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Everything posted by xtremegoogler

  1. The Hobbit game now on the shelves: http://www.brickset.com/news/article/?ID=4297#comments User ericjohn describes the memory mechanic and complains abouth the wonkiness of the board in the comments.
  2. I don't really understand how this Scott Anderson guy thought he would get away with this. Brickfair is so huge, people would certainly notice this blatant plagiarism.
  3. Except that one did not "win" such a price, it was a reward that one could collect when capturing or killing someone. So yeah, a really lazy typo.
  4. photo of the parts list, by Jason Daubert.
  5. Yeah saw that one on Brickshop as well for the same price (15 euros) as the Business Card Holder, so 60 dollars is an extreme rip off. It's already available there.
  6. Dutch webshop Brickshop already lists it, says it contains two minifigs. Bricklink already has the inventory (pending approval): Catalog Gear 850425 Some internet-related tiles, as well.
  7. Just saw this at http://www.brickset.com/detail/?Set=850425-1 Anyone else thinks this set is really cool? Think I'm gonna grab a couple when this is out (no release date yet), just like with the calendar, for the printed pieces.
  8. You could try, since the instructions are already online. I hope you're aware that you can't fit two minifigs next to each other in the van. That's one advantage the Friends dolls have over regular minifigs.
  9. Pirate Plank (3848) lets you build the dice as well. On a side note, I really dislike the Lego dice, it's great that it's customisable but it's too bouncy.
  10. The lime green on that car looks hideous and the big decals don't help either. Of course, for £1.99 it's a steal, I would have bought it as well and then try to sell it for £20-25, since you said the box was damaged. Just my two cents.
  11. I bought this set in May and mine did not come with the five replacement archs. It's not that big of a deal, because the white windows do fit, just not as good as they should. I contacted lego customer service just the same.
  12. Apparently, Lego can't produce enough of the Friends sets to satisfy the demand. Cited from the August issue of Toynews:
  13. Did you use the mediafire link? Sometimes a filehost can be slow due to heavy traffic. If you look on the upper right side, below "current issue", there is a uploaded link as well, and a filefactory one. Filefactory never works for me, by the way.
  14. I read both Brickjournal and Hispabrick. I think Hispabrick has become the better one of the two, more to read and learn. No advertising and best of all, it's free.
  15. Artifexcreation just posted this amazing, amazing stop motion build:
  16. Yahoo! has come up with a stop-motion lego version of the Wire, which manages to compress the entire series into four minutes. I don't know how to embed yahoo videos, so here is the link. It helps a lot if you've seen The Wire, but the animation is great nonetheless. The Wire (warning for profanity and excessive minifig violence) Edit: someone already reposted it in lower quality on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCtIsnmf9sM
  17. Seems like boring gameplay to me: another memory-style game for kids (almost all kids games have a memory aspect to them). But if all these tiles are printed, I'm gonna buy it anyway.
  18. Found a short clip of all the Olympic minifigs.
  19. As you can see, the SUV has its wheels on the white border tile, so two of these vehicles would not fit. The Indiana Jones vehicle in the background, which is also 6-wide, fits just fine. The SUV fits on the elevator, but just barely, you have to make sure the rearview mirrors don't hit anything. It puts quite a strain on the rope when going up by the way. And speaking of the elevator, I found out that the reason it slips a bit (without a car on it, going down) is not because of the rope, but because of the tires on the back, a little bit too much traction.
  20. Don't worry about it, the comments are part of the review in my opinion. No but two cars would have been sufficient, if you're willing to buy a 100 euro City set for your kid (or for yourself), you probably have a lot more cars lying around.
  21. As promised, two comparison shots with the modulars. The cars rise just above the green grocer. Measurements of the garage: top of the elevator 40 cm, upper deck 30 cm, so with cars on top about 32, 33 cm. I've just read all the comments by the way, thanks again!
  22. Thanks for all the comments! The garage is about 40 centimeters in height. I'll make a picture tomorrow comparing it to a modular.
  23. Part 4: Cars and minifigs I decided to built the boring looking cars first, so here is the contents of bag 02: Finished build: I only took one picture of these two cars, they are, as expected, uninteresting. The yellow car has no redeeming qualities, the wrecking car is okay I guess, but I have no use for more standard looking cars in my city. One last bag to go! The blue car is almost the same as the yellow, but at least it has a grey roof and the back is a bit different. Meh. The van is the only great looking car of the four, it will have a permanent place in my city. Woman in back, man in front is just a coincidence by the way. City Garage is finished, tadaa: I did not forget to photograph the spare parts: Minifigs front: I really like the orange sweater torso, don't know if new, but new to me. All have back printing, except... except the Hey!-man, he did not get out of the mould unharmed, looks like a factory error to me. Luckily it isn't the orange sweater guy. Okay, so that concludes my review. Almost, because I still have to give my two cents. This thing is big! So unless you have a lot of modular buildings, it will be the highest structure in your city. Cause that is what it is, a structure, it reminds me more of a Technic set than a City set. The new supports also make it difficult to expand this garage, unless you buy two or more. It is not very realistic, the elevator would not be safe in real life and when you're parked on the left top deck, your car can't leave when someone is parked next to you. Unless it is moved by The Hand, of course... That said, still an essential purchase if you're a City collector (like me). I did not care for three of the four cars provided, the cars could have been made more interesting or left out altogether. Simple build with all the big elements, but you gotta have some physical strenght for this building as well I guess. Final rating : 85%
  24. Part 3: roof and elevator bags 7&8 Contents of bag 07: You have to built this roof part twice: Finished the roof! Elevator shaft: Contents of bag 08: The elevator itself: You have to slide it on at the top, i put that grey technic piece there for taking the picture: Rope mechanism: The finished product: Now that the garage is finished, what's left to review is the cars and the minifgs. The elevator works fine, except when not loaded with a car and going downstairs, it often slips a bit at the end, maybe because of the knot, I don't know why. It does not really bother me that much.
  25. Part 2: the first floor bags 5&6 Contents of bag 5: I guess he's not a security man after all, computer screen is printed btw. Three decals are used for this sign, it is used for structural integrity and to cover up those ugly holes... Contents of bag 06: Four tires and an oil can: and three decals for the sign on the right as well. You have to make sure to align the 'P' decal with the other two. Brick built Octan support in the middle: And that concludes part two, I'll be back with part three shortly (bags 7&8).
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