Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Yeah. While I wouldn't mind them retreading old ground (CCBS remakes of the Bohrok or Phantoka would be awesome) I guess it depends on where they want to go with it. It's pretty obvious that they're starting on 2001 again, but whether it will go straight to the 2002 story with Bohrok, or somewhere new entirely, is anyone's guess. If they went somewhere new with it, I'd rather have easter eggs than none of the old stuff at all.
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
I gave an example a while back of the new Matoran (still assuming that there are any) crafting masks out of powered disks (a reference to Kanoka). There could also be a village covered in Visorak webbing, the inclusion of later masks like the Mask of Fusion, old Rahi in new forms... maybe an amnesic Dark Hunter could wash up on shore one day. They don't have to call them by their old names if it would confuse new fans, but their inclusion would be a cool reference to those who were with Bionicle in those years.
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Oh, hahaha. Sorry, fast-paced discussion is fast. Well of course, there are gonna be old fans asking questions about the relaunch at stores too, so I think that document supplies the employees with answers to customers' questions (including the possible name-change of Toa to Masters)... could be wrong though.
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Well, at least I know now I'm not completely insane. Karda Nui was my favourite era too. Hmm, I never thought about it like that. I was just saying that them ditching the alien terminology (which I thought added to the mystical and mysterious vibe) didn't look good, and then suddenly the whole site is at war with me. Then again, I could have been wrong in everything I've assumed from the start because I'm basing most of my opinions off a document that could or could not be legit. Guess I (and we) will just have to wait and see.
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
I guess I don't. I always saw it as an epic sci-fi/fantasy story, when it seems that only the "true fans!" are allowed to like it, with the reason that it's about "a bunch of natives with funny masks running around an island and hitting rabid animals". Greg also stated that his favourite thing about Bionicle was the "depth and complexity of the story", so I guess he's wrong too. Good thing he's gone then, huh?
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Even without acknowledging anything past the Mata Nui era, it still looks like everything has been dumbed down way more than it was originally, which is disappointing (again, assuming that the document leak is real). That is the reason why me and many others didn't care for HF. It claimed to be the successor of Bionicle and yet shared virtually no similarities to it whatsoever (they even changed the building system a year later!) lol ok. Not my fault that you're mad. I'm not trying to make anyone mad, just presenting my opinions. That is what a discussion topic is for, right?
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
See my post which is literally above this one that I'm quoting now. I'm complaining that they are excluding me because I'm a fan who didn't get interested in 01, and that seems to be all they are going off. Is that so hard to understand? It'd be nice if the Matoran (assuming there are some in the new story, but of course they'll probably be called something generic like "villagers") could make masks out of different kinds of powerful disks, for example. That would be a nod to the Metru-Nui arc, which wouldn't cause a lot of confusion or as Greg would say, "open a can of worms". As to your point about it being purely shock value, having little content blah blah blah, that's your opinion. Don't present it as fact.
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Yeah, except Greg's been hinting that it has virtually nothing to do with the original MoCr anyway. The name "mask of creation" on its own could mean a lot of things, and now it means something else to what it originally did. They probably didn't use the name "Mask of Life" because they didn't want little kids to stumble across the old story online, because it was a pretty major plot point.
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
No. I want something, anything, from one of its years past Mata Nui to be referenced. It feels like when people talk about Bionicle, the island of Mata Nui is all they seem to think of, when it was much more than that. I get the impression that if it was the average EB member writing the new story, it would just be a bunch of natives with funny masks running around an island and hitting rabid animals for the rest of time. Funny you should criticize the way that everything was "dangerous" in the later years, as if it wasn't in the beginning with giant Rahi rampaging through villages and trapping Matoran underwater, for example. Plus which sci-fi/fantasy stories can you think of that are happy-happy-joy-joy all the time? None, because if there were any, they would suck.
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Like what? Reusing the names of the Mata? Because that's not what I meant. You could have checked out Bionicle when it first launched in 01, given up and walked away a year later, but you'd still know who they were when you decided to give it another go in 2015. I'm talking about the fans who stuck with it to the very end. 2001-2010. Understand?
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