Everything posted by LEGOman273
Buying to resell
Could a mod please move this?
Dear Mr. Ross Mills...
Sorry. Not trying to be bossy. Just thought it would be better in a different forum.
Lego star wars stopmotion
Thank you!
Dear Mr. Ross Mills...
I think this thread should be locked, or at least moved, as it has nothing to do with LEGO now, and has become simply a discussion of weather Anakin is good or evil.
The Future of Ninjago
Please stop trolling. Post in a thread about something you actually like. Please stop!
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 Discussion
According to Filoni, Senetor Tils was ALWAYS female. She was named after a woman who worked at Lucasfilm named Tina Mills. So, no sex change.
Star Wars
Since I don't have an account, I can't access the info. Could someone copy it and post it here? I'm sure that I am not the only one with this problem.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 Discussion
The point is that they were standing on rocks, trees, etc before descending to the ground in that scene. (That they do so in one scene means that doing so in another is likely)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 Discussion
I meant somthing like it.
Lego star wars stopmotion
Thank you!
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 Discussion
Oops. Filoni did say that Vizla will have changed. . . This is why the Mandos come down from the sky.
The Future of Ninjago
We have confirmation that the show will continue into 2013.
The Future of Ninjago
Not-made-in-China better.
The Future of Ninjago
That was from last year.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 Discussion
Makes sense.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 Discussion
I know that others wore it, I just meant that perhaps if groups at the time (other than Death Watch) wore Mando Armor, Ahsoka could have only known that it was DW upon seeing Pre Vizla.
Review: 9566 Samaurai X
I agree. Please join Reviewer's Acadamy.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 Discussion
Are there any other groups that wear that armor?
The Future of Ninjago
Arms too.
- Help with identifying parts/sets!
Review: 9566 Samaurai X
Spoiler! They aren't.
Lego star wars stopmotion
Please stop posting this! It has already been moved to the correct forum. This is just spam. Could a mod please lock this.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 Discussion
Technically, yes, but if he is a Clone he would have had growth acceleration during the cloning process.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I didn't realize that. The scanner I mentioned was Imperial though. (The one in ANH) Compare that to the Clone scanners in the Umbara Arc of TCW. The OT one was much larger than the TCW one was.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
True, but it seems that technology has gone DOWN by the time of the OT. Look at the computor displays, the scanner, etc. This is a consequence of the OT being made in the 70's and 80's. Thanks!
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