set is.
2004/2005 Sets and discussion thread
Thanks for posting pics Darth Ewok. :)
Official site now up for Lego Star Wars video-game
Here's a new video on the AOTC part of the game:
The Official Poster for ROTS
Here it is:
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