Everything posted by Dark Sword Ragnarok
The what I did today thread ......
Wow, that sucks. Know that feeling! Our homecoming was the same night as the Homecoming Football game, around the same time, too. Besides that, Band had to play there, and then we had a competition in Santa Cruz the very next day, after wearing our new uniforms throughout town, marching. They had dust on them and were all sweaty and stuff, all the moms were freaking out while we were there, going around cleaning dust and other crap off people's pants. Also, one of my close friends was dating Ashley for a while. Then, he found out the girl he liked before dumped her boyfriend, and he dumped Ashley in Santa Cruz. He didn't like her very much anyway and was trying to make her dump him so he wouldn't look bad when he ran to a new girl. As soon as he figured out I liked her (the same day), he finally decided to let her go. Well, at least he ws kind enough to do it for a friend... Only thing is, Ashley has an older brother, Joey. He's big. He is also in Drumline, 1st period, with me. And he knows I like Ashley. Well, at least he's a pretty nice guy, even if he does scare the crap out of me. On top of that, the same friend that dumped Ashley won't stop giving me crap about not asking her out yet. He has now decided that if I don't do it on monday (it was originally friday, but she wasn't at school) he will hurt me. I don't know if he'll do it or not, but I know that he can, and that frightens me a bit. Hopefully he'll forget, or decide to be merciful. Well, enough about my problems for now. Anyone else feel like sharing their problems? DSR
Happy B-day Hinckley
Happy B-day, Hinck! Hope you have a good one! Consider the Arwing my gift to you, since you're the pilot! DSR
The what I did today thread ......
I had to go to, like, four or five hair salons so my parents could get a good idea of what my hairstlyle needs to be. Blegh. I'm also bored, and have really nothing to do. I want to build a dropship, but I'm too lazy to dig through parts right now. I wanted to go to the movies this weekend, but I don't know if I will. I wanted to go with my friend Ashley and a few other people, but she wasn't at school friday and I don't have her cell phone number. I might try and get it from my friend, but probably not. Too lazy. Besides, we have Band reviews the next three weekends in a row. Ah! This is the part when the band director says " Welcome to Hell, guys... ". Hello, leg pains! Hopefully Ashley will be able to walk well for the next one. DSR
[Comic] Lego Star Wars Serial "The betrayal of Admiral Skar"
Woah, talk about a structural overhaul! Nice MOC, you should post it just by itself. DSR
2008 Picture thread
Unfortunately, it has been announced by TLG, just not exactly publicly, I don't believe. It's been known for a long time (at least before the 2008 CW sets were even rumored), although I also believed it was 2011. Well, one more year makes all the difference, and I'm sure TLG will go out with a bang, not just let it dwindle away like ExoForce.... Also, that TIE Advanced IS the 2009 one. It's exactly the same as the box pic. Just to clarify. PS: When did all these new rumored sets appear? I was only aware of the battlepacks, AAT, Republic shuttle, The Hyena droid fighter, and Darth Vader's TIE. I suppose I haven't checked this thread in a while! DSR
The Arwing MK I
Thanks, much incouraging! DSR
Wolfen MK II
Thanks. I thought the Harbinger was alright, considering that it was only built out of one set. I like these better, too, though. Thanks again, and maybe I'll try getting one of those beards... DSR
Star Wars: The Old Republic
R U SRS! I loved KOTOR I ! Even though I can't finish it because my game is glitched... (the part after you discover who you really were, and you have to escape, and you go into the hangar where your ship is. Well, when I get there, the screen goes black, but the cutscene doesn't activate. I can even pause and stuff, but can't move on from there. It pissed me off sooo much! ) Can't wait for this, if they really go through with it. DSR
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles -- SPOILER ALERT !
Well, supposedly the she was on the plane that killed her husband, right? So, I'm thinking, she came back from the future, took out the plane somehow (killing both the husband and her human self) and took over the role. Thus, she didn't get a chance to kill the daughter, and can't now because it would raise suspicion. My idea, could be wrong. DSR
Awesome member on Brickshelf!
Yeah, seriously. I actually completely forgot about this topic. When I saw it in the most recent post section of the front page, I was like "Huh, why does that sound so familiar?" Then a few clicks later, I realized that it was my topic. Well, at least it's not over a year old! I'll take credit for the find, and I agree this guy is amazing! I had forgotten all about this stuff. Yay for a topic I started! Secconded. Flippin' awesome! So much stuff comes off! Thanks for reviving this! Ah, the memories! DSR
The Arwing MK I
Thanks for the, umm, detailed post. May want to edit that before KimT kills you. Well, thanks. Enjoy you time at Eurobricks, however long that may be, knowing KimT anyway... DSR
Wolfen MK II
Great, then, I'll add more pics to the Arwing topic. Thanks, KimT! Now, about that white Santa beard I mentioned.... DSR
Wolfen MK II
Oh, whoops. Guess I'm just so used to everyone messing with me that I can't tell who's serious. So, will this go in now? And if I add pics to the Arwing topic, will it go in too? DSR
Wolfen MK II
Yay? Was it not going in before, or are you just messing with me again? DSR
Wolfen MK II
Thanks! And sure, I'll add a few more pics! DSR EDIT: Pics added! Enjoy!
AT-OT Updated.
Very, very nice! The only thing I would critique is the cockpit. Maybe with some SNOT bricks, you could cover up some of the trans-windshield, to make it look more accurate. Just saying, because the cockpit looks a little bland to me in all trans. Other than that, it's great! DSR
The Arwing MK I
1.Hooray, I live another day! 2. No, no I don't. 3. Oh, well, that seems weird, since the only thing similar is that it has "Star" in the title. So, is everything with the word "Star" in the title is a SW bootleg? Ah, who cares. It's still a cool MOC, right? Right!? 1.Haha, which boss is that, Oinkinny on the first level of Assault? Oh wait, no, he says something about failing his uncle Andross. It must just be from the first boss of 64, then, right? When you blow up his walker? If not, then it HAS to be the seccond level of 64, when you destroy that big ship. 2. Thanks. I like the color scheme, too. Also, the nose was one of the hardest parts! I used the same technique on the Wolfen. The rubber band is actually holding it together. Otherwise, it was kind of seperated weird. But it does add a nice accent! Thanks again. DSR
The Arwing MK I
As I said before, it IS inspired by Star Fox, but has SW-styled weapons, an astromech, lightsaber holders on the underside, and a Jedi pilot. It's plenty well related to SW. It even has the same color scheme as the CW, pretty much. I would have you in a MOC, but I don't have a Santa beard. Feel free to send me one thoug, I'd be glad to have a MOC focused on you! DSR EDIT: Wait, how was Star Fox a bootleg of SW? I could be wrong, but Star Fox could be just the way the original title translated from Japanese. And thinking back, I don't see many references to anything from SW.
Wolfen MK II
Well, yeah, it is inspired by Starfox, and originally wasn't related to Star Wars. But, It also now has an astromech, SW styled weapons, a Lightsaber holder (the other side is for a blaster) and I've used it for my SW Comic. I don't see how it can't be related to Star Wars, really. DSR
Wolfen MK II
Thanks! I suppose it does resemble an X-wing slightly... Yes, yes it does. Much more aggressive! Thanks! Sure thing, I will take a pic as soon as I'm home tonight. I'll post it here. Thanks for the awesomesauce! Keep the C&C coming, guys! DSR
Introducing: The ACES!
Hey all! DSR here, just wanted to introduce my Clone Squad, the ACES. They will be reoccuring in my comics, so why not get to know them through a quick intro! Just for those who have yet to see: A=Advanced C=Clone E=Engineer S=Squad (Also, experimenting with Flickr here, don't know if pics will show up quite yet. Wish me luck!) Commander Krain, Leader of the ACES, Squad #1. Favorite Weapon: Light Gatling Cannon(waist mounted) DC-6 Pistol (custom) ARC Rifle Newest member of the ACES, #2. Favorite Weapons: Dual Mandalorian Heavy Pistols Distinct Markings: Black design on both arms, yellow markings on helm. Shock, #3 in the ACES. Favorite Weapons: EMP Launcher EMP Grenades Burner, #4 in the ACES. Favorite Weapons: Heavy Chaingun, Incinderary 'nades Crash, #5 in the ACES. Favorite Weapons: DC-17 Anti-Armor DSR Yay! Looks like I can deeplink from Flickr! Hooray! Goodbye, Brickshelf! Hope you guys enjoy!
Wolfen MK II
Hey guys! DSR again, with an upgrade for my original Wolfen, the Wolfen MK II! EDIT:Since it was asked, I've posted most of the pictures here, too. Here's a taste before you go to my Flickr: (you guys know the drill by now! ) This shot also features the ACES, my custom Clone squad. A=Advanced C=Clone E=Engineer S=Squad Also, since I've decided to start dedicating my MOC's, I might as well dedicate this one to my friend Ashley. We're both in the marching band at my school, and she recently fractured her right foot, just in time for our first Band Review in Santa Cruz. She managed to march the better part of the three mile route, baritone and all. I really couldn't believe she would even try. (She got the fracture Tuesday, the comp. was Saturday. ) I was pretty proud of her. Keep it up, Ashley! DSR
What's in a name ???
Well, let's see. When I was little (like, 10 or something) all my friends had a Neopets account. I made one and tried to name myself "ragnarok" after the double-bladed sword called the Ragnarok in FF: Crystal Chronicles. Alas, the name was taken, but Ragnarok214 was suggested. I took that. When I joined here, I thought I should get a name that sounded really cool, but stayed true to my original. The original Ragnarok I saw was black, so I thought, Black=Dark. And, well, it's a sword, so, yeah. Dark Sword Ragnarok! Whammo! Just as a side note, the Ragnarok is the most powerful sword in most all FF games (except FF Tactics Advance I, where it is the weaker sword, and the Nagrarok is most powerful) An excerpt from FF:CC:Ring of Fates: "The fantastical sword said to lead toward the world's end, and then to another world reborn." and what the design says: "Pattern for the weapon used by the king of gods in the final battle. For Clavats only." Thus, Clone Commando Two- Fourteen, also. DSR
The Arwing MK I
Thanks. It isn't based on Star Wars originally, though, and that isn't Luke Skywalker, it's Hinckley, one of the Admins here. No offense, but you should probably read the first post before replying next time. Just a tip!
Star Wars sets anyone?
OK, just to clear thing up, what I meant was that he fails for saying that it's been available since the release of the other CW sets. It hasn't in America. I know it's been out for a week or so. And sorry if I sounded rude, but just because someone is a new member doesn't make them eligible to go around correcting people if they don't have any MOC history to back them up. DSR
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