film-free waterslide decals?
check he did digital printing on slightly curved parts before.
Parkerlegomaster started following raminator
- Two types of customization: 3d print & UV print
- Ms. Marvel Arm Modification
Purist Superhero Figures
yeah. lots of possabolities here :)
Purist Superhero Figures
also...if you look carefully you can spot on the box that there's a green/yellow pair of legs ;)
My latest Fun Prints and tests
I think it ia usually ok to use the shared Artwork, as long as it is for your (/customers) private use and is not mass produced with financial intentions ;)
My latest Fun Prints and tests
Also the golden Knight guy´s decal is basicly taken from here:
- Marvel Superheroes 2017 - Set Discussion
- Marvel Superheroes 2017 - Set Discussion
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
it´s lacking the golden parts MK XII has... Also I must say that my padtato printed MK XIV looks better (except for fuzzieness of the print) :P Pad-tato Prototypes by bricks @ raminator, on Flickr
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
looks like MK 14 to me
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
oh noes...they copying this : one of the worst designed Deadpools released this year...
- [Software] Bluerender, a rendering engine for LDD
How to recolour parts?
take a look at this:
- Custom Printed Torso wanted
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