Everything posted by Legonardo
Shrine of Sir Simonochrometrical
I made a thing! enjoy!
'58 Butterscotch Blonde
A quick quick build for the third week of the innovalug contest, the entry needs to sit on 4 studs or less. As a tele player myself, I thought I'd give the iconic butterscotch telecaster a try, heavily roadworn of course. Guitars are difficult to build at this scale I discovered. I've had more luck building Real guitars... Enjoy!
Olympus OM1
I find myself in a weird position at the moment that I'm forced to stay away from work and uni, something to do with the country being in lockdown due to Covid_19. What better a time to neglect what I should be doing and build Lego? Been a while! Here's a quick 1:1 scale Lego OM-1, for some contest where only 1 colour is allowed (the lens element is dark trans smoke or whatever that's called). For fun, the photo was taken with an OM lens. If I had time to wait for my brother to develop the film, woulda done it with the actual camera... Enjoy! David
(MOC) 2780 moon rover
When you're on the moon and adventure calls, what better way to answer than with the 2780 moon rover? Due to an unfortunate build of friction, the wheels take a lot to turn so good luck actually getting anywhere, but hey you'll look like a space explorer! More photos to come tomorrow on my facebook page, but first I need to sleep enjoy! David
RPS - Mockingbird
2 stubby wings, 2 killer thrusters, no landing gear and 2 ornamental lasers makes the 'Mockingbird' one of the cutest and least practical starfighters ever to leave the shipyards. Why should you invest in one? no idea. should you anyway? yes you should. First build of the year! yes the white stripe came from a lego sticker sheet :p a potential entry in my local lugs "spaceship SaceShip! SPACESHIP!?!" contest coming up, though I hve another one in the works that may take its place... Not really sure what I was doing with the presentation but it kinda looks nifty? I might change it if I decide I dislike it all of a sudden. enjoy! David
- Some mocs
- Some mocs
Fimbůlvatr Keep
Haha more rickety angled buildings by those pesky new zealanders seriously mate well done, you're hitting it out of the park with this one! Flick me a message about photography some time, I'll share some tips. your next challenge is manage to make something angled like you've done that you can fly up to wellington in a suitcase
- 20 replies
- goh
- mitgardia
- the maestro
- fimbuvatr keep
+2 more
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Expand the Winter Village Contest VII
No problem mate, just lending a helping hand where I can Yeah you probably get that a lot don't you... I'll shut up and build
Expand the Winter Village Contest VII
Summer down here in NZ but who cares! love this contest!
Faerie Dragon
As I said on facebook, I absolutely love this, everything about it works perfectly, well done mate!
- Smaug the Terrible
Home to Radagast the Brown wizard, this house was featured briefly in the film "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey". Only the front facade was view-able from the movie, the rest of the creation has been made up based on fan art and whatever I felt worked. With an estimated 20-25,000 bricks and a footprint of a 77cm square, this is by far my largest creation to date, and one of the most complex at that. I have previously built a rendition of the house, but much smaller, only the front facade and without the surrounding landscape, and I've always wished I had done a better job at it, so when I saw the opportunity to do it justice, I decided to go all out with it! This was built for and sponsored by The Christchurch Brick Show 2016, but will be displayed around New Zealand for the next year or so, until it hopefully finds a permanent home (It's too big to fit in my room... too big to fit through the door for that matter!) Some of the challenges I faced with this was the conflicting time with my (very intense) architecture studies, and creating it modular so that I could transport it... just making the house was a headache enough in itself! Check out my Facebook page for more of my creations or to get in touch, and my Flickr for the high resolution images! Hope you enjoy! David
HM Bark Endeavor
Mr. Mcnaught is a lego certified professional based in Melbourne, better known as "the Brickman", bit of a celeb in our corner of the world ;)
- Neo Classic Rover and Starfighter
- Neo Classic Rover and Starfighter
Eldorado Outpost
Thank you everyone for your kind words, and the front page! In regards to the flag, after quite a bit of digging I did find my old large one, and despite its severe yellowed discolouring (it's aged like a fine milk you might say ) it does look way better, have made that change for when displaying at cons.
Eldorado Outpost
Inspired by set 6276 Eldorado fortress, by designer Daniel August Krentz, who passed away last week. Was started some months ago as an entry to my local lugs 'classic set redux' challenge, but my course got in the way and I didn't get round to finishing it. Not too much special in techniques and part usage (the one bit of NPU isn't actually visible in the photo) but some cool colours I think work quite well going on, hope you enjoy! David
Expand the Winter Village Contest VI - Winners
Thanks for the awesome contest and congrats to the other winners! It was great fun :D
- Winter Village: Confectionery shop
- Cuckoo!
- Concert Grand
- Building Blocks of Building Blocks
- Christmas interior
- Enigma
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