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Banned Outlaws
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Everything posted by LEGOman273

  1. So. Much. Loot.
  2. I am surprised that Wren doesn't live in Eubric. So much Chaos. . .
  3. "I would have liked the Nostrum, but it's fine. Pretzel, could I trade my Smoke Bomb for one of your Fire Bombs? (I can Flee; you cannot.)" "I open the boxes." "I wonder if these substances will be toxic to the Progg?"
  4. Who runs Eubric? I know the houses do, but they hate eachother and try to undermine eachother. Is there a Mayor or something to make laws/handle administrative work for the city? I really can't see the houses doing that.
  5. OOC: Who do you attack?
  6. OOC: I hate when all of us post at the same time! *Larvel B from the Front Row* OOC: I have no plans to flee.
  7. "If I Flee, Pretzel will be K'Oed not that that would be a bad thing. If we use a Smoke Bomb, he will be revived, we can be healed, and I can apply Venom and drink a Mead. I hate to say this, but Pretzel is on the right track here."
  8. Are Minifigs included, though?
  9. "Good point. Let's do that."
  10. "Back Row for me."
  11. OOC: Erik has 0 base Health?
  12. OOC: FYI, I attacked Larvel Progg A, and Erik attacked Larvel Progg B. "Sounds good."
  13. *I notice the Proggs standing in front of the Party* "Trying to get me killed already, Pretzel?" *I attack Larvel Progg A from the Front Row* "Pretzel, could I buy a Fire Bomb? I will pay you on my first Mug."
  14. OOC: A battle of words, perhaps.
  15. "Will do, though I doubt that those things could harm us directly. I wonder if they have anything to do with the Bomb; they seem sentient. I wish Alisha were here - she could have opened that trunk with her bare hands. *I draw my sword, and look around for traps and Proggs. I look in the corners and on the celing. I poke around with my sword.*
  16. We already have a Droid Gunship (first year of the TCW sets), but the ship on which Hondo arrives (the same model as the Lady Luck would work. We already have a BTL-B Y-Wing. The two other people were Padmé and Rush Clovis.
  17. I have a new Quest idea. It is a short (3-Battle) Quest. As you may or may not know, the Orc population of Eubric has taken to the streets demanding equality. Initially, the relatively small gatherings of Orcs were controllable. Now that Kukulkan's right-hand man, Kulhk, has begun stirring up more violence in the Orcs, and that the movement has gained popularity amongst even non-Orcs, maintaining public safety has become impossible. Once again, the Town Watch calls upon Heroica for assistance. The objective of this Quest is to subdue the rioters, and capture Kulhk. I require a Party of three Heroes close to level 15. The reward is 150 Gold and one level of experiance to each Hero. Signed: Captain Patricia Cousland C&C, please.
  18. LEGO Sheldon! And Penny! In reality, however, "Big Bang" is simply a placeholder for a real theme name. It has happened before, though I do not remember in what thread. Perhaps it is a stand-in for the name of the new polar theme.
  19. "Shall we procede to the vault?"
  20. "I thought that your entire family was dead. I can think of no more questions."
  21. "So obviously somone in your family knew about the Proggs, or else the Holy Bomb would not have been planted."
  22. "Who (aside from you) was the last to have access to the vault?"
  23. Please do.
  24. "That's not what I meant. I was simply asking 'what treasure chests?'."
  25. "Treasure trunks?"
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