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Everything posted by Tuskano

  1. I plan to take some this coming week for shiptember with a white backdrop and during the daylight. So it should make the lineup. But yes I am super excited for it... I still have to think of a place to put it after lol.
  2. Giant update. All pictures are in the flickr album. Just need to make my turrets. https://flic.kr/s/aHsmWCucUS Enjoy!!
  3. Moved onto the Portside with the cockpit. Going to have to go through my control printed slopes as Stud.io just replaced what I had with black 2x2 slopes... Portside by Tuskano, on Flickr And besides the guns and wing details, this is the stbd side mostly complete. I think I already have put in duplicates of where the two connect on the port but I think I'll just find out when I get to that point. Stbd 90% done with wing frame deployed by Tuskano, on Flickr
  4. Thank you! I had really enjoyed building this one on LDD. I used to play EVE alot. Especially when I made this as I owned a Reaper I fit with a 10mm afterburner and missiles lol. It was another guy who designed the drones and at the time made the files to build one public along with a bunch of other drones. Really liked the warriors so I asked if I could mod one that can fold up and possibly fit with my Reaper.
  5. Hello! It's been awhile. But I am back at it again. This time going back to a previous build to build it in real bricks. I give you my SHIPtember(ish) progress (if years of no activity in a single build count LOL). So far I have 90% of the stbd side complete. It was more a matter of organizing all the 7000-something bricks I got for it. My last point working on it was making the Warrior drones and one engine back in 2019. Stopped as I got burnt out. But near the end of August I started building again after buying 3 hardware organizing boxes. Separated all I had into those and things sort of flowed together as I figured out how to use the instruction setting in Stud.io. Enjoy! EVE Online Lego UCS Reaper | Flickr This was the original post for it started in 2012 to 2019. [MOC] EVE Online UCS Reaper (update 2019) - LEGO Sci-Fi - Eurobricks Forums And the Cuusoo page with a better write-up on it all after being motivated from Csar's Rifter.. LEGO IDEAS - EVE Online Ships - UCS Reaper
  6. Tuskano replied to Jipay's post in a topic in Community
  7. Amazing work there! It's cool seeing how you were able to work around the structure to get the passageways in there. Were you ever able to get an idea for the cockpit? If you were able to afford moving the cockpit forward, you can add 2 sets of 4 noodle bricks to add room for the rear sets of seating. Mine is close to the ones mentioned before but I use a 1x2 brick with the 2 technic holes within it. No real seating, but it can hold a family of wookies if I wanted to.
  8. I recently got the 2019 model and for awhile it has sat unmodified until I had an idea what to do. Then I decided to use the cockpit assembly for another ship I have for a forward airlock. That in turn started the idea of making this YT-1300 one with an internal cockpit and have it use sensors and cameras for sight. I now just have a rough idea on how to do the layout of the interior for a passenger focused vessel.
  9. Tuskano replied to Tuskano's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    With my luck of bulk cargo container ideas, I seem to drain the important bricks really fast and kill my supply haha... so I decided to do a redesign of the front of the Finder to something more adaptable to container ideas. Now gone are the foreword mandibles to something more simple. Then with a attachable cargo clamp to the "magnetic buffers" up front, it can hook to a wider range of sized containers while still able to have a forward airlock.
  10. Hahaha! I will have to include a crate of Lego rolls of duck tape for emergency repairs.
  11. So bringing this zombie thread back. Maybe a year or less ago I moved to Stud.io. So was able to render the Reaper to give more of a rusted look. Atop that I was also able to change what I needed into buyable colors. Then uploaded that shopping list onto Bricklink and bought it all. After a month or so had all come in boxes. And this is where the fun begins. First I began with the light scout "Warrior" drones (she can carry one). The one that can't fold the wings is designed by another EVE Online player called Guindel back in 2013ish. I had asked permission to mod one to fit my Reaper. And now the start of the Reaper build. I have one engine down, 2 more to go. Hope you guys enjoyed this so far! Look forward to more!
  12. Thank you! Yes, I think that the 7 studs at least maximizes almost the whole area. Yes, Chewie fits. Although for a secure fit, I would replace the brown seat with a 2x2 flat piece that I normally have stored on the bottom of the whole cockpit attachment. And he has room not to bump his head. I've been thinking of changing mine to use 2x2 modified plates for the rear seating as I instead use the 1x2 modified. When I modded mine to include lights I recently found that the rear people would bump their heads on the place that I built to help dim the light more to not turn the cockpit into a huge lightbulb. I am still messing around with the controls on this one I think. No matter what I do I am never satisfied. Although it seems like with the smaller Falcons, modding those seemed a lot easier.
  13. It can be done. I do like your seats better than my regular ones... I can see how those would be problematic for the rear seating.
  14. Tuskano replied to Tuskano's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Still working on the cargo container but.... the YT itself has leds now with an onboard battery! The only thing I need to find though is lights that fit on the front mandibles and the floodlights near the forward airlock. The ones that come with the kit were all red and blinked.
  15. Nice on the interior! Really liking how clean she looks.
  16. Thank you! I try to make it as livable as possible haha
  17. Thank you! Yes it took awhile on thinking how I was going to do the interior... it was hollow for a good month or two. I am fairly proud of the cockpit too. I got the idea from another builder somewhere on flickr I think. Then I did a few more changes to it so it wouldn't be just straight copy. I also ended up extending out the seating space so my minifigs are now sitting directly behind each other. Because of that, she can fit a family of wookies! This was a same design that I first had on another YT-1300... and that had less seating room between the figures.
  18. Hello! So Along with my one Rock Raider YT I had built, I have modded the Kessel Falcon up with a similar styled exterior and interior. I think she has turned out very well! First bought. Extended the mandibles to be as long as the previous Falcons... this is next to when I had my Rock Raider YT as just a mirrored version. Working on the exterior. The mod was heavily assisted with a youtube video on bettering the stock set by decreasing the amount of holes. Also had made a very roomy cockpit that was similar to the other YT-1300 as well. Once that was done, I copied the inside of my other YT-1300 while referring as close I can to standard blueprints with the amount of room I had. As completed interior as I can get. Can't have Lando's ship without Vuffi Raa! No need for that other Solo movie robot thing! Passenger room Cargo hold #1 Cargo hold #2, Bar/kitchen, and lounge. Walk-in cape room. I know, I need more than just black Darth Vader capes in it! Lando's quarters. 4 person cockpit with a more real "fake" passageway to the rest of the ship. The lovely exterior shots. The underside with foldable landing gear. Hope you guys liked it!!
  19. Tuskano replied to Tuskano's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thank you... it'll keep me busy.
  20. Tuskano replied to TWP's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Awesome... I've almost wanted to make something like this with the Home 1 hanger set that has the green A-wing. The guy in the back row... he almost reminded me of the lead singer of Saclonic, Roscoe Thunderpants. That is, until I went to the flickr link, zoomed in, and noticed that what I am seeing is a open mouth and not a mighty moustache lol!
  21. Tuskano replied to Tuskano's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    So this idea is turning the Rock Raider YT into more of a connectible cockpit for the cargo container I have in mind. Very big and very slow but she'll be a true freighter. There could be engines near the aft and sides built in to allow for somewhat atmosphere flight? But at the same time, I am wanting the front to have the ability to attach more similar containers for like a space train setup. Not that I would ever build more. The container would have a ramp somewhere on the bottom for large vehicles to access. Maybe at fore and aft. The RR Tunnel Transport could maybe have a space in the upper container through a part that can maybe open on the roof to fly out of? But other then that, both top and bottom would be similar like they were simply stacked and connected in the middle. The middle can be mobile living stations/labs/ect which the YT would be able to directly connect to via its forward airlock. Then would be stairs up and leading down. Right now, like before, I am just focusing on the frame and build a very... very good base. Hopefully to pickup, I really don't know lol.
  22. Tuskano replied to Tuskano's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Alrighty... so I have done the unthinkable and tore down the current cargo container my modded YT-1300. It might have been posting this thread, adding teal to the ship, and cleaning the Lander up. I have lots of ideas that might work to hold the full Rock Raider vehicles and crew. Plus be able to house a rock processing system, extra crew quarters, maybe even a landing pad that could open up for the Tunnel Transport to launch from (when in atmosphere or landed). Obviously, with all these ideas and size, visual flying won't be as easy and would have to utilize cameras. Planning to focus on building a frame first that I could maybe build around. Oh... and have added foldable landing gear. But might wait for later to post unless requested.
  23. Tuskano replied to Tuskano's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thank you! My only regret is not enough teal colored brick variants.
  24. Tuskano replied to Tuskano's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thank you! This is my love of Rock Raiders and putting the question of "how would they put a YT to better use if they landed in the SW universe?" Yes, she has nothing fancy for weapons for fighting back unless you count using a mining gun which I guess could be used for salvage work. The front of the cargo container is bulky enough for ramming (but maybe not the best of ideas..) but, while both halves are together she requires the extra engines for maneuvering or launching/landing. With that said, paperwork is a yes haha. She has a sizeable crew although I still need to have more crew quarters as the YT itself only has 2 beds. That's another thing maybe needed in the cargo container...
  25. Tuskano posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Hello there! So it has been a long time since my last post I believe. But I have still been busy. For one of my latest custom ongoing builds has been a 7965 Millennium Falcon. At first, I just did a reversed setup and reinstalled the cockpit on the port side of the ship. Then I gave her to my Rock Raiders. Because, what are space exploration miners without a ship to carry their stuff. A few months later, I bought the Chrome Crusher... and the goal to make a YT-1300 into a true cargo carrier to carry something that size started. Someday it will all become UCS size, but I am happy with the scale for now. A few of some early pictures. Newly updated look. Interior is roughly the same. Now to finish the cargo container for the new cargo locks. Maybe even give it its own mining lasers so it can mine on it's own like a portable station if left in a asteroid field. Wanting to also build a ore processing system within it as well. Hope you guys enjoyed it all!
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