My 2018 Winter Village Diorama
Looks great. I love the proportions with the park in the middle and the two buildings on the side. Nice detail but not overwhelming.
Shots from the orbit
Really good work and the background photos create nice realistic images.
- Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
- Review: 6987 Message Intercept Base
[MOC] Particle Accelerator
That was awesome.
Intergalactic Coffee Break
Really cute design, well done. Would that be a star bucks cafe. (get it )
Minifigure Review: Classic Red Spaceman
I have a couple of the red and white space minifigs and they remain my favourite, it is a simple but to my mind an elegant design and I love the face which does not have a specific expression but simply a smily face.
Ghostbusters MOC/MODs
These are really cute. This interior of the van has nice detail.
- New Mannum Rebooted
- Brickville modulars 2014
(MOC) Commuters leaving the underground station
I know how they feel, I like extra detail like the buskers.
CCCXII - Nobleman's Manor
Well designed and architecturally appealing building and all the little details you have added really make for an interesting build.
- Storage and Sorting LEGO
The Count's Party
The assortment of different minfigs makes for an amusing scene. I like how in one picture a minifig is carrying a steak, I think he misunderstood when someone told him to "bring a stake".
The Count's Party
The Count hasn't learnt that the best way to stop your neighbours complaining about the noise when having a party is to invite them to the party. Nice detail, the tree is especially well done. I see you have separate entrances for the ghosts and the skeletons. Is this some form of undead discrimination .
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