Everything posted by Seaber
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Got to admit I've gone off Harry Potter lately, mostly because of the increasing unpleasantness of the creator, but also as the sheer amount of sets is getting a bit exhausting. I think the quality is pretty high though so that's good. I'm really liking what I'm seeing in the list for sets next year though, great to see Marge as a new minifig! And the huge tower is sure to have more new characters and variants. Aside from I think 2023 we have had a winter or Christmas themed set (excluding advent calenders) every year since 2019, so I hope there is another one for 2025, maybe another Yule Ball one.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Glad that there seems to be no figure in the shops set, I like it but don't feel bad for skipping it. Narcissa brings the unmade figures list down further. PS (7+2): Alicia Spinnet, Tom, Dedalus Diggle, Doris Crockford, King's Cross Guard, Bloody Baron, Augusta Longbottom, (Firenze, Unicorn) CoS (8): Millicent Bulstrode, Mr Mason, Mrs Mason, Ernie MacMillain, Penelope Clearwater, Mr granger, Mrs granger, Knockturn Alley witch PoA (2): Aunt Marge, Housekeeping Witch GoF (4): Roger Davies, Amos Diggory, Frank Brice, Eloise Midgen OotP(6): Mrs Figg, Zacharias Smith, Madam Bones, John Dawlish, Antonin Dolohov, Prof Grubbly-Plank HBP (6+1): Amycus Carrow, Alecto Carrow, Thorfinn Rowle, Katie Bell, Cormac McLaggen, Marcus Belby, (Inferi) DH (8+1): Charity Burbage, Mundungus Fletcher, Elphius Doge, Rufus Scrimgeour, Xenophilius Lovegood, Aunt Muriel, Bathilda Bagshot, Dirk Cresswell, (Giants) I guess we could get new students in the Duelling Club, Charms, and Flying Class, probably unlikely though. Aunt Marge in the Knight Bus may be an outside chance too?
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
This is great! My guess is it will be Bag End and the Party Tree with Gandalf's Horse and cart and maybe some more Hobbit Holes, but not the mill, pub, or bridge. For figures: FotR Bilbo from his party with proper hobbit hair in grey. Gandalf with hat/hair combo (probably not a new molded staff though?) The four main Hobbits, hopefully wihh new outfits (although the reuse of Rivendell torsos in Barad-Dur for Frodo and Sam doesn't bode well) Rosie Cotton. Some party guests, perhaps recognisable named Hobbits, perhaps just background ones. I think the hobbit house doors will now be smaller dishes than in the 2012 set too.
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
I've not been keeping up with the LOTR thread unfortunately, but could anyone let me know if the unnamed orcs in Barad-Dur have been discussed? Do we know what kinds of orc the olive green or medium nougat varieties represent? In the original sets, dark tan was a mordor orc, medium nougat a gundabad orc and olive green for the moria orcs.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Yeah, that's right, the kitchens are in the lower level windows as far as we know. Also the Great Hall is the nine windows on the left hand side - the large window shows where the Entrance Hall is.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Doesn't bother me The blurry outline we got with the most detailed claim only shower the parts of the castle features in the UCS Hogwarts set. I hope we're getting other key parts in this series though.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
The point is to move modules in and out though, so there will be sets released that are just modules and quite possibly sets with some empty space to attach them, it's how the system is supposed to work. If there are more modules than spaces for them to go, better than too many spaces and not enough modules
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
There will probably be future parts either the potions or Hufflepuff module can be put under. Both the bathroom and common room do open up when removed, but they don't have a front wall to block off the view I suppose.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Extra images show a close up of the decorated ingredients jars in the potions set which is nice, and that the Pepperpot building swings open with a brrom inside and has a hidden door in the dungeons for Quirrell to escape... no photo of the courtyard interior still so I'm guessing it's very dull 😁
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Aside from the Triwizars Arrival, all official images are on the Lego store if you want extra/hq images and hadn't seen them yet :)
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Great, just checked and you're right, another name ticked off! Glad he came in a new colour too 😁
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Well, with confirmation of the minifigs, here is the updated list of who we still need: PS (7+3): Alicia Spinnet, Tom, Dedalus Diggle, Doris Crockford, King's Cross Guard, Bloody Baron, Augusta Longbottom, (Firenze, Trevor, Unicorn) CoS (8+1): Millicent Bulstrode, Mr Mason, Mrs Mason, Ernie MacMillain, Penelope Clearwater, Mr granger, Mrs granger, Knockturn Alley witch, (Errol) PoA (2): Aunt Marge, Housekeeping Witch GoF (4): Roger Davies, Amos Diggory, Frank Bruce, Eloise Midgen OotP(6): Mrs Figg, Zacharias Smith, Madam Bones, John Dawlish, Antonin Dolohov, Prof Grubbly-Plank HBP (7+1): Narcissa Malfoy, Amycus Carrow, Alecto Carrow, Thorfinn Rowle, Katie Bell, Cormac McLaggen, Marcus Belby, (Inferi) DH (9+1): Charity Burbage, Bill Weasley, Mundungus Fletcher, Elphius Doge, Rufus Scrimgeour, Xenophilius Lovegood, Aunt Muriel, Bathilda Bagshot, Dirk Cresswell, (Giants) Aside from Hogwarts, not many locations are needed to tick a lot of these off - Leaky Cauldron, King's Cross, Privet Drive, Malfoy Manor, Burrow Wedding Tent, and Knockturn Alley would provide an opportunity for over 20 of these alone!
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Love the Durmstrang Ship, bit of a shame there Maxime is the same variant as before, just with legs rather than a dress piece this time. Karkaroff looks great, but I don't remember that hairpiece. And great to confirm we get Crouch! Another name ticked off the list. I really like Ollivanders and Malkins, it's an improvement over the WWW set and hope to see more of these in future years. I like the extra shots of Hogwarts, I think it's only the courtyard interior we haven't seen now? I understand what people are saying about the inaccuracy if the Boathouse Steps but not sure how they could have been done better in this system/sclae/pricepoint/recommended age. Potions is absolutely wonderful, let's hope we see more classes like this - Charms with the panelled walls and blocks of desks and a new feather, transfiguration with cages and a half rat half goblet, any of the DADA lessons... or a Herbology set with a proper greenhouse!
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Or dark bluish grey - Nick, Friar, Myrtle and the Grey Lady all have some light and dark gluish grey on them so if the worst comes to the worst there are two colours to pick from. Right now I quite like Unkar's Thug for the silver stains, most of the torso is covered up by the hair, but I also quite like either the dark or light bluish grey pirate clothes from the Silent Mary set back in 2017. Having said that, I hope for an official BB one day!
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Disappointed we haven't got the Bloody Baron, however as we have a great Fat Friar figure in the GH, I'm sure a BB one will appear in a future set. The caroller looks great! Although the four new house torsos are nice, not sure why they had to include the house badge... I wish they never made another appearance after the Hogwarts Moments sets, unless it is to give us a Hufflepuff one to complete the set! The four printed house badges are my personal highlight I must admit. Is the Flitwick torso a new design over the previous PS Flitwick?
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
There's a new image if Buckbeak out I think - it has the crow and pumpkins included.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I don't think Daphne and Terry are the best choices of character to include here, but any new minifigs is an absolute win. In terms of students, just Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, Cormac McLaggen, Eloise Midgen, Millicent Bulstrode, Marcus Belby, Penelope Clearwater, Ernie MacMillain, Roger Davies and Zacarias Smith to go!
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Yeah, Leanne, Terry and Daphne. Great! Also, the hall looks magnificent from outside.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Where are you seeing that? 🙂
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Aragog looks good... I think the cats out of the bag now, Lego, may as well reveal the full wave tomorrow 😁
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Just something about the Great Hall to draw people's attention to, I think on the closed side of the building (as in the side we have not seen so far) there will be the stairs to the Boathouse by the courtyard and next to the Great Hall itself will be the Pepperpot building - I think that's the shape you can see through the windows. There is also the balcony round the outside which is nice to finally get in a set. Still not sure about the price but from the limited views we have so far it is the best looking imo.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I think the Harry in Ollivanders set has the taped up glasses 🥹
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I was thinking Leanne is possible for the Hufflepuff girl, dispute the fact she doesn't appear until much later - in the same thought process Marcus Belby for the Ravenclaw lad. Although the sets seem to be base mainly on PS, Penelope Clearwater, Millicent Bulstrode and Ernie MacMillan (all from COS) would give the same ratio of boys/girls and also one each of the other houses, and be mostly appropriate for the shorter legs. Eagerly awaiting confirmation of their identities - if any!
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I think the one by the courtyard will be for the viaduct, the middle two for the grand staircase tower, the last one... I'm not sure!
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Fat Friar, Vector CONFIRMED!! Now the three students, male Ravenclaw and female Hufflepuff and female Slutherin, are they real characters?
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