Pikachu started following SKYHOLM- the flying city , [MOC] 75111 Oscar Lightsaber , [MOC] Nibbler and 7 others
[MOC] 75111 Oscar Lightsaber
Hello everyone! It is a Lightsaber contest on Russian Fan Forum of LEGO. While my house is in grand repair and all my bricks and parts are beyond my reach. Suddenly my eyes fell on Darth Vader (75111) standing on my table. I took it in hand, twisted and then it hit me: I can make a great Lightsaber from it! I took it, dismantled, laid parts on the table and was "thought to think"... In General, in a couple hours everything was ready. I twisted-twirled a nameless Lightsaber in my hands. It was excellent. And then I remembered one famous meme! Now I'll show it to You! Oscar! I'll call a Lightsaber Oscar! And then there's the parts left for the stand. Like This. Look! From different angles and sides: Form is very unusual: Top "flat right-left". And on the contrary the bottom "back and forth" The entire body is decorated with intricate "imitation of rough metal": On the back side of Oscar is specific asymmetric control unit: I put it on the stand. He looks like "stepped one leg front": And so is like a rocket at the start: Let's take a closer look: "Oscar's face"! The power button is located in the recess above the thumb. On the reverse side is the wheel controller for the power of the beam. Oscar looks "in hand". And so is on the reverse side: The emitter (which is similar to the famous head statues): The battery part is located in the base of the lower part. By the way, after Assembly there are very few "unused" parts. Let the Pikachu Force be with You! Thank You All, Your Pikachu.
Pikachu changed their profile photo
[MOC] Nibbler
Good day, Everyone! I want to show you my new MOC. I have got three Mixels: Gox (41536), Jinky (41537) & Kamzo (41538) And I decided to make something new from their parts. No more, just Parts from three Sets. One-two-three-four-five, We have got ... a Helicopter! So, I called it Nibbler because of its teeth. Let us see it Common view Side view From above On the side He is looking at You! Wow! This image is made in 1920*1080 (Display size - if you like to make it a desktop wallpaper ;-) Direct Link: Thank you for your attention! Your, Pikachu.
[MOC] Golden Uninoida
Thank you! I write you PM. Thank you! Thanks! Yes, it is! Thanks! Thank you! What is an "Android spider"? The ship is uncommon, yeah) The stand really works! Round windscreen... I like it too!
Review: 40116 "Invasion from Below polybag" (Breez on Mecha)
Let me show you a review of set 40116. Set Name: Invasion from Below polybag Set Number: 40116 Piece count: 22 Figures: 1 Year: 2014 The set is quite rare, but I managed to get one in the one of LEGO brand store. Packaging is a plastic bag. Through the gap on the rear side you can see the contents. Let's look at the details. 22 parts for Mecha & 9 for Breez. Instructions is printed on a double-sided color paper. Assembly is very simple. Three spare parts. One of them - a rare "tablet" with the emblem of Hero Factory. Let's assemble minifigure of Breeze. The Beauty One! Side view. Pay attention to the ledge at the back of armor, and later you will understand what it is for. The backrest. Let's assemble Mecha. First is the chassis. Front view. View from behind. Sideways. The pilot's seat. There is a hole in it for a thorn in the armor. That is how the pilot is fixed in seat. Seat can be assembled to Mecha with the help of a ball socket. Full Mecha complete. Sideways. Behind. Slightly above. Breeze takes its place inside the Mecha! Great view full face. A bit on the side. Complete sideview. Let's test how it works! Swing ... Block! Stand on one leg. Kneel. Levers to the side - it's time to get out. Ooh! It feels so unusual to go on the ground with own feet ;-) With You was a Breez with its new Mini Mecha! Thank you, your Pikachu ... The results of set: Pluses of a set: - Minifigure of Breeze - Not a bad semi-universal Mecha. Minuses of a set: - For polybag - it's just a Fairy Tale !. Summary: Definitely worth to buy for any purpose and age. P.S. And if you get the item 11289 and attach it to the seat - it will be much better! Bonus photos of improved Mecha. Static. Dynamic. And do not forget about the protection of our younger brothers! Bunny approves ;-)
[MOC] Golden Uninoida
The work took nine place at Competition "Battle of the Masters "In cube"" on the in the year 2015. Contest was to made anything no more than 10х10х10 pins. Text is taken from the Contest Work: What do you think when somebody says "Spaceship" ? First you think about X-Wing and The Enterprise. What will happen if we will interbreed them? Let's see! Stand view. Front view. We can see four engines in the edges of wings. ION Cannons are on the sides. They are too complex, that they are not repaired, but changed entirely. Main Engines. All is super-symmetrical. Model fits 10х10 plate, like in conditions of Contest. No more 10 pins in length also. Let's remove stand. By the way, Do you want to see "How it works"? A support extends from its niche. It stands up the working position. And whoa! The model is stable. Let us turn to the alternative mode. It gives more speed but is less maneuverable. The wings take a rounded shape. Only ion cannons appear on the edges of the shell. It is almost a complete circle! And back is quite a beauty. The model has become less and better fit on the stand. And even "tipped over". And the picture at the top for last. Thank you for your attention! Your, Pikachu.
- [MOC] World of Dinosaurs
A new exhibit in the city museum
Good going! Keep it on! ;)
MOC: Macaws
Wonderful Parrots! I like them all!
MOC: House Mouse
Nice cute mouse! Tail is a bit long, I think ;)
[MOC] World of Dinosaurs
The work took second place in the finals at Competition "Jurassic World" (it was the first after the first round) on the in the year 2015. Text is taken from the Contest Work: Dinosaurs lived in ancient times on earth, under water and in the air. Take a look at some of them: General view Let's start with the aquatics: Globalens Floating slowly Ancient cuttlefish Take a look from a height A pair of pterosaurs Mom-pterosaur sits at the top of a huge tree (see the baby?) Dad-pterosaur flies around and is watching the situation Pterosaurs Dad-pterosaur saw a threat! T-Rex is on the loose! He growls! He is terrible! Everyone is afraid of his teeth! Another look at the dinosaurs Once again final view. Thank you for your attention! Your, Pikachu.
[MOC] Micro-Train
This MOC was made for "Wild West Trains" Russian LEGO LUG contest. But I have not enough time to finish it to participate. However, Micro-Train! First look: Train. General view. And another. Station in Western style. Train himself. Tender. When does the coal in the tender, it is possible to saw some firewood))) Passenger car... For the carriage of passengers))) Rode the train across the river... "Our engine is flying forward!" (You know the Russian sequel?) Staged Exhibition option. Thank you for your attention! Your, Pikachu.
Postman (Dirigible)
This MOC took second place on Zeppelin Battle mini-contest on the site in 2013. Contestants were allowed to use paper for the balloon. Text is taken from the Contest Work: "How can dirigible is being used?" - You can ask me. "To deliver the mail!" - I will answer you. We have got many mail & we will deliver it with style! Let's get chains all over & load the mail! Clear windows to look outside: We have a super-power-engine to pull us: We have got TWO! Here are the tail & wings: They are completely independent & can rotate in any direction: (Everybody want to look "What's inside") Front & middle parts are quite simple: Tail: Tail ropes: Nose is "minimalistic": So it look like with paper on it: I Like this picture! It is like "In motion..." Thank you! P.S. Name "Postman" appears when i began to chain all over. Before chains it was like parcel in the post...
SKYHOLM- the flying city
Good MOC! You know "о чём я говорю"
MOC: Excalibur
Thank you! Thanks for commenting it! I cannot tell you the secret of what is inside of the cargo bay. Yeah! Thank you! It it hard to make LEGO-steam, that will look like normal one... I have tried, but the result did not satisfy me. Thank you so much for "big comment"! Passenger seat is "turnable". And the tires were "modified" for better tire traction. Thanks!
MOC: Thomas Watt's Steam Cycle
Wow! I like your style! Maybe you should make both legs closer to bike?
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