2012 Pirates?
Listen to the admiral brotha, besides I can't see anything coming out soon anyway!
PICTORIAL REVIEW: 6279 Skull Island
I bought this set when it was new only to have it destroyed by an over curious cat knoking it of the shelf it was on. Then a few months back I found all my old lego in some boxes as well as the manual and managed to put this set back together, I had forgotten how good this set is and I am glad to see I'm not the only one.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Apparently that whole centre is getting a make over so I would say that's why they are clearing stock, that and barely anyone shops there anymore since chermside opened. Maybe the TRU there will have same sales too, but I doubt it
Pirate Hunting 2
I'm guessing to gain a higher post rating and to bore people!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Ha, I love how they have made a point of enlarging and highlighting the words ONLY $699. Are these guys smoking something, good luck selling it guys
Have you ever bought LEGO in "secret"?
Hey just tell her that u could spend all your money on cars instead, I mean people pump thousands of dollars into some s#$%box to try and make it look good and (fast) and then the thing just breaks down and they have to pump thousands more into it. At least lego increases in value over time
10179 UCS Falcon Pricing
It said that the listing was ended by the seller, maybe it was just a typo
10179 UCS Falcon Pricing
HA, and by the looks of it the box was damaged too
Which is mightier - Black Seas Barracuda OR Brickbeard's Bounty?
Black seas barracuda, one word CLASSIC
Yeah that other one that kid made looks ahhh.. not that good maybe he should add like another 1000 pieces Fair enough, I probably would buy it if it was around 2000 pieces!
Umm wasn't there already a ucs sandcrawler
Concerning the Black Pearl's Unfortunate Rudder
I salvaged my Black skull (skulls eye schooner) the other day to clean 17 years worth of dust off it and find out what I need to get to make it complete again, anyway I completly forgot how much effort went in to the rudder, with it actually being controled by the steering wheel. I'm not too sure about the other ships from that period but the modern ones really leave a lot to be desired (especially the black pearl of course)
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Cheers, I'm in brisbane but I just wasn't sure if they were still available at stores so it's good to know they are out there as they seemed to dissapear as sonn as the 2012 sets came out. Just have to keep searching I guess
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Just wondering has anyone seen the republic frigate from last year for sale still. I have seen some mf's and darth mauls ship but for some reason no frigate.
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
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