Everything posted by mortesv
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
Get building then! :D Remember to sort the bricks well when they arrive - that can speed up the building process A LOT! :) The current record is 31 hours and those brick were pretty well sorted - by Cjd223 ;) There is this one on ideas - it is a few years old, but it is an excellent looking UCS/play set!
[MOC] 1: 250 Mini UCS Rebel Transport GR-75 [LDD file]
Hmm yeah, that is weird. My first one just snapped in place, the second was a bit more difficult but it finally cilcked after many tries :) Happy building! :)
[MOC] Interdictor-class Heavy Cruiser
Very different to Rasko's and very well done snot! I like the very clean look, which also make the gravity well generator domes stand out. However is there are way to make the domes smother?
[MOC] Mini Millennium Falcon (with instructions)
You are welcome :) Can't wait to see them on your ship. You can also try to put small technic 1/2 pins on the end of the rods for extra detail - LDD would not let me do that. Perhaps it would be a bit too crammed, but you can try it out :) These pins: (,%20Pin%201/2&category=%5BTechnic,%20Pin%5D#T=C)
Star Wars MOC from 1979
That goes to show the quality of the moc :) I would be very interested those mocs with 80's parts you speak of too. You do not by any chance have the name of the moccer? :)
[MOC] 1: 250 Mini UCS Rebel Transport GR-75 [LDD file]
Ah, that gap - I decided that it had little effect on the final model :) However, I see that you have also removed and replaced the 4 x 10 plate that hold the small 1 x 2 slopes. The slopes are meant to keep the angle of the top hull more in place. Without them, the top hull plates are easily moved a bit out of place. Anyway, your transport looks great!
Star Wars MOC from 1979
Thanks for sharing this Ole! This has to be one of the very first SW mocs ever. It is certainly well made - I am a big fan of the flowing brick built capes :)
- Bricklinked UCS Super Star Destroyer Executor (10221)
[MOC] Mini Millennium Falcon (with instructions)
Hi, I made this quad canon for your ship - it might be a little large, but I think the current ones look a little bare. You can always remove the 3L rods if they are too much. Regarding detailing the top back quadrant, I think you could drop the sloped pieces and use layered plates to convey the sloping. I know this will not be as smooth, but I think the added vents and detailing will somewhat hide the jaggedness.
- [MOC] Luke's Landspeeder Microfighter
MOC Shadows of the Empire Swoop
Excellent use of pieces! Have you considered dark red instead of normal red? I know the "tail pipes" might not be available in that colour, but maybe they can be found in brown/reddish brown?
[MOD] 8039 Venator-Class Republic Attack Cruiser
Excellent mod! I was wondering if it is possible to put in some greebling between the top and bottom hulls? I think that would add to the sense of scale of the ship.
[MOC] [LDD] Naboo N-1 Starfighter
Nice N1! How is this sizewise compared to the UCS version of this ship?
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
As promised here are some pictures. Several of the front pods have been elongated with one stud and the nose has been redesigned slightly. It no longer has the weird antenna in front, but a proper cannon looking protrusion. Sorry for the low quality pictures and bad lighting, but my fotographer/girlfriend is finally sleeping with the baby :)
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
Thank you! My posting will be at minimum level for awhile yes :) Super, can't wait to see :) Excellent video Cjd223! Your build looks way more organized than mine :) Btw, the model is 120 cm - which is close to 48 inches - at least with my latests modifications. I saw that some of the engines needed to be a bit longer and I have elongated certain aspects of the front and the "sword", including a proper front canon :) I will post pictures soon. Very tempting, but right now is is my "relax project". I put on a few bricks a day :) Thank you and thank you :) More will come, the corvette I have in my mind (and a bit in ldd) is very pretty ;) I do not really know what you mean by sleep? I have heard it mentioned in legends but I think it must be folklore? ;) Thank you! :) --- Posting a few updated pictures soon! Cheers :)
[MOC] 1: 250 Mini UCS Rebel Transport GR-75 [LDD file]
Great build ecmo! Did you use ldd's instructions feature? It can be a true pain to work with. Instead I just take the model apart and build :) Regarding joining top and bottom, I actually removed some 1x2 bricks with studs since they made it much harder to put together. Since the top is resting on the bottom, 8-10 bricks should be adequate to keep it together. I see you have modded the front a bit and it looks nice :) I have also modded it a bit since I made the ldd ;) Flipping the entire model in ldd is the same as grabbing a single brick. Just select the whole thing, grab it and move it - then the flip options appears and you can flip it using the arrow keys. Quick question - where is that 2x8 gap you mention? Very nice touch with the mirror, it looks excellent! :)
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
What a beautiful book! My work on the ldd is on hold since I have just gotten a little (big) boy! :) The work already done on the ldd looks great, but it is nowhere near finished yet. My boy is just as handsome as his dad. I know, breathtaking! :D
[MOC] 1: 250 Mini UCS Rebel Transport GR-75 [LDD file]
I flipped the entire ldd model on its back and made the bottom hull invisible - easy access :)
- Bricklinked UCS Super Star Destroyer Executor (10221)
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
You are quite right ;)
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
Hehe, I did actually build a ISD in Duplo for my niece when she was one year old. Sadly she crashed it... should have know she was a Rebel in the making ;)
[MOC] Mini Millennium Falcon (with instructions)
Thanks for sharing this! It is a beautiful model and the video is easy to follow :) I was wondering if it is possible to add just a bit more detail to the top and a different solution for the quad cannon maybe? I will see if I can come up with a suggestion :)
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
THREE! Way to go - I have settled for two (that is what I count in the end scene of Empire and I don't have any more space :) ). I have also mixed the second one around a bit :) The shelf is up high, so I will have a few years :) Since it is the first, we could expect it to take week more than the due date - add to this that the doctor just said the due date was set a too bit early - it could be today it could be in two weeks. Girlfriend is getting impatient :)
[MOC] 1: 250 Mini UCS Rebel Transport GR-75 [LDD file]
Thanks for the nice comments guys! If you are building this, please let me know if you have any questions. I have made some minor tweaks - closed a few gaps (thanks to Bob for pointing those out). There is also two "holes" in the model on the ldd. On each side of the spine there is a 1x2 slider that is place "inside" the model. It is there because LDD would not allow me to place it next to the other slides - there is room for them there in real life :) Also the 1x2 tile next to model is meant to be placed in the hole on the spine - again LDD would not let me place it there :) Happy building :)
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
Looks great Cj - congratulations! Please show how it can be swished in the video ;) I like that you that you have it displayed on the "non-hero" side - I seldom see this angle because mine is displayed the other way around (The other side is called "Hero" since that is the one displayed in the movie). Now you can begin making the GR-75 - I have made the second one now :) @ecmo - your Falcon look great, nice work! My kid was supposed to come out last week, but he doesn't want to come out yet - however, that gave the me time to build the extra GR-75 ;) Now I will probably not have the time to build lego for awhile - though I do have a project going on in LDD ... ;)
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