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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by badbob001

  1. It's a common gameplay element to switch to another character to use that character's unique ability to solve a current puzzle. If everyone had the same ability, then you would stay with only one character. And co-op play would just have the more experienced player doing everything.
  2. I know, but that is an extra cost. But entertaining your idea, I wonder if this new element will actually secure a baseplate to a tiled surface, or at least keep it from sliding:
  3. At first it wasn't clear if the power plate was something that goes under a normal baseplate or if it has studs and is meant to replace a base plate. The prototype in the video seems to indicate it's something under a normal plate but the creator has indicated that the current plan is for the product to have studs and be a baseplate. I would prefer for it to be studless so it can easily go under an existing baseplate and I would not have to rip anything off existing plates. This product is well suited for vehicle and street lighting and if you are using official lego street baseplates, then you obviously don't want to switch your out your baseplates. The creator has indicated that one can just put a normal baseplate over the product's baseplate, which would work, but to me, it seems unnatural to put a baseplate over something with studs. Any opinions on this? If the power plate came with integrated studs, one can treat it like a playmat and it would have a strong physical association with lego bricks. But if it came studless, then it can more easily be inserted into existing MOCs and the lack of studs would make it less thick and thus you don't need to need raise adjacent non-powered plates as high to match. I would prefer an option where you can either keep the included studded plate attached, replace with your own, or leave it off, but that may cost more money.
  4. Maybe some baking soda powder on a wet paper towel and some gentle rubbing? That works to remove crayons.
  5. I just pledged at the $115 range. My Haunted House is on a custom baseplate that only connects with jumper tiles, which makes it easy to swap out compared to my other buildings. I can't wait to make the HH all spooky looking. If I like the results, I will probably expand.
  6. This would be very useful for lighting up cars and street lights, where it is not practical to use wires. And come christmas time, this solution will be great for (lego) christmas trees and outdoor decorations! I'm also imagining stringing white lights over and across streets for a street fair. It could also be used with interior lighting of modular buildings if you replace the baseplates and add boosters to reach the upper floors. Wired-solutions are still an option since you can hide the wires inside the building, though still a big pain to implement and makes the buildings harder to take apart for play or changes. I suspect it would cost a good deal for someone to replace all their city baseplates with these powered plates. I wonder if the powered plates can be daisy-chained together to simplify cabling. It would be cool if they can snap together like modular buildings or have a special tile piece to connect each other.
  7. There is a pair of books that detail how to build 20 vehicles from only the parts of set 5867 Lego Creator Super Speedster. These builds do actually use the spare parts. This set is no longer sold in the store so when bought the pieces individually, I also included the spares.
  8. All the figures except for the ones that comes with the start kits, right?
  9. It looks like the bag color will be black, which was the same for series 8. I guess they're running out of colors. This makes it a bit hard when you try to create a display using the same color as the series. I guess I'll use trans-black for this series.
  10. I hear what you're saying. What is strange is that Lego Dimensions is developed by TT and from the looks of it, it will have pretty much the same gameplay as all their other games (save the few added actions from the portal thingy). But all their other games are released on the PC. Warner Bros., the publisher of Dimensions, is publishing Lego Marvel's Avengers for PC. Now slap in some toys and suddenly the PC becomes an adult-only platform? I'm not sure about skylander, but I think adults are very much into the nintendo amiibo and lego dimensions figures. Maybe they don't want to see kids cry when the adults buy up all the figures and then try to ebay it back to the kids at extreme markup.
  11. Lego Dimensions is on WiiU. So does that mean the WiiU user base is larger than that of the PC user base? Or larger than the AFOL user base that also have a PC. I kind of doubt it. You can argue that Lego Dimensions is for kids, but so far, all the marketing for Lego Dimensions is toward adults. Something is not right.
  12. One of the e3 diorama shows the Back to the Future Delorean. It's pretty much the Lego Ideas version EXCEPT that they replace the monstrous tiled hood with what seems like a large slope piece, like in the original model. So even Lego wants to forget about that poor design decision. You can see it at the end of this instagram video: I wonder if they will include the rest of the ghostbusters in the packs (All the ninjago ninjas are represented). Else people will buy at last four of Peter Venkman so to update the original set.
  13. I too don't own any supported console and have a computer connected to the TV for family gaming. I don't see any downside for a PC version to be released. There is no point pirating the game since it requires the portal hardware and an internet connection. The portal connects via USB for all versions, so no new version needs to be made. Besides, most of the money will be made off the platform-agnostic add-on packs so an extra platform will only bring in more money, especially from the AFOLs that primarily just use computers.
  14. I think that is the first version of the project on Lego Ideas, which didn't get approved. The team redesigned and submitted another portal set: The GLADOS in the trailer doesn't look minifigure scale, so I bet the in-game version will be different. It is common for the team/company that creates the commercial/trailer to be different from the one actually making the game.
  15. It's likely because black for that part is rather rare. According to bricklink, the only time it was in black was for the UK-only 2012 Olympics Judo minifigure. http://www.bricklink...sp?P=87990&in=M The chosen color is dark brown: I guess time to put the black version on my bricklink wanted list. For reference: I wonder if the fun pack will also come with an orange tip for the portal gun (yes, that piece comes in trans-orange). UPDATE: it looks like Chell in Portal 1 had black hair and in Portal 2, they lightened it a tiny bit to be very dark brown. And some casting sites lists Alesia Glidewell's hair color as brown. Oh gawd, is this turning into one of those "color of that dress" discussions?
  16. Is that Alésia Glidewell, the motion-capture actress they used in Portal and Portal 2?
  17. If the game comes levels to all known themes, then each level must have something to entice you to buy the related fun pack. If previous lego star wars games are an indicator, then there will be doors to areas that are only unlockable if you have the correct character. So in the portal level, I bet there are areas that are only reachable if you have Chell. Normally you would unlock characters if you play well or enough. But now you just have to take our your wallet. :) This is pretty smart of TT/Warner/Lego. They give everyone a "free" taste of a level and but if you want more, you have to buy the related character pack. Pretty subtle form of product-placement. I think as we get into late 2016, there will be newer themes and levels that are not part of the original game. Then they will need something to get you to buy or download a Dimensions 2.0 expansion. If Lego is smart, they should retroactively patch the original levels to support newer characters and give players a reason to replay the old levels.
  18. You should try both Brickficiency or Brickwizard. Brickficiency is very polished, has many useful options. Brickwizard is a pretty bare-bone almost alpha-looking app, but runs so much faster (having an answer today vs next morning). I sort of use both. I use Brickficiency to download a wanted list from bricklink and save it as a bsx file (save me the trouble of messing around with brick forge). Then I use the bsx file in Brickwizard. If you are in the USA, Brickwizard 13b is good to try since that version will only show results from within the USA. Later versions, unless it's fixed, limits you to choose stores by region and choosing north america will also give you results from Canada, which may not be what you want. It has been a while since I needed these apps so it's possible they are working better or worse than before. The rate of new releases for both apps has slow considerably, most likely due to the authors not having enough time to work on it. Brickficiency has a good amount of features so it may be close to feature complete. Brickwizard still lacks many features so the slow down in development would affect that app more. Before these two apps came out, I had used some mathlab scripts that someone posted about on brickset. Now that was difficult to use, but still like a beam from heaven compared to the hell of manually doing it.
  19. I don't think this game is meant to have anything like online multiplayer co-op. The Internet connection is to simply download the new content associated with the add-ons. If there was no Internet requirement, then all the characters and levels from the add-ons would already be on the original disk. That means you would be buying the add-on to unlock content that is already on the disk you bought, which is a practice that consumers don't like. Imagine buying the Doctor Who add-on six to nine months from now and realizing the game content for that was already created months before the game came out.
  20. As seen from the side-shot of all console versions of the game, the portal device is the same. A super close-up of the PS4 version shows that the portal has a long usb cable. http://www.wired.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/StarterPack_Americas_PS4.jpg So this won't be wireless like some versions of other similar products. I wonder what would happen if I connect this to a PC. Hopefully, the portal hardware is exactly the same for all versions and you can use the same one for different consoles, but that only makes sense if they sell the game itself separately.
  21. This video is from yesterday. I thought the title was pretty misleading: In-Depth w/ LEGO Dimensions Gameplay & Secrets I felt that the the discussion on gameplay was close to zero-depth. But I'm guessing it's like all the TT games from the past years so no point in talking about running around a linear level collecting bricks. One frustrating thing with most TT games is that in trying to make the game work internationally (or to save money), there is usually no dialog or on-screen instructions. That meant a lot of wandering around and trial and error, which leads to the kids crying for daddy to search gamefaqs. :) Please let the characters talk in this game and have someone assign you on missions. But the video did have some interesting discussions on rebuilding the portal or moving the figures physically around to solve puzzles. I don't know... I hope the physical aspect is actually meaningful gameplay and not just mindless busy work.
  22. Since there are three characters in the starter pack, I was hoping that TT will finally create a three-player co-op game (my two kids always wants me to play with them). But the game description seems to indicate it's still only 2 player. The portal is suppose to support up to 7 add-ons at once, but I guess that means only two characters and then five vehicles/gadgets.
  23. Hunting and digging around may be fun at first, but it gets old. Like trying to id Collectible Minifigures by touch. Did that for a few series but I got tired standing around in the the toy section for hours being pervy with the bags and now I just buy a complete set from bricklink. Current approach: Take out only the required numbered bags for the current instructions. For those bags, roughly decide which bags contain big, medium, and small pieces. It's common for a 'big' bag to contain a smaller bag of small pieces so put those small bags with the other small bags. Empty the bag contents into three trays for big, medium, and small. Just go with the sorting defined by the bags and don't bother sorting again by size. It's not really worth the time. I may put aside large plates so they don't cover over pieces. The trays should be big so pieces don't need to be stacked on top of each other and reduce the need to shuffle pieces around. The trays should also be shallow so you can still see all the content while sitting and not have to hunch over it. To find a piece, just narrow down to which tray by the size of the piece and then search that tray. I like keeping the number of trays to only three so I only have to scan three places. If you have many piles, then you waste a lot of time scanning many piles. Some people may prefer to find all the pieces first for each instruction step. I usually just eyeball what new pieces are in the current step and some instructions even draw an outline around those new pieces. In the end of the build, I look at the leftover extra pieces and if every piece is unique, then it's likely I did not miss a step. As trays begin to empty, I would combine the content with another tray to further reduce the number of trays I need to scan.
  24. The design closely matches that of the original idea, but that is not always a good thing (see Back to the Future set). I think if they simply tiled over the exposed studs on the floor, the set would look much better and more display-worthy. Even the large Simpson's House manages to tile all its floors. But the original had exposed studs on the floor and that is the design we voted for. If I get this set, that would be my first mod. Or perhaps move them into an empty floor in one of my modulars. The standouts are the minifigures. My only regret is that the females torsos have exposed skin, which makes it harder to re-use them. There aren't that many licensed elements in the set, other than the flash shirt and maybe the green lantern. I suspect the high cost is from having to license the likeness of each actor represented. And the trouble with stickers, if they have to print at least one, they might as well print enough to fill the whole sheet...
  25. New video confirms that every vehicle/gadget has three builds: I hope the instructions are printed and not digital-only as shown in the video. Since I don't have a supported console, I won't be able to view digital-only instructions... well at least not until someone here eventually uploads the instructions. :)
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