Alright, people, you are all idiots. All neutrals died last night... this is not a victory for the town. Neutrals are able to play with either side. Stash was obviously protecting the scum. The other 2 may have been playing with the town. Peanuts, it's nice that you are defending me and all, but I'm still leaving. You made your decision yesterday. I did get results that Dragonator is townie last night after investigating him. I'm not sure I believe this result, but I really I have it in writing. Has anyone investigated me? There have to be more people who can investigate than me. I have also proven my loyalty to several of you... including my freaking no good husband. So vouch for me already. I sent you evidence so that you wouldn't vote off another innocent townie. Now, it would be better to die that my son is gone. It's a tragic thing when a child dies before his parents.