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Everything posted by barman

  1. Absolutely wonderful representation of the DTM Audi. The detachable body is a great function. Looks very aggressive, just like it should be.
  2. This is just one of those thinks you wish you had thought of yourself. It's brilliant in all it's simplicity
  3. I just saw the video and head over here to react. OMG this is a beautiful model of the iconic Stingray. The body looks excellent and all the details are great. I really like the pop-up headlamps, nice construction flipping them up and at the same time lighting them. The roof panels are just that extra touch. I had a quick look though the instructions. The back suspension is interesting. Again a great design and an absolute amazingTechnic model of a Stingray!!! Well done!
  4. This is one of the best entry's! Very nice design. I agree with the others, that removing one of the discharge sprouts and perhaps remove one of the four blade on each side of the combine (use the liftarm rotor 3 blade thin) to reduce parts and with that make a HOG steering and make the side of the truck more closed. These should be nice improvements to an already wonderful MOC.
  5. I never commented on this beautiful MOC... (Barman, you should be ashamed of yourself!!!) This is the perfect combination of 2 of my favorite themes, Technci and Sci-fi :D It is massive, well detailed and it works like the real one. 2 big thumbs up for this masterpiece!!! Thanks for showing us more details on the working of the turret and track pneumatics. I would also like to see photo's of mechanisme of the middle tracks and the outrigger / support.
  6. @blakbird and Sariel, I agree with you on the matter. The models have been chosen and the book is ready for printing. All models are more that excellent and also in a high diversity on what you can do within Technic. Let just keep it at that. There will always be a discussion wether a model fits in that type of category... @jurgen krooshoop, congrats! Sariel already told me that you model had a high chance of ending up on the cover. Also a little bit nice for me, because I photographed your models ;) The model really fits the cover and contens of the book.
  7. The book looks great. It is overloaded with great models. Really looking forward having the hard copy in hands. Thanks for letting me be a part of this and thanks to everyone making this book possible! On what I have seen so fare, I would like to make a small remark that in my opinion not all models are Technic, but only have a Technic inside structure. Looking at the mecha and the motorbike, they would fit better in the scale model or modelteam category. The Spitfire is also in a grey aria, although it has some interesting technic functions. Don't get me wrong, they are all very wonderful models, but I thing the term Technic models should stand for models made out of almost all Technic parts or are Modelteam models with a lot of (motorised / pneumatic) Technic functions in it. If the term Technic models has to be taken lightly, then I'm find with that, then you can take my text as non written ;)
  8. Holy crap, thats cool!!! 3 vehicles and just 200 parts and so many functions. This is absolutely a job well done. yes we do :D
  9. A nice an simple vehicle that does the job well. Although the weight of the tracks is high, it runs very well in the video, a specially down hill :) It must have been a pain in the megablocks the make the tracks. If I have to do a repetition action on one of my MOCs, I'm already bored after 4 or more units... Nice to see that you used the old system of making tank steering system with the RC unit. The PF switches are stronger then the old 9V ones, it only takes more space with all the connector wires ;) Last year I had the idea to remake my Black Panther and perhaps make a real Lego version of the Howe & Howe Ripsaw, because the Black Panther was based on that vehicle. Black Panther 01 by Barman76, on Flickr I didn't had the time to make it. Seeing your tank the idea popped up again, so thanks for thank.
  10. A wonderful mini Technic version of the original set. The functions are simple yet well designed in a small space. I like it a lot. You could replace the angle connectors in the canopy with flex axles or find a trans yellow canopy to make it become more like the original set. It would be even better with a HOG steering in it, but considering the high number of parts already, this would be a no.
  11. Now this is a cool idea. Looks really nice. Only it is a lot of black. It would look better with a bit more color in it. I like that the second axle has less steering than the first one. Nice solution.
  12. Ooh wow, this is so cute. Very well executed. The functions are just as they should be. The colors are a great choice. I really like this one!
  13. Thanks buddy. I haven't been here a wail, but there are some very interesting (new) mini models entered. Competition will be tough! It really brings out the best in builders. 200 parts is really a challenge, don't think to lightly about it!
  14. This is just a great little lawn tractor. Well designed and all the original functions included. The green color makes it even more interesting. Great job! And congrats on your baby girl.
  15. Here you go... 8852 Redux-5b by Barman76, on Flickr Thanks everyone for the kind words. I'm still think about making a better steering that comes close to the original.
  16. It looks great. The redesign of the cabin is wonderful and the seat looks so much better. Just leave the armrests up like that, so you get a nice rounded seat. I can't believe that this is still just 200 parts! Job well done!!!
  17. It's not yet official, but I think you can cut the tubes to an existing length that is in a current set. So far, it's a job well done. I agree with Erik and you should make the seat a different color. Blue would look good. Lego also uses blue for seats in construction vehicle like Erik pointed out. As Jim said that the mini model neats to be as close as possible to a Lego set, so blue would do very nicely.
  18. Absolutely mind-blowing. The car shape is spot-on in all the details. Just amazing. I saw the video a year ago and last year I had a nice talk with Sheepo on Lego Fanweekend 2013 (Skaerbaek) about his cars and this one popped up in our conversation. With so many interesting supercars around I said to Sheepo that I would like to make one and to get noticed it had to have something special like a good working folding roof. Than Sheepo told that this was already done and talked about this car and I remembered. Looking forward to the instructions of this awesome Ferrari. @Blakbird, great and fast work on the instruction. The render looks sooo good. It is basically just you and Jurgen Krooshoop that do al the hard work of making instructions for the best MOCs! Good luck with those wires.
  19. Welcome to the competition. It's a very nice skid loader and it fits very well in the competition. Just nice to see so many different models in this competition, although there are many ground moving vehicles entered. I would say to look around on the many other lego skid loaders and let them inspire you to make small improvements to make it even better.
  20. Aah yes, it looks great. A very nifty excavator. Amazing that you made it under 200 parts. It is still a bit plain, but the functionality makes up for that by a long shot.
  21. Hi VF, like I already said to you, this is yet again a wondelfull model you made. The details are well done and make the ship complete. Congrates on yet another great MOC!
  22. Those are some good improvements. Good idea for the counter weight. It would be better if the switches are in line. Perhaps like in the crane of the Unimog. This is made up out off a view parts. I don't know if this takes more parts then you are now using, but if it doesn't it could be a nice improvement. I hope you can do it with the 200 parts. This already looks great.
  23. In the main topic Jim talked about that it has to look like a real mini set with some examples and my first try is more in the medium range, so that is why I took Jim's advice he posted in this topic and made a better version that would fit in the mini category. I hope this explains it.
  24. With the EV3 IR sensor you can also control PF, so with the EV3 you don't need to buy the Hitechnic sensor. It only works from EV3 to PF, not the other way around. So I heared.
  25. There is the mini version. Yes I've been busy tonight! 8852 min-2 by Barman76, on Flickr 8852 mini-1 by Barman76, on Flickr With 167 parts this will do nicely. It has steering, but not connected to a steering wheel. It can steer by moving the model left or right, the wheels will follow the direction. Other function is off course the mechanism for making the robot move up and retract the front wheels. Also the arms can be moved. I hope you guys like it. Now I have to think about what to do with this model for it's glamor photo and off course the parts list.
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