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Everything posted by Seaber

  1. How about four Death Eater figures in a Death Eater Chest? Comes with many different styles of hood
  2. Spell casting wands are duel molded.
  3. With Lee Jordan off the list, we have an updated list of needed characters... PS (9): Alicia Spinnet, Tom, Dedalus Diggle, Doris Crockford, King's Cross Guard, Prof Vector, Bloody Baron, Fat Friar, Augusta Longbottom CoS (5): Millicent Bulstrode, Mr and Mrs Mason, Ernie MacMillain, Penelope Clearwater PoA (1): Aunt Marge GoF (6): Roger Davies, Barry Crouch sr, Prof Karkaroff, Amos Diggory, Frank Bruce, Eloise Midgen OotP(6): Mrs Figg, Zacharias Smith, Madam Bones, John Dawlish, Antonin Dolohov, Prof Grubbly-Plank HBP (8): Narcissa Malfoy, Amycus Carrow, Alecto Carrow, Thorfinn Rowle, Leanne, Katie Bell, Cormac McLaggen, Marcus Belby DH (9): Charity Burbage, Bill Weasley, Mundungus Fletcher, Elphius Doge, Rufus Scrimgeour, Xenophilius Lovegood, Aunt Muriel, Bathilda Bagshot, Dirk Cresswell With the Micro Hogwarts set I don't think there are any new figures coming, but with Gringotts there are some figures which are possible, but not a huge chance of new characters. I'm sure we'll get a repeat of PS Harry and Hagrid, a DH Harry, a new Ron is disguise, an updated Bellatrix and GOBLINS. I guess it depends if any other shops are included, but the Leaky Cauldron crowd are possible if that building appears. Mundungus Fletcher and Narcissa Malfoy are both seen in Diagon Alley and Bill Weasley works at Gringotts, so would be an appropriate inclusion even if he is never seen.
  4. She was aged up to Harry's year (and Katie Bell aged down)
  5. There has still not been a great version of the Great Hall, and the Grand Staircase Tower included have never been very grand, so I think next year they would be a key place to start. They'd have to be modular to some degree, as you could never have the whole of Hogwarts for sale at one time, but the rough tower design pattern from 2018-20 (perhaps that could open and close at the back rather than being open) and corridors and the connecting structures similar to 2021-23 would work well I think. I'd also love to see Troll in the Dungeon too.
  6. Can anyone tell if Scabior has a red streak printed/painted on his hair piece?
  7. On insta there is a photo of how they all connect together and the shaping is really good. On insta there is a photo of how they all connect together and the shaping is really good. One of the new BTS hairpieces looks to be in the Quidditch Trunk which is good, and I just noticed Ron's corned beef sandwiched in HE
  8. I don't think Romilda is in that scene (or ever wearing that outfit), but could have appeared at Hogwarts or on the Hogwarts Express for HBP, DHI ans DHII sets. Yes, that hairpiece would have been perfect. I really hope it gets a recolour to black so the figure can be updated.
  9. Looking at the Quidditch Trunk box art, it looks like there will be multiple heads and hair pieces included, and as all four figs have adult leg, hopefully they'll all be more grown up than the Hogwarts Turnk faces for variety. It also says there are three training games. One looks like a disk shooter you aim at the three goal hoops, not sure what the other two are.
  10. Something that I think has been overlooked with the ambivalence to these sets is that piece to attach spells to wands looks pretty sturdy if it can hold the avada kedavra/expelliarmja energy pieces. I guess we'll get at least one extra/spare per set, I'm really looking forward to having some spells zooming out of wands. I reckon a Dumbledore vs Voldemort duel would make a great set now with this piece, maybe using one of those ninjago tornado pieces if the end could be attached somehow.
  11. This one? I can sort of see it, but would have to see it on a minifig head as friends hair often looks quite different when on a mini doll. I'll be changing it to the potc hair until something better turns up - the Sirius Black hair is way off.
  12. Hogwarts Express is a much better shape than the 2018 set, but it looks like it is missing side rods... The station and sign post look really good though. It's great to be getting the driver/crew in a cheaper set than the massive HE, and looks like Harry might be holding a coin which is nice (might we get more of these in the Gringotts vault GWP, as well as the D2C Gringotts?). Same Hagrid and Trolley Witch disappointing. If that's Lee Jordan then I'm glad we're finally getting him, but he deserves a better hairpiece than a recoloured Hobbit one. Awaiting confirmation on that. The Quidditch Trunk is basically what was expected which is good, it would have been improved by correct skirt/kama pieces rather than capes and a new Quaffle mold, but otherwise is as expected. Battle of Hogwarts looks good BUT that clock/portcullis piece is a sticker on one of those new arch /window pieces so will look ugly from behind. Scabior also needed the PotC hair piece, not the Sirius Black one, although it looks to be Reddish brown rather than dark brown. Expecto Patronum was always likely to be a bricklink the figures job, like Hedwig, but I think the build looks good. It just isn't for me. Eagerly awaiting Gringotts and anything else we are getting this year, Brickheads aside.
  13. Looking at the D2C now the interior is really bland, I'll be adding details from this set is nothing else.
  14. Not the most exciting character to check off but now we have Romilda Vane I've got an updated character list. I also added the number of characters by film. There is a chance, albeit small, that more figures could be taken off with the impending set reveals. PS (10): Lee Jordan, Alicia Spinnet, Tom, Dedalus Diggle, Doris Crockford, King's Cross Guard, Prof Vector, Bloody Baron, Fat Friar, Augusta Longbottom CoS (5): Millicent Bulstrode, Mr and Mrs Mason, Ernie MacMillain, Penelope Clearwater PoA (1): Aunt Marge GoF (6): Roger Davies, Barry Crouch sr, Prof Karkaroff, Amos Diggory, Frank Bruce, Eloise Midgen OotP (6): Mrs Figg, Zacharias Smith, Madam Bones, John Dawlish, Antonin Dolohov, Prof Grubbly-Plank HBP (8): Narcissa Malfoy, Amycus Carrow, Alecto Carrow, Thorfinn Rowle, Leanne, Katie Bell, Cormac McLaggen, Marcus Belby DH (9): Charity Burbage, Bill Weasley, Mundungus Fletcher, Elphius Doge, Rufus Scrimgeour, Xenophilius Lovegood, Aunt Muriel, Bathilda Bagshot, Dirk Cresswell.
  15. Strange that they included Romilda Vane who wasn't in the WWW scene as far as I recall, but omitted Cormac McLaggen who was. Still, a new character is a new character Another new character, Arnold, is indeed printed on a ball and not a new piece as some thought. A lot of good stuff in this set, although maybe not enough to tempt those that already have DA...
  16. I like Dobby's eyes and may get any stickers/prints for the book cover, but otherwise the big Dobby isn't for me 😁
  17. I think the post office witch is based on the theme park costumes for the post office employees. Fair dos, think the dragon is prominent enough in the movie and my prediction is we will get one in a set and one as a flying sculpture like the Horntail
  18. I don't understand this logic tbh. The theme park is based on what happens in the movie anyway, so what different would it make what Gringotts looks like in the park? I don't think it's a good precedent either. Still not sure who the female fig on the left is but the post office employee looks to be based on the theme park staff. I'm not in favour of non-canon stuff being put into the sets based on the theme park at the expense of canon material. I am okay with Owl Post as many of the parts (Owlery part, shop sign, likely the interior) can be reused for the Hogsmeade branch which actually appears in the films, but if in future they added in a random theme park shop to a Diagon Alley set rather than one that appears in the films I think that would be a huge let down.
  19. So minifigs are Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, Lavender, Post Office Worker and another woman - could it be Verity the WWW employee seen in the background? Although I think it looks great, it's a shame the post office is included as it isn't a part of the films, just the theme park in America. Luckily the sign could be repurposed for the Hogsmeade Owl Post shop. It would have been nice to get Eyelops Owl Emporium instead and keep the owls, but hope for this in the future.
  20. Regarding the cape/no capes discussion... The cloaks are printed on the figures already, so I don't think a cape piece over the top looks right at all. A cloth piece on the legs would look good though, which could then be swished out. The Quidditch jumpers that come in the banner sets would look fine with the capes however. I guess it's up to personal preference, but the lack of cape in the polybag is more accurate.
  21. Star wars is tricky as you have several key ships in different scales/price categories, such as the huge UCS models, standard system scale sets, 4+ kits, Microfighters, mini models... Most common/popular/key sets are the Imperial TIE Fighter (12), OT Millennium Falcon (16) and Rebel X-Wing (17). There are other common sets like the Snowspeeder and Luke's Landspeeder, but these are often smaller, so easier for kids to afford. I think at least one of those key sets has been available in some form for the last 20 odd years.
  22. Trio would be there I imagine, doubt the others would be included - hard to find a pattern with just two cmf series released and it's unlikely we'll get another
  23. Missing characters alone, no. But if you include some new and some variants of existing figures it wouldn't be hard to get to twelve. Three are likely to be the trio anyway, so nine spots isn't too hard to fill. For example - Bloody Baron, Aunt Marge, Firenze, Lee Jordan, Yule Ball Karkaroff, Yule Ball McGonnagall, End of Term Dumbledore, BoH Sprout, BoH Lucius. But I agree that a third CMF series is not that likely, although I'd have rather has a Harry Potter one that some of the less interesting recent series, but that is just me.
  24. So are we expecting the six figures in the Quidditch set to be Harry in Gryffindor Quidditch robes and Malfoy in Slytherin Quidditch robes, then a further Gryffindor and Slytherin set of robes and one set of Hufflepuff and one set of Ravenclaw robes to create our own characters? Bit annoying to get 2x the common torso and 1x the rare ones...
  25. well blow me down. Fang was played by I think six or seven different dogs, so that could explain the size difference!
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