LEGO in Croatia (News,Happenings and more)
Here is a topic for all Croatian members.We can talk about shops,prices and everything else about LEGO. When we gather up we can talk in Croatian (Malo mi je dosadilo govoriti cijelo vrijeme na Engleski)
Custom RGS on Bricklink!
Looks great!!! But great things have their price.
Custom Republic Gunships
Thanks everyone!! My favourite is the one with teeth and the black one
Custom Republic Gunships
Some cool custom RGS that I found on brickshelf. Shark teeth!!! Dark!!!
Hailfire & Spider droids pic review (7670)
Great rewiev!! Wish I could buy one.
My take on the Black X-wing
Looks good You done it pretty well
Attack on the Rebel Rum Distillery
Great moc I also especaly like the custom RGS
EU pricing and import from overseas
Legos are to expensive in Europe!! Especaly in Croatia!! Like the Clone battle pack i bought costed me 120 (24USD)!!!! If lego keeps on like this,I maybe even stop buying SW sets.
Help choose a Lego Star Wars 10th annaversiry set (2009)
From SW Battle Front 1. And yes youre right it is going of topic.
Help choose a Lego Star Wars 10th annaversiry set (2009)
I am happy fou like it!! And nice expanding of my idea!! I found the inspiration in Star Wars Battlefront on the Geonosis stage.
Help choose a Lego Star Wars 10th annaversiry set (2009)
Well, my idea would be the battle of Geonosis. It wuold include an techno union ship,smaller version of an AT-TE,Smaller version of the republic gunship,hailfire droid and some clones from EP2 and a lot of droids. It may be to much,but i think this would be great *sweet*
501st Battle pack
It sounds cool-count me in *y*
CONTEST: Build your own Impulse set!
Lots of great entryes!!!! *sweet* I wish I get at least one vote :'-( :'-)
Question about Bestlock
The helmets on the soldiers that mr. Calvin showed were maybe from an another clone brand- KAZI!!! *skull* I saw in one china shop an small military tank with soldiers that had the same helmets with the red star of the brand kazi
CONTEST: Build your own Impulse set!
Here is my entry: The baricade!! The back side The pieces, 26 excluding the minifigure
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