Hello again
You won't recognize me :P But hey, it's me. And I'm back. Again Last time I cam back I stayed for like a day, then left...but I'm back now. Again. So hi :)
I am not new at all...
...but I sort of left abruptly. All my images vanished when maj changed to majhost...and I'm too lazy to try and get them back. Anyway, I still pop into InZone now and then, but yeah. Last time I said 'I'm back' I vanished forever.
Arealights NEW Visor
Nice, does it also fit in stormtrooper helmets?
The Eurobricks Advent Calendar 2007!!
Ah, well. It was a nice idea, UB. But I followed Chris Doyle's reviews myself, and I like it how this year he'd tied the advent comic in with RC.
The most exciting star wars comic ever,!
This is my sigfig: He isn't really on either side, and he never knows what's actually going on. He just wanders around, absent-minded, and sometimes pull out a pistol and shoots things, usually to the annoyance of everyone else.
Review: 7620 Indiana Jones - Motorcycle Chase
I completely's so realistic...and yeh without the helmet you can see the forehead detail.
Mr. Bunny part one.
Nice. I lol'd at the tank. If posiible, I'd love to be in this series at some point. My sigfig:
Review: 7620 Indiana Jones - Motorcycle Chase
Wooo! My set came today. It's so awesome...thanks again Hinkiee for the great review. ;-)
What game are we playing at the moment?
Well, no, the Convicts just sorta...crash the party at the beggining. I don't want to give it away though... ;-)
What game are we playing at the moment?
Well I never got the first one so I don't know how it compares, but I would reccomend it. I finished it today, the plot twist near the end is just insane!
What was the last movie you watched?
Saw The Golden Compass on Friday.
alex rider with the Speed Chase kit
A couple of the figs are custom.
What game are we playing at the moment?
Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice (PSP)
There's another one...
Minifig Display Case!
Woo me, I got that fig. :-P Anyway nice case dude ;)
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