Everything posted by LEGOman273
Heroica RPG - Quest #36: The Voracious Vault
*I look in the crate, barrel, and smaller barrels. I look at the stone head-things (rocks?). I look in all of the doors/alcoves*
Heroica RPG General Discussion
Checking now before I am nerfed.
Heroica RPG General Discussion
A question about Level: In Quest #24, I recieved Levels even when I had been KO'ed. In Quest #37, I did not recieve a Level when KO'ed. I checked the rules, and according to them, Endgame (QM of #37) is right. Was this different in the past? What can be done about this (i.e. must I lose Levels)? Additionally, Random Question of the Time-Period: How do you/do you organize your inventories? I put in Weapons in decreasing order of WP, then tools, then more common items (Potions, Venoms), then less common items (Mead, Smelling Salts), then Bombs.
Heroica RPG - Quest #36: The Voracious Vault
"The Smoke Bomb goes to Erik and, per Pretzel's comment on loot, I take the smelling salts." *We procede through the hall*
MOC: LEGO Colosseum
Wow! This is brilliant! Great work.
Heroica RPG - Quest #36: The Voracious Vault
"What can you tell us of the Death Progg, and the Progg infestation? Pretzel, Heal me." "What can you tell us of the Death Progg, and the Progg infestation? Pretzel, Heal me."
Heroica RPG - Quest #36: The Voracious Vault
Battle Order and Actions: 1. Mizuki: Progg from Back Row 2. Erik: Progg from Back Row 3. Pretzel: Progg from Back Row
Heroica RPG - Quest #36: The Voracious Vault
Battle Order and Actions: 1. Mizuki: Progg from Front Row 2. Erik: Progg from Front Row 3. Pretzel: Heal Daxus 4. Daxus: Progg from Front Row
- Heroica Theatre
What do you do when the box art and instructions differ?
Which pieces are those?
Heroica RPG - Quest #36: The Voracious Vault
Battle Order and Actions: 1. Daxus: Progg from Front Row 2. Mizuki: Progg from Front Row 3. Erik: Progg from Back Row 4. Pretzel: Heal Erik OOC Note: Pretzel said that Daxus would be first in line for loot, so I put him in first. OOC: I am hurrying because I am enjoying myself.
What do you do when the box art and instructions differ?
Huh? Of what? I personally will do whichever looks better imo. Or I will MOD it if I don't like either.
Heroica RPG - Quest #36: The Voracious Vault
Same Order and Actions:
Heroica RPG - Quest #36: The Voracious Vault
"Sounds good." OOC: Roll this.
Heroica RPG - Quest #36: The Voracious Vault
"Doing that could leave us with two KO'ed. No."
Star Wars
No, he is not dead.
Heroica RPG - Quest #36: The Voracious Vault
"I disagree. You should go next-to-last, as if you recieve a Miracle, you can heal all of us." Battle Order and Actions: 1. Daxus: Progg from Front Row 2. Erik: Sporeshroom A from Back Row 3. Pretzel: Heal Mizuki 4. Mizuki: Sporeshroom A from Front Row "Agree?"
Heroica RPG - Quest #36: The Voracious Vault
OOC: Fine. *I use a Potion* Final Battle Order and Actions: 1. Mizuki: Progg from Front Row 2. Erik: Sporeshroom A from Front Row 3. Pretzel: Sporeshroom C from Back Row 4. Daxus: Potion
Heroica RPG - Quest #36: The Voracious Vault
Battle Order and Actions: 1. Mizuki: Progg from Front Row 2. Erik: Sporeshroom A from Front Row 3. Pretzel: Sporeshroom C from Back Row 4. Daxus: Potion - unless Pretzel rolls a Shield, then Progg from Front Row
Talk to the Star Wars Moderators and Regulators
I was wondering why he stopped posting in Single Pane SW Funnies.
Heroica RPG - Quest #36: The Voracious Vault
- Heroica Theatre
Heroica RPG - Quest #36: The Voracious Vault
OOC: Good thinking; thanks. No reason to change, so: Same Battle Order and Actions
- Heroica Theatre
- Heroica Theatre
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