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Everything posted by xtremegoogler

  1. xtremegoogler replied to Johnmeel's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    Found this on youtube:
  2. Sorry if this has already been posted, but found this to be a really interesting look at how they create the models for Legoland.
  3. Little Miss Brick has a review of the school:
  4. Artifexcreation has all four new sets on his channel, by the way.
  5. Nice speed build of the hotel on youtube:
  6. Found a video review of the family house:
  7. Google cache of imgur still works. Scroll down a bit to see all the city pics. http://webcache.goog...n&ct=clnk&gl=us
  8. Strange that these pictures are still up here on Eurobricks. Because on a lot of blogs (Brickfan, Lord of the Brick) LEGO "requested" the pics to be removed, or else they will have your entire blog removed.
  9. I have watched this twice now, it's a quite hypnotizing with the morphing effect. Almost a professional video. Maybe the image resolution could be a bit higher, what resolution are the pictures that you took? But really, that's just nitpicking. I think you did an amazing job with limited equipment!
  10. What browser do you use? Try a different browser first, like Chrome, so you can test if this is a software issue or not. If this is a browser related issue, there are a lot of things that can cause this, like outdated plugins (Flash, java, Silverlight), or add ons like an adblocker.
  11. Yes, so Greenpeace is hypocritical. But does that mean it's okay for LEGO to be hypocritical as well? On the one hand, collaborating with WWF (when it's about image) and on the other hand working together with Shell (when it's about money).
  12. Interesting that nobody mentioned the atrocities committed by Shell in Nigeria yet.
  13. xtremegoogler replied to ACPin's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    The app needs to scan that plate to check if you actually bought the overpriced set, I guess....? Saw it on this video, but maybe I misunderstood. http://moevideo.net/...542652d4e5fe895
  14. Are your sure? http://www.a-tembo.n...afe-detail.html Anyway, I bought it for 68 euros yesterday at a local toys hop, after spotting it at Intertoys as well. I stopped buying Lego at Intertoys years ago because of their ridiculous prices.
  15. Brickshow shows the inside of the houses:
  16. I never said you did not have to right to comment on how they run their business, in fact I agree with your criticism. It's just that it does not matter as long as the Friends sets keep selling like they do. I don't think you like the marketing Hasbro does with My little pony, yet you (probably) still buy them, see what I mean? It's really hard to find gender neutral toys. Most people never even think about these issues, that's how accepted it is and that's why gender marketing in toys works.
  17. Pretty interesting article. Other companies do the same with their marketing, Playmobil, Mattel whatever, does that make you sad as well? Ever since Jørgen Vig Knudstorp became CEO in 2001, Lego does not care anymore about education. For instance, Lego used to be against war toys as well, now we have the Star Wars license. Gender separate marketing works great, that's why Lego uses it. At the end of the day, Lego is just another toy company, nothing less, nothing more. They just want to sell as much toys as possible.
  18. Youtube channel Atamaii shows Benny's spaceship at around 2m40s
  19. Timelapse build on a German Lego channel:
  20. I bought it at the local "Intertoys" here, not online. Was surprised to find it there. They also had some small 2014 city sets there. We almost never get new Lego sets early here in Holland.
  21. Thanks for the confirmation! I don't have many helmets, so I did not know that. With the brickforge scooter, you can drive around and then stop without it falling over. With the lego one, you can't, you first have to put the kickstand down, or drive with the kickstand against the ground. It's true that in real life bikes need kickstands, but in real life you can put your legs on the ground, something a minfig can't do.
  22. Okay, Flickr seems to be working okay again, on we go. A challenger appears on a different brand of scooter: Mia puts on her helmet, her freind puts on her hairpiece and they admire each others scooters. As you can see, the brickforge one only has one stud at the back ans so is slightly shorter. It also has a handle bar that's more suitable for minifigs. taking a ride on each others bikes. It looks a bit awkward, putting a regular minifig on this scooter with the Friends handlebar (part 98397), so might wanna swap it with part 30031. I think that is the handlebbar that was used with the scooter of the parisian restaurant modular. I must have that piece here somewhere, but could not find it in time, so I cannot confirm if it works. Hitching a ride on the back of the scooter, something Mia will never be able to do, well maybe standing up. And finally, the spare parts. Okay, so what do I like about this set? + printed cookies, printed lemonade sign + flower pot + the color of the scooter (not pink) + the helmet looks nice and you can use it on a regular minifig + you get a lot for such a small set Things I did not like so much: - scooter cannot stand on its own, this in contrast to the brickforge one. - the Mia minidoll is really overused now - Mia cannot sit on the back of the scooter - you have to swap out the handlebar to make it more minfig compatible. Final rating: 8/10. I don't know about the helmet, it looks new to me, maybe someone else knows. Yeah, I don't like the minidolls either, seeing how limited they are, but maybe let's not start that discussion again. I knew wat to expect when I bought the set.
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