Everything posted by LEGOman273
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 Discussion
Thanks. But, do you know how to get past the ads? Also, whenever I click on the episode, it sends me to another ad.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 Discussion
As I will miss A Friend in Need, could someone PM me some episode info (plotline, action, E.T.C.) please? Thanks!
New modular building? 10224 Town Hall
Get it. You can always mod it, and it has great pieces. Also, if you don't get it, you WILL kick yourself in a few years when the price skyrockets and you can't afford it. So get it!
Ideas for New Action Themes
Please STOP! Feeding the troll!
Star Wars
That is what I said.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
The Stormtroopers were used in very much the same way.
Star Wars
She's no worse than filoni. And, don't you think that George gives everyone permission to change things? Also, I said HE would write the script, and she could direct/produce. And, I don't think she wrote that episode.
Kingdoms 2012?
It also stated that AC beat out 4 other concepts that were more developed. This might explain why TLG did not make any more sets. It also means that we might get a new space/sci-fi theme in 2013.
Star Wars
He could write the scripts now, and his daughter, Katie, could take over production if need be.
MOC: Assassination at Golden Dragon Dojo
That's what I was trying to say. Is the red blood, or a floor design? Could you take a pic without minifigs
MOC: Assassination at Golden Dragon Dojo
He turned the entire MOC on its side.
The Future of Ninjago
What you do alone is your business; and noone else's.
The Future of Ninjago
I really don't need to be hearing this. There are some things that you should keep to yourself.
Ninjago 2012
What can I do?
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 Discussion
It was proof of what you said. This conversation has already gotten weird.
The Future of Ninjago
I thought of something else. Your time-and-space travelling ninja idea is plausible. Perhaps (as when 4 ninja combine tornados, they can create), when the 5 ninja combine tornados, they can timetravel. And, as in the first episode when the got their colored robes, when they spin, they get any new gear that they need for that mission. (E.G. spacesuits)
LEGO Collectable Minifgures Series 7 Discussion
No, they will make 13 all badguys!
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 Discussion
What do you mean?
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
Or he could say "I'm no Batman".
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 Discussion
Retconning does not mean that Senetor Tils underwent a sex change.
The Future of Ninjago
Perhaps they could wear the new Space Marine gear.
Very cool MOC! I like both of your Startuning MOCs; is there any chance that you would post these on Cusoo? I would very much like to buy them. (Or somthing like them)
New modular building? 10224 Town Hall
That looks amazing!
The Future of Ninjago
Buying to resell
Because the topic is not specifically SW. If moved, general disscusion of this topic would be allowed. Right now, such disscusion would be off topic.
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