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Everything posted by Seaber

  1. http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2012/01/10/52607-behold-the-lotr-aragorn-lego-poster/ Aragorn poster :) Edit: Yikes, beaten to it by seconds :D
  2. I guess it's possible they'll slip Bilbo or Thorin in, like they did with Jack Sparrow as a sort of 'trailer'. It'd be great to see some sets, but isn't February a bit early to show scenes from a film coming out in December (from the film makers point of view) ?
  3. I don't think the current Lego hood looks a million miles away from the Nazgul's hood. Eight hooded Nazgul and the Witch King with his helmet on would suit me :D
  4. You'd also get more Nazgul. Weathertop is all well and good, but I doubt many people will get all nine ringwraiths by buying multiple of that set. But I agree that Arwen should appear in a rivendell set, should there be one. Elrond, Old Bilbo and Arwen should could all debut here. I hope they save Galadriel and Celeborn for a Lorien set to be honest. Mirror of Galadriel could be a set along the same lines as Gandalf Arrives for a start, but I guess as long as they pop up somewhere, rivendell isn't an entirely silly place to do it :D
  5. I was going to write a list of hopeful LOTR sets, but it turned into one idea for a large set and a sort of minifigure checklist :D The ones in bold are coming out in the first wave. Could someone confirm if Merry and Pippin have made an appearance in the prelims? Definite Minifigures (Due to importance to plot, etc) and some to have more than one appearance: Frodo (Coat design and Dishevelled design) Sam (Coat design and Dishevelled design) Merry (Coat design and Rohan armour design) Pippin (Coat design and Gondor armour design) Aragorn (Ranger design and King Design) Gandalf (Gandalf the Grey design and Gandalf the White design) Eowyn (Shild Maiden design and Armour design) Theoden (Robe design and Armour design) Legolas Gimli Eomer Arwen Galadriel Denethor Saruman Grima Wormtongue Lurtz Also, these characters should appear, although their secondary designs would be a bonus: Bilbo (FOTR design and ROTK design) Boromir (Standard design and Armour design) Faramir (Ranger design and Armour design) Elrond (Robe design and Armour design) These characters would require new moulds (And Sauron would have to be taller than regular figures): Sauron The Witch King Gollum Gothmog These characters could appear, depending on the sets Lego produces: Rosie Cotton Barliman Butterbur Celeborn Haldir Hama Gamling These creatures should appear: Treebeard and Ents Gwailhir Eagles Shelob Fell Beasts Watcher in the Water Cave Trolls Mountain Trolls Balrog Mumakil Wargs Armies that should appear: Rohirrim Rohan Soldiers Gondorian Soldiers (Citadel Guards and Guards of the Fountain Court if I was being greedy :D) Lorien Elves Orcs Goblins Uruk-hai Easterlings Haradrim Corsairs Wild Men The Other Eight Nazgul The King of the Dead and the Army of the Dead would be good. As see-through minifigures are impossible, is it possible to make minifigures entirely out of glow in the dark plastic? Perhaps that list is a little too hopeful, but I don't think any of those characters are unreasonable, all being main or supporting characters in the film series. Anyway, the set I was thinking of was the Shire. It would be like Diagon Alley, in that it has three main buildings with accessories, as well as a large amount of minifigures. However, as the Shire is Hobbie-sized, it would be a smaller set in terms of piece count and price. The main buildings of the Shire focussed on in the movies are Bag End and the Green Dragon, the pub. The third building would be the Mill, as it is one of the few buildings in the Shire )I think the only other one that springs to mind is the Green Dragon that is not build as a hole in the ground. It's a water mill, that could fit any number of play features as well as compliment one of the smaller accessories, the bridge. http://www.one-ring.co.uk/kb/000008.jpg I think that would look rather wonderful in brick form :D The other accessories would be Bag End's Gate (No admittance except on party business), a tree and a party tent with food, drink and a bench. A few animals (I remember pigs and chickens from the movie) would also be included. The Green Dragon would have a bar, tables and beer barrels, and Bag end would have a writing desk with the Red Book, a fireplace, a chest, a kitchen and a dining room. The minifigures included would be: Gandalf the Grey, Frodo (Coat design), Bilbo, Sam, Rosie Cotton, Gaffer, Ted Sandyman and two other Hobbits. These could be Merry and Pippin, or two random Hobbits (I think I'd prefer at least one more female Hobbit, or a Hobbit child)
  6. Seaber replied to Elander's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    I really like the scale to be honest :) It is similar to the scale Lego do things in, and you've made a good job of it! Hopefully Lego will give us a black gate with a few beautiful Easterling helmets/shields/pikes :) Mouth of Sauron is great too :D
  7. I quite like the Witch King, it's very simple and looks a little too cheerful to be a fallen king, but I doubt I could make a better one with official parts :) Frodo is impressive!
  8. I'm thinking all nine members of the fellowship, as well as Theoden and possibly Eomer would be shoe-ins. Eowyn, Haldir and Saruman would be possible as well so far. I'm hoping for better legs for the hobbits and dwarves. Five of the main LOTR characters are short, and fourteen of The Hobbit characters are, so better legs would be good, although I'm not sure if that's possible. Hopefully further down the line we'll get a new Gollum mould and a way to make the ents.
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