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Banned Outlaws
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  1. Imperial13 replied to Imperial13's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    :'-( This was supposed to be in the ambassader forum, please move it..
  2. Imperial13 posted a post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    Why is Aquaraiders still in the 2008 catalouge? It must be selling really well, but then couldn't you make more sets? I'm dying to get some more... I'm sure the kids would love em' to! X-D
  3. Yoda, LEGO is meant to be played with, I know i do :-P And do we really want to see your computer error looking for a username... 8-|
  4. I thought it would be 200 dollars... but now there's more money to buy more LEGO!!! :'-) :'-) :'-)
  5. Hey, another Nathan! Thats my name to, and maybe a good sanding would do it, or if its to small use some clay or resin!
  6. Imperial13 posted a post in a topic in Buy, Sell, Trade and Finds
    Does anyone have 2 of this piece from Forbidden Lego? I must make a candy catapult! Hint: the brickshelf is not moderated...
  7. Imperial13 replied to Indy565's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Oh, its quite fun, seeing how long you last until you get banned :-P Nah, I'd never even try...
  8. Imperial13 replied to Imperial13's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, Trade and Finds
    Can't someone stop steel spamming up the place by puttig silly rabbit trix are for kids on his posts! He's done it twice and counting... but before force is used, Steel, please stop and put it in your signature...PLEASE *wub*
  9. I wonder when lego launched them, and why we never saw pics of them, but we did for Indiana Jones 4!
  10. Sorry!!! You didn't have a link so its hard to understand...
  11. Imperial13 replied to Indy565's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Welcome, and isn't this thread made to greet the people... (Hinckley 8-| )
  12. You just found these... :-|
  13. What??? What is the point of this post, and welcome! Did you mean Skeleton Prison Carriage and knights catapult defense? *wacko* *wacko* *wacko*
  14. Imperial13 replied to Vader's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Love the coastguard boat!!! Agents looks like its aimed a little more at children... way to many figs in that set, and an evil box glare!!! Most Agents sets will probably come with some huge piece, but tons of other cool parts and playable items ( You need some playability function, all my mocs do ) Lets hope we get that boat for cheap, because it only has 6 minifigs... and a shark! *wub* And the worst theme ever is definetly Zube. :-P
  15. Imperial13 replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Anyone notice the blue droid in the corner on a BLUE STAP?
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