4898 raffle tread
IN, thank you.
New 2009 sets(all)
I going to be broke. I am going to be broke. I am going to be broke.
4999 Vestas Promo - Wind Power Plant
4999 Vestas Promo - Wind Power Plant
CITY MOC: Hospital
I really liked 7892 except for the raised baseplate and semi-Junior-ish vehicle. If they had put it down level on a baseplate and included the Ambulance set, it would have been much better. But good work- try and fit this in with some other buildings. Maybe think taller, too. Just add another floor on. For such a small footprint, it'll have more impact looking more vertical.
7036 Dwarve's Mine (x5)
I have five 7036 Dwarve's Mine sets - MISB. Before I list them on eBay, I'll sell them here for $100/each shipped to USA. I am totally unsure what International rates would be via USPS, so if your Euro and would be willing to cover the difference in shipping, just ask and we can probably work something out. Send me a PM if interested, make an offer if you'd like all 5.
New Paypal scam
Financial instituations will NEVER ask you to confirm anything with a credit card number. Probably what you have is a good web browser hijack. You may have a virus, malware. or spyware that changes certain web pages in this case paypal) to appear very close to the original. The information you provide is then sent out to hackers. I would strongly consider the following: 1) Contact your bank and credit card issuers and notify them that your information may have been compromised. PayPal also. Check all your recent bank and CC activity. 2) Stop using you comupter for anything financial or personal information related. There may even be a key logger running. 3) Download and run AVG Free Antivirus and Lavasoft Adaware. After downloading (and you may even want to do this on another computer, then move the install files over on a USB drive or something), disconnect your computer form the Internet. Run full scans. 4) See what you turn up in the scans. Then run the scans again until you find nothing.
SAH USA - 'Sold Out's Appearing...
Who knows if it's a bump from the holiday rush and whether or not they are truly sold out and done with, but I have noticed the following are sold out on SAH USA (4:30PM EST December 1, 2007): 6205 V-Wing (although I swear to goodness I saw it available earlier today) 6208 B-Wing 6209 Slave 1 6212 X-Wing 6210 Jabba's 7666 Hoth 'Sold Out' Non-LSW Sets: 7892 Hospital 7238 Helicopter 7893 Passenger Plane 66175 City Essential Vehicles Collection 7036 Dwarve's Mine (this just came out- I doubt this one is dead already)
Star Wars UCS AT-ST 30% Off at TRU!
Then NY state sales tax applies- the one drawback of buying locally (CT is 8%). TRU ships free, Amazon ships free.
Star Wars UCS AT-ST 30% Off at TRU!
Already marked down on TRU's web site (USA) to $62.99: ...Also saw the Death Star II is down to $199 on TRU, but trust me- you'd rather buy from Amazon for the same price (TRU shipping and order processing sucks).
Hoth Base
It's all about economics. Lego is not producing most sets based on cult following (that cult being us...), they're producing sets as a commodity. Sure, certain sets do great and could sell extremely well with certain enthusiast groups indefinitely- but I'm sure their business model involves the term 'NEW'. They've got to turn over sets and keep everything fresh to stay competitive. Who knows, in the case of 7666, there could have been licensing issues we just don't know about (Lego gets to produce up to X sets for a certain time period) or so many other possibilities as to why the lifespan was so short for such a long-awaited set. Maybe an Ambassador can chime in.... 7666 is definitely showing characteristics of being done, though. We saw this with the Ultimate Lightsaber Duel set, the Wookiee Catamaran, and a few other EP3 sets. Towards the end of their production, I saw some of these sets pop up for just a matter of hours on SAH (bought a few 7258 Wookiee Attack's while they had already gone nuclear on eBay) and then they were gone. My guess is that Lego has small stocks of sets in other distribution areas and returns from chains they distribute to which come back in towards the end- then they clear the stock. To Lego, there's no interest in retaining what wil become old stock. The object is to sell all stock out and move on. So I'd check for the item on SAH for a while, like we've seen, small stocks may pop up unexpectedly. This set- if truly not being produced anymore- will be one of the most single sought after sets for years to come. Anyone who has picked up a few to basically invest in has made a great move- the average eBay and Bricklink price now appears to be over $100. That's already a 100% return on investment if you paid $50 in the first place. Just like Cloud City, this could be fetching twice that shortly. ...And that's all demand. People will pay what it's worth to them. There's nothing wrong with that. With all the upcoming new sets, I'm also guessing that more will drop off soon. So if there's one thing I've learned, buy the #$%@@! sets while they are reasonably priced on SAH so you don't have to spend long evenings mindlessly scouring eBay or Bricklink for that set you didn't get.
Town Buildings...
Yeah, like I said it was a commission and not my personal collection- so embelishment was minimal. I would have built in elevators and tiled the heck out of all of them, but that would have made the piece count 1,000 more for each. These each cost about $150 in Bricklink parts or new bulk.
Town Buildings...
B-OV-11A to B-OV-11E These were some buildings I did that were commmisioned by the new Lego Museum in Bellaire Ohio ( about a year ago. Most are all facade and trying to minimize bricks. Red & Old Grey Building - Around 2,000 pieces, loads of 2x2 and 2x4 bricks were available from Lego SAH at the time. Sand Blue & White Building - Same design, used tons of white 2x2 windows when they were also available in bulk from Lego SAH. A blue and white one with a tall first floor. 270 white 2x2 windows. A green and grey building - similiar design. A white & red building - similar design:
10143 Death Star II $199 at Currently $199 USD.
World-wide - Lego SAH Train Sale - 50% Off...
Thanks for the welcomes- I've got several years of MOCs to post.
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