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  1. Some would even say otherworldly...Glad you like it!
  2. Thank you Thorsten, you're welcome! Going through the instructions of the set online helped me a lot in picking the details which I simply had to incorporate somehow. Those roller skates sure are useful. 70%?! Well to be fair most of it is used on the terrain which the real set didn't have. It would be far more proportionate if the terrain was left out.
  3. That would be a minifigure roller skate, part 11253
  4. Thanks Jesse! I'm glad you like it.
  5. Something I made a couple of years ago for a microscale set competition. The toughest part was getting the shape of the "domes" correct. Some bits on these pictures aren't connected (as it was for a competition and I didn't have time/nor was it necessary to make everything properly connected). Recently I had some time to fix these little issues and if you're interested in getting the instructions for this moc feel free to contact me at brickster.creations@gmail.com The moc is now quite sturdy but still not swooshable.
  6. Minifig scale replica of one of the first flying wing aircraft powered by jet engines constructed in 1945. It is modeled after the V3 of the aircraft, the only version of the aircraft that still exists today (on display at the Smithsonian). The MOC features fully retractable landing gear and a dual colour scheme. The biggest challenge was trying to get all the angles and shapes as true to the original as possible because there isn't that much source material out there on the web. The original pilot would have worn a pressure suit but sadly Lego hasn't released one of that kind yet so I used the next best thing I could find. If you're interested in getting the instructions for this moc feel free to contact me at brickster.creations@gmail.com Lego Horten HO 229 by legomanijak, on Flickr Lego Horten HO 229 by legomanijak, on Flickr Lego Horten HO 229 by legomanijak, on Flickr Lego Horten HO 229 by legomanijak, on Flickr Lego Horten HO 229 by legomanijak, on Flickr Lego Horten HO 229 by legomanijak, on Flickr
  7. Thank you for such a detailed explanation. I finally managed to add some logically placed collision boxes.
  8. Yup, that appears to be the issue, thanks! I've added a <Box> element within the <Collision> (setting all attribute values to 0) to a couple of bricks and one time it worked, the other not. Is there perhaps some documentation or at least a thread where the sX, sY, sZ, angle, ax, ay, az, tx, ty, tz attributes for the <Box> element are explained (I'd like to understand the purpose of the values assigned to them)? How do I know how many collision boxes to add? My apologies if this is not the correct thread for these questions.
  9. First of all many thanks to all the amazing people keeping the best Lego digital builder still alive! Having updated the parts in the app I found out that switching to "Building guide mode" would crash the app in case some of the parts from the updates were used in the build. I haven't found any info about it in the topic so my question is: Is this happening to me because I messed up the update process somewhere? And if not, how could I go about fixing the Building guide mode? Edit: Part 36840 is the one that causes the crash (there might be others too)
  10. Thank you! Yes, it's a challenge but it's also the most fun. Thanks a bunch! What a coincidence, hope you managed to recognise it without reading the title Glad you like it! The roof was actually one of the quickest things to make on the entire building and yet apparently it turned out the best Thanks! I first built it in LDD to see how many of which parts I'd need and then later when I got all the pieces together I got to actually putting them together. The angles were the thing that made me decide to recreate this particular building. Glad you like it!
  11. As always, making anything round with Lego takes a bit of time. Glad you like it! Many thanks! Good observations and excellent advice. The round part of the building was certainly my main focus and I clearly forgot to do some things like adding chimneys on the rectangular ones.
  12. A minifig scale replica of the Sremska Mitrovica library. Around 5000 bricks were used to build this MOC. First a picture of the real thing for comparison. Lego minifig scale Gligorije Vozarović library, Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia by legomanijak, on Flickr Lego minifig scale Gligorije Vozarović library, Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia by legomanijak, on Flickr Lego minifig scale Gligorije Vozarović library, Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia by legomanijak, on Flickr Lego minifig scale Gligorije Vozarović library, Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia by legomanijak, on Flickr
  13. Thank you! Much obliged! Now that I think of it the tower itself has a whopping six 1x1 modified bricks with 5 studs in it. Glad you like it!
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