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Dark Sword Ragnarok

Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Dark Sword Ragnarok

  1. Thanks. I've noticed that. I feel that asymmetry takes more creativity to achieve successfully, so I do it to challenge my own skills. Yes, it is pretty strange, but I love it! Thanks! Nope, the pilot was just sitting around so I used him. Nothing to do with SW. Thanks for explaining. DSR
  2. And I'm more of a fan of asymmetry. Personal taste. Really? I'm not sure I see the resemblence to anything from SW. If you take a look at peterlmorris' flickr, his ships are what this is based on. But thanks for the criticism. DSR
  3. Thanks! The design for the cockpit is based on Peter Morris' ship design on Flickr, but the rest of the ship is unique. And, no, that isn't the onl pilot fig that I have, but it was close when I finished building and took pictures, and I needed a fig. Besides, I build SW most of the time, I just had to have a reference to it. Thanks. Unfortunately I don't have many bricks in light grey so the peice under the 1x6 plate is a brick with Technic holes in it, so I used the plate on both sides to cover it up. DSR
  4. Hey everyone! It's been quite a while since I posted anywhere besides the SW forum, so this is a change of pace for me. This is my first strictly "space" themed (not SW) MOC in a pretty long time, and I'm excited about it. Anyway, my MOC is called the S-14 "Hangnail", as lovingly dubbed by the pilots of the series, due to the asymmetrical design and the fact that the one wing reminded them of hangnails. The figters are extremely quick thanks to the enourmous engine, and have amazing handling when flying horizontally. Horizontal flight is preferred by the pilots during attack runs because the weapons setup has both cannons on the right side of the ship. And, if the pilot can handle it, the ship can spin in circles around it's own engine resulting in more 'rounded' damage to their target. Just the fighter. The underside. Rear shot. A close up of the engine pod. Engine pod removed. You can easily see the inner workings of the engine. Hope you enjoyed my fighter! C@C welcome as always! DSR
  5. Looks like a full MOC more than a MOD. But nice wor nonetheless. DSR
  6. Well, I've seen a few episodes of the new series, I wouldn't call myself a fan, but it is somewhat interesting. I agree this could go a few ways. One, and the best way for the majority of people, is MF scale. Could probuce some cool new torsos, and hopefully some cool new head molds or head/headpiece molds like a fiery headpiece and a trans-orange head for the alien that's on fire ect. It could also produce some pretty sweet vehicles, like the green hot rod, ect. (ALSO: The rustbucket actually did make an appearance in the new show, I believe it was in the very first episode.) Another way would be minifig scale again, but with Bionicle Playset-esque aliens. This would probably be shunned by most people, but I can see it happening here. And then the dreaded Galidor/ Jack Stone sized figs. I doubt they will produce Galidor-esque figs again, after the failure of the originals, but Jack Stone sized figs are a definate (if not wanted) possibility. All there really is to do is wait and see what this new theme brings to the table. It could be amazing, it could be just terrible. We just need to wait. Look on the bright side: At the very least, it's one more kid-popular theme that Megablocks isn't going to get their grubby hands on! DSR
  7. Dang! Those look amazing. That is one effing long neck!! Maybe if that was a little shorter. Otherwise they're all good. DSR
  8. Thanks guys! Can't believe this is still popular here, it's getting to be more polular than my Wolfen! DSR
  9. Thanks. The interior space is what makes the model really cool once it's been added. It just lacks so much without it. The set has amazing potential, its a shame the designers didn't really finish the inside. Hehe, yes, it's extremely difficult. Thats why I swoosh, then set up duels on the outside. Works much better than setting up a duel then swooshing, believe me. DSR
  10. Thanks. The body is actually from the new Magnaguards, although I'm sure the design is an adapted version of the mini Bionicle figure torsos. I wish he was a little shorted, but it looks best that way. DSR
  11. Actually, there is a great pic here that shows the assembly. Credit to Don Solo for the pic, he's also the creator of the original M8. DSR
  12. Good point. Thanks. Floorspace actually isn't all that difficult to incorperate, and changes it immensely. Well, since you all asked so nicely: Here's how the seat looks while in the cockpit. And out of the cockpit, and without M8 seated. As you can see, it's simply a flat plated 2x3 with a jumper plate, then a clip and cheese slope on top of the jumper brick. the bar at the back of the M8 fits nicely inside when pushed all the way back. A bit fragile, but there isn't much need to move around in a cockpit, it's meant to keep it in one spot. Sorry for the blurry pic, my camera seems to be on the fritz latlely, doesn't want to take clear pics. Thanks. And very close guess! Thanks. Thats pretty much what I was going for, keep the asymmetrical design of the ship while taking out the useless stuff and making the ship as a whole more space-efficient.
  13. Thanks a bunch. Saw your flamethrower, looks very nice! DSR
  14. That was an unnaturally fast response. But thanks nonetheless. I have a few pics of the original, I will try to get one up tomorrow afternoon, I'm done for the night. DSR
  15. Dark Sword Ragnarok posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Hello all! Ever since the first leaked pics of the original wave of CW sets, people have continuously bagged on the Twilight, some even going as far as to call it the "Clunkadunk" (you know who you are!) When I saw the set marked down to just 50 USD at my local Lego Store, I bought it with this intent: To make the Twilight a good, functional model, while giving it a new face over the original frame. This is what my final product is. Taken out the original model: Large, ugly gun on right side of cargo bay Useless, ugly escape pod in front of the engine Useless, ugly bottom "wing" Added in/fixed/changed: Floor in cargo bay (thats a big one!) Closed hole in side door Beefed up wing guns Extra engine underneath wing Cuncussion Missles More greebs in cockpit Greebs on Engine Stairs leading from cockpit to cargo bay Weapon holsters in cargo bay Rear gun underneath platform Now, onto the pics: Overview. You can already see some major changes. Both side doors now open, and there is plenty of standing room on both sides. Engine block. Much greebs added here and on the main engine. Back. More detail on the platform and door. Also the rear gun and winch. Yup, built a chair to hold my M8 in the cockpit. It's just that awesome. Much more viewscreens/controls. Had to get a bit creative doubling-up 1x2 plates. Underside. More details here, filled in a lot of holes in the design. Floor space in the cargo bay! Yay! Small ramp up into the cargo bay. You can also see the bottom of the steps up to the cockpit. And finally....... Teh epic fite on teh wingz of teh sihp! Just kidding, gotta get my 1337speak out sometimes. This is Zak'kran confronting Jack on the main wing of the Steel Heron. Why? Because swordfights on a ship going at high speeds across a planet is high-energy and much more dramatic! Anyway, thanks for looking, hope you liked my MODs! C@C welcome as always! DSR
  16. Thanks. I like the engine too. Thanks. For the Assassin Droid's rifle, all I did was slide a technic connector piece on the barrel of a SW rifle, and added a minifig hand to the bottom for the clip/forward grip. The double-shotty is two old rifle barrels in a minifig binocular piece with an exoforce hand for a handle, and a minifig hand on the end. The biggest gun is a SAW, or squad assault weapon. It's a regular SW blaster with a minifig binocular piece on the end, with a t joint in the bottom part of the binocular piece. Then there is 2 robot arms connected to the t joint and connected with a cut piece of tubing right behind the scope of the blaster. Hope that helps you. Thanks. Coundn't help but use a PM fig, I have 2 and they're just sitting on my desk. Gotta get some use outta them, right? DSR
  17. Shoot, been so busy I'd forgotten to check for comments on this thread! Sorry about that! Literally chew me? I highly doubt it! Funny aout not wanting to take apart figs, to me thats the whole point, to be able to mix and match to find a good combo! But hey, whatever floats your boat, right? Thank you. Thanks. I chose blue for the HUD just because I had two at the time and it looked better that dark trans to me. Quite a few display screens in SW are blue also, so I figured it matched the theme well enough too. Pretty much. Thanks. I wanted to do something different with the trike bory, and theres so many regular speeders out there that use it for the body. I thought I'd mix it up a bit and try something different while still staying close to the original idea. Thanks a bunch. Glad you liked them so much. Thanks, I quite like how the swoop turned out. And yes, a scythe. A pretty badass weapon for a dark warrior, methinks. Especially a female warrior. Thanks for looking, guys! Feedback is always great! DSR
  18. Thanks KimT. When I saw you were the only one to post so far, I thought "Oh crap, what's I do wrong this time?!?" Glad to see it was just a compliment, not you chewing me out for too large of pictures. DSR
  19. Hey all! This time around, I've got some speederbikes and some more figs. I promised you guys bikes in my last thread, and I stuck to my promise! First off, we'll start with the speederbike. Heavily inspired by Lars' design, some similar techniques used. ALthough, mine is still different. The back. Some greebs here, you can also see the lightsaber holder on the back and sidearm holder near the foot. Here you can see the main blaster. It rotates about 70 degrees both ways. Also, the landing gear. Yes, I said landing gear. See, landing gear. It folds down pretty easily. And while most of you will think the idea is ubsurd, my idea is that by taking out the need to hover at all times when parked and adding landing gear, the bike can fly at any altitude around city planets such as Coruscant. Now, moving on to the Swoop bike: The swoop bike. Not as fast as the speeder bike, but has a better HUD for on-the-go Imperial computer hacking and all-access information. The rear. Tried to fit some good greebs in there. Front shot. Here you can easily see the weapons holster in the back for the sidearm and lightsaber. Also the nice big HUD display for on-the-go Imperial computer hacking and all-access information and the long range communications antennae. The cannon. Yup, it's a SBD cannon arm. Gotta love these. And the two together. Thats it for the bikes, now for some figs: Group shot, on my nice little desert background scene. Jack, Jessa and Hicnkley. My main 3 reoccurring SW characters. Only one that's really changed is Jessa, gave her some new robes. 2 new characters, yet to be named. 2 more new figs, the pilots of the speederbikes. Also yet to be named. Oh, and the brown one's navigation/marksman M-8. A dark warrior, hopefully will be introduced in a comic, if I have time to continue them. Scythe lightsaber inspired by The Magic Tuba Pixie over on Flickr. Also not named. A cyborg warrior who resides on a junk planet. Although I took his pic on my Jedi desert scenery, he isn't a Jedi. Well thats about it this time guys, thanks for looking! Next time around; my new, heavily modded Twilight, dubbed the Steel Heron! Remember to check me out on Flickr and add me as a contact! DSR
  20. Thanks, CT! I've actually started working on some new stuff already, I'm starting to like the era I based this MOC on. Right now, I'm going for... lets just say, expect to see some speederbikes from me. I like some designs I've seen already for speederbikes, including the one Lars designed. I'm working on one based on his design, but the rest will be mostly my design, with some inspiration from other MOCer's. (Unfortunately, I only can find the parts for one built off Lars' basic design. Otherwise I would build more!) Oh yea, and I'm also working on some more rebellion Jedi for this little in-between era, so expect to see them, and maybe even new versions of some of my old figs! Thanks, I just love the new PM figs, I couldn't resist using those helmets! DSR
  21. Thanks! Yes, BTW it is a shotgun. I saw the idea somewhere on Flickr a while back, I believe, and made one for myself. a bit fragile, but its a beauty in brick-built weaponry in my eyes! Thanks for the incouragement CT, hopefully you'll be seeing more from me in the near future! DSR
  22. Thanks, a lot of times the figs/backstorys are my strongest points. I find it adds a lot of color to the MOC when people read through them and look at the pictures. It all sort of blends together and adds so much more depth, like you said. If you do it right, that is. Thanks a bunch, KimT. It's always good to hear stuff like that coming from higher-up members/Mods/Admins. Knowing that others can breath easy when your MOC doesn't make it into the voting is almost like winning, but without the prize. Anyway, glad to hear you think I would've done well in the voting, it means alot. I've been sort of planning to move my MOC's/storyline/comic(as sporatic as it is) into the kind of in-between Era after the Clone Wars and before the events of Ep. IV. Short time spread, I know, but I think it has a lot of potential for bounty hunter characters such as these, and for a slightly bigger Jedi Rebellion than the canon one. Besides, I have a few twists for the end of the CW era for my sigfig and a few of his fellow Jedi I've been itching to expand on. Hopefully, with the school year coming to an end, I'll be able to MOC more and get pics up more frequently. I'm dying to expand on my comic storyline! DSR
  23. You know, I'm not really sure. I think they might've just slapped it on the design, since, you know, X-wing and Y-wing match, but A-wing and, say, lowercase T-wing don't really match up. So instead, they just used the name that fit better with the whole letter-ship idea instead of a name that would've made literal sense. Just my opinion. DSR
  24. Dark Sword Ragnarok replied to Adam's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Shoot, Adam, looks like neither of us made it in time. I quite liked this little thing though, amazing use of SNOT building. the one thing I would suggest is putting a small windshield on there, and maybe lowering the top of the seats a stud. Other than that a solid MOC. I think it would've done decent in the voting. Hey, maybe we can have our own little competition! Or not. It wouldn't really be fair with just two contestants anyway. Well, better luck next time for the both of us, eh? DSR
  25. Thanks. I'm glad you liked the Assasin droid, I almost didn't include it. Thanks, this MOC was only my seccond time trying to work with the dark blue color scheme, the first was with the Colbalt a while back. Funny, I almost grimace at the pics of all those MOC's, and its been less than a year. Personally, I think my skills have improved quite a bit in the last year. Not trying to brag or anything, just making a comment. Thanks a bunch KimT. Much appreciated. Thanks to everyone for the feedback, and to those who've checked it out on my Flickr account too! DSR
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